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I can almost touch it

Taken on the 25th December 2004 in my room.
Bwaha this one has a 'story' (or long blabbery description) to it.
-2am- Drink some coke, eat some pocky and work on parents Christmas present. Very last minute indeed. Nah nah I was trying to work on it the past two days! I just got distracted? Well back to the photo...I was doodling on the canvas and my brother, Raymond, was in my room at the time supervising to make sure I didn't make him look stupid. My laptop was also on at the time (for music) and was sitting behind the canvas. Raymond got restless so he just randomly decided to switch off the lights and then "oOoOOo purdy lights!" So instead of drawing on the canvas like I should have been doing, I started playing around with lighting and using the canvas as a background for photos. Yes. I like shadows and silhouettes. Oh and that christmas present for parents...I finished it 5pm on Christmas day haha *ahem*

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Images © 2005 Jessie Dang