Dark Magician’s Dance Party v1.5 ********************************* Monsters = 21 ************** 3 La Jinn 3 Rainbow Fish 3 Harpies Brother 3 Man-Eater Bug 3 Magician of Faith 2 Witch of Black Forest 2 Dark Elf 2 Goblin Attack Force Magic = 15 *********** 1 Dark Hole 1 Pot of Greed 1 Monster Reborn 1 Change of Heart 1 Raigeki 2 Heavy Storm 1 Mystical Space Typhoon 3 Fissure 2 Tribute to the Doomed 3 Axe of Despair Traps = 7 ********** 3 Trap Hole 2 Magic Jammer 1 Solemn Judgement 1 Mirror Force Total: 43 The next evolution of Dark Magician's Dance Party! This time, it gets even more streamlined toward its theme with the removal of Summoned Skull and Wall of Illusion for Goblin Attack Force and Axe of Despair. Goblin Attack Force speaks for itself, but why switch out Summoned Skull for Axe? Simple, SS is too slow. Even a one tribute monster drags for a fast moving beatdown. The increase on Lv4 mons and the Axes offset the lack of SS and increase the speed of the deck greatly.