Dark Magician’s Dance Party **************************** Monsters = 23 ************** 3 Summoned Skull 3 La Jinn 3 Rainbow Fish 2 White Magical Hat 3 Man-Eater Bug 2 Magician of Faith 2 Witch of Black Forest 2 Dark Elf 2 Wall of Illusion Magic = 16 *********** 1 Dark Hole 1 Pot of Greed 1 Monster Reborn 1 Change of Heart 1 Heavy Storm 3 Fissure 3 Tribute to the Doomed 3 Stim-Pack Traps = 7 ********** 3 Trap Hole 2 Robbin’ Goblin 1 Mirror Force NOTE: This deck is missing a significant amount of cards that SHOULD be I there. This deck is made with only sets LoB-MRD. I don’t have Magic Jammer, Raigeki, SorL, or any other cards I know should be in there. This is my Beatdown deck I currently play, Dark Magician’s Dance Party, even though there aren’t any Dark Magicians in there at all =o). A note to make before I start explaining this deck is only sets LoB-MRD are present in this deck. Like any other Beatdown deck, mine focuses on getting strong 4-star monsters on the field to overwhelm my opponent. A significant amount of monster removal is played to allow my 4-star monsters to break through to my opponents LP. Fissure and TttD are very versatile cards, since they have the ability to destroy even the strongest monsters. There’s not much I can say that hasn’t been said about Beatdowns already; they are the strongest archetype available. White Magical Hat and Robbin’ Goblin are thrown in there for flavor with Stim-Packs to power them up (to be replaced by Axe of Despair ASAP). Do they slow the deck down? Possibly. Are they fun to play? Yes. Beatdown decks are fairly straightforward to construct. For those who have trouble constructing an efficient Beatdown, this is a very good place to start.