"I Just Made You Poop Yer Pants v.02." *************************************** Submitted by XxKerruptionxX **************************** I call it..."I Just Made You Poop Yer Pants v.02." Its basically a Kaiba Structure with a throw in of some cards. Ive been to many tournaments, and so far im 29-10. Ive lost mainly to burners and discard decks. Heres my list.. Monsters 5+ ( 4 ) Vampire Lord x 1 BEWD x 3 Monsters 4- ( 15 ) Blood Vors x 1 Battle Ox x 1 La Jinn x 2 MoF x 1 WotBF x 1 Lord of Dragons x 1 Kaizer Seahorse x 1 Needle Worm x 2 Critter x 2 Cyber Jar x 1 Devil Franken x 1 Vasago x 1 Magic ( 14 ) Early Burial x 1 TttD x 1 Snatch Steal x 1 Poly x 1 Angels Gift x 2 HeavyStorm x 1 Black Hole x 1 Infectious Virus - Black Dust x 1 Card Destruction x 1 Raise Dead x 1 Flue of Summoning Dragon x 1 Megamorph x 1 Axe of Despair x 1 Traps ( 9 ) Mirror Force x 1 Infectious Virus - Virus of Death x 1 Force Field x 1 Attack Nulification x 1 Holy Elf's Blessing x 1 Destruction Ring x 1 Curse of Darkness x 1 Robbin Goblin x 1 Holy Radiance x 1 Total Cards: 42 Fusion Deck: BEUD x 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monsters 5+ ( 3 ) Vampire Lord x 1 BEWD x 2 Monsters 4- ( 15 ) Blood Vors x 1 La Jinn x 3 7 Colored Fish x 3 MEB x 3 MoF x 1 WotBF x 1 Kaizer Seahorse x 1 Cyber Jar x 1 Devil Franken x 1 Magic ( 17 ) Change of Heart x 1 Mystical Space Typhoon x 1 Early Burial x 1 TttD x 2 Fissure x 3 Snatch Steal x 1 Angels Gift x 2 Pot of Greed x 1 Heavy Storm x 1 Black Hole x 1 Raise Dead x 1 Megamorph x 1 Axe of Despair x 1 Traps ( 9 ) Mirror Force x 1 Attack Nulification x 1 Destruction Ring x 1 Curse of Darkness x 1 Trap Hole x 3 Magic Jammer x 2 Total Cards: 44 Fusion Deck: BEUD x 1 Alrighty, here's my fix. Japanese cards are not my forte so I had to do some research for this one =o). The problem with this deck is that the deck is made from a potpourri of different themed cards. I can see that the main focus of the Kaiba Structure is deck destruction and sheer power with BEUD. Unfortunately, unless you get multiple copies of the cards from the deck, it will be ineffective. So, I ditched the deck destruction theme (Needle Worm, Infectious Virus, Card Destruction) as well as the fusion, since one Poly just won't cut it. The chances of having all 3 BEWD and the ONLY Poly in yur deck in yur hand or field is extremely slim. But, I since BEUD has a certain wow factor, Devil Franken is kept in to special summon BEUD in a tight spot. A lot of the cards I took out are good, but just don't fit well. Oh geez, Lord of D. combo shouldn't even be considered especially with so few of the crucial cards. Equip and healing cards are also negligible in the game of Duel Monsters. I decided that a good way to counter burners and discards is through Mon removal and magic disruption. That way, all the discard and burn mons (White Hat, Cannon Soldier) can easily be destroyed. What I did add, though, was stronger lv 4 mons, since discard and burn mons are relatively weak. MEB is in there again for mon removal. Magic definitely needed a facelift. You are missing some staples like Pot of Greed and CoH. I left out Rageki because I assumed you don't own one, otherwise play it. TttD and Fissures are put in for more removal as well as MST. Megamorph might help since burners are a problem for you, but I'm not a fan of equips. Traps, I put in Magic Jammer. Much more versatile than Force Field. Trap whole is still a great card, even now. There is a reason I took cards out that like great, mainly to streamline the deck. I have a reason for each card, but in order to save time and space, I'll leave it at that. If you have any questions, email me. This deck should take out those burners and discards! =o) Dark JeSTeR97