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Card of the Day
Deck Garage
Model Decks

Also visit:

Deck Guru


Welcome to Yu-Gi-Oh! Zero.  This is a small site devoted to the Yu-Gi-Oh!  TCG and possibly the anime, and manga.  The focus will be on skills, deck building, and any thoughts our writers have.  This site is just the beginning, there is much more to come! 

Looking For:
bulletCotD Writers
bulletArticle writers
bulletOpen to deck submissions and CotD suggestions
bulletDrop me an email or IM me at JeSTeR9779

News and Updates

Updated 2/25/03: Dark JeSTeR97 - webmaster
bulletNOTICE:  I'm currently suspending work on this site until this summer when I have more free time.  You may still see some updates, but nothing major.  
bulletI still fix decks.  Send them to and please follow the guidelines for submission.  Thanks
bulletVisit for all your duelist deck needs.
Updated 11/15/02: Dark JeSTeR97 - webmaster
bulletFinally got the new banner up.  Simple yet effective =oD
bulletI reviewed another deck.  Check out the Deck Garage.
bulletSorry for lack of CotDs, I've been really busy lately.
bulletTook out the Feedback page until further notice.
Updated 11/11/02: Dark JeSTeR97 - webmaster
bulletToday, Big Dumb Idiot comes to us with his first article, Pharaoh's Servant Preview.
Updated 11/10/02: Dark JeSTeR97 - webmaster
bulletToday Big Dumb Idiot chimes in on yesterdays Card of the Day, Megamorph.  Late but still good =oD
bulletPosted the newest version of my Beatdown Deck in the Model Decks section.
bulletI'm working on a new article, Deck Building Basics.
Updated 11/9/02: Dark JeSTeR97 - webmaster
bulletMegamorph is the new Card of the Day.  Fuchi and I have a look.
bulletThere is a new site that also helps with Decks, Tips, and Strategies.  Check them out at!
bulletHmmm I seem to have trouble getting gifs to work...
bulletNew logo coming soon!
Updated 11/4/02: Dark JeSTeR97 - webmaster
bullet I changed the name of this site to a more appropriate one.  Unfortunately I don't have a new logo yet.  I should have one up by Friday.
Updated 11/4/02: Dark JeSTeR97 - webmaster
bulletNew CotD posted after a little break.  Big Dumb Idiot and I have a look at one of the best traps from Pharaoh's Servant, Call of the Haunted.
bulletI updated my deck in the Model Decks section.  Now Dark Magician's Dance Party is much better suited with the addition of current sets.
bulletI might actually have time to go to a tourney this Thurs.  It's been so long.  Time to retake the throne!! =oD
Updated 10/30/02: Dark JeSTeR97 - webmaster
bulletNew CotD today with a 2 new writers!  Fuchikoma NJ and Big Dumb Idiot have joined the ranks of CotD writers!  Today we have a look at Red-Moon Baby.
Updated 10/29/02: Dark JeSTeR97 - webmaster
bulletFirst Deck fix is posted in the Deck Garage, done by me.
bulletMake sure you follow the guidelines for deck submission.
Updated 10/24/02: Dark JeSTeR97 - webmaster
bulletFirst Model Deck submission from Fuchikoma NJ.  A solid example of an Exodia deck!  Nice job!
bulletCurrently looking for Deck Mechs and CotD Peeps!  Drop me an email if you're interested!
Updated 10/24/02: Dark JeSTeR97 - webmaster
bulletI've began to convert all the pages so I can work on them at home.
bulletI posted my Beatdown deck in the Model Decks section.  Check out Dark Magician's Dance Party for a solid example of Beatdown.
Updated 10/24/02: Dark JeSTeR97 - webmaster
bulletI've officially segregated this site from any school project material, since this site was originally for a class.  Now I'll update this page and keep a copy to put crap in for school.
bulletUpdated Links.  No more of that positive/negative crap.
bulletArticles section is up but nothing yet to post.  Here, I will put up anything I feel I need to talk about concerning Yu-Gi-Oh!.
bulletI'm encountering too many problems with school computers so I'll be bringing my files to my home computer.  That means the Papyrus font can't be used, because my computer doesn't support it.
Updated 10/23/02: Dark JeSTeR97 - webmaster
bulletNew CotD posted.  Today I have a look at Robbin' Goblin.
bulletModels Decks are up.  I'll soon be posting the deck I normally play.
bulletThe Deck Garage is now open.  The current mechanic is me at Dark JeSTeR's Court.
bulletI am looking for new mechanics for the deck garage, and anyone else that thinks they may be able to help me (i.e. card scans, lists, news).
Updated 10/22/02: Dark JeSTeR97 - webmaster
bulletSwitched host to
bulletThe Feedback form should be up and working.
bulletVisit my new homepage JeSTeR's Wagon!
bulletTwo new CotDs are posted due to Geocites down time!  White Magical Hat and Tribute to the Doomed!  See what I have to say on these very playable cards.
bulletWorking on the home link bug.  I can't seem to fix it like i did with my Homepage.
Updated 10/18/02: Dark JeSTeR97 - webmaster
bulletFirst CoTD is up!  Good 'ol Pot of Greed is reviewed.


Updated 10/17/02: Dark JeSTeR97 - webmaster
bulletConstruction Begins!  Check back often for updates!
bulletCard of the Day, Deck Garage, and Links are up!


Contact Information

E- mail
General Information:
Screen Name (AIM)


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Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: February 25, 2003