First Name :   kaisei(evil spirit)
URL :   
Comment :   ryoko is the best! if i was tenchi i shagg her rite on the spot!!!!

First Name :   Joanne
URL :   
Comment :   i m a ryoko fan too and i just love your site!

First Name :   Gregory
URL :   
Comment :   I loooooooooooove your web site! I also loooooooooooove Ryoko! But... some of your pics take forever to up-load so I didn't get to see some of them!

First Name :   Gregory
URL :   
Comment :   Its e again and I also want to say I would shoot Mihoshi and Ayaeka! Plus(If I were in Tenchi's position) I agree with Kaisei! Screw those other characters! Except Washu and Kiyone(But I would shagg them too!).

First Name :   john
URL :   
Comment :   I think that ryoko is very lovely,and beautyful,and very funny,that's what I really admire. I hope that one day she would be girl friend beacause I love her with all my heart.

First Name :   clyde
URL :   ryoko images
Comment :   I love ryoko

First Name :   Amanda
URL :   
Comment :   Hi! Tenchi Muyo is one of the greatest cartoons ever. Thanks for this website.

First Name :   ryoko rocks! ^,~
URL :   
Comment :   Ryoko is the BEST!

First Name :   Kyle
Comment :   Great website, man. Ryoko's a babe, but she looks a little older than 17, I think. But farbeit for me to critique your website. Keep up the good work, dude.

First Name :   Mihoshi
URL :   
Comment :   Oh wow! what a cool site!hehehe

First Name :   Kiyone
URL :   
Comment :   Mihoshi, what the heck do you think your doing!!!

First Name :   Michael
URL :   
Comment :   Ryoko is the coolest character yet!

First Name :   Michele
URL :   
Comment :   Hi there, I think you page is very well organized and put together. The only thing is, some of your pictures aren't loading correctly. I have tried on other computers so I don't think it's just mine....just thought you would like to know ^_^

First Name :   Ryoko Demon Princess
URL :   
Comment :   Hey this site is great!!! ^_^ There are a few errors with the pics in the 2nd gallery...they aren't loading...just thought you would like to know....

First Name :   Riyoka
URL :   
Comment :   Ryoko is the coooooolest! She's my most favorite anime character ever! I don't see how Tenchi could resist her!

First Name :   Ethan
URL :`elischin5273
Comment :   This site is great! I got one thing to say about Ryoko, "The fruit never falls far from the tree!" Washu and Ryoko are the best!

First Name :   Jen
URL :   
Comment :   This is a really cool site and you don't have anything,um,unmodest so what would be great would be if you put together sites for the rest of the gang. ^.^

First Name :   Jen
URL :   
Comment :   Its me again. I didn't look at the other gallery but at least you gove a description of the pic so we know what were walking in on.

First Name :   just Flash
URL :   a what ?
Comment :   Hey i love yur website its just the 1 ive been looking for. I love the " Ryoko gallery "

First Name :   ®yan
Comment :   hey! wassup? im glad u come up with this site! such a great idea! im really a great fan of ryoko! keep it up!

First Name :   ®yan
Comment :   damn! if only ryoko's real, i would do anything to win her heart! (now, tell me im crazy!)

First Name :   ®yan
URL :   
Comment :   ey! its me again! could u do me a favor? if u have new pics of ryoko's pls snd some on tnx!

First Name :   Bassmaster
URL :   
Comment :   Tenchi is a dick! 3 light hawk swords what a wimp! RYOKO kicks ass! She disserves someone more powerful than that!

First Name :   Hayate
URL :   
Comment :   Cool site!!. Cpl interesting pics.... I'v learnt quiet a bit about Her now, oh and yeah i agree wit kaisei too hehe. latz

First Name :   Roger
Comment :   Hi I like your sight...erm site!!..(and Ryoko hehe) I was wondering why do u find Ryoko one of the best anime characters???

First Name :   Ryoko Demon Princess
URL :   
Comment :   Hey there, it's me again. I was wondering if you could send me that pick of Ryoko with the rest of the characters in her hair? It's really great! I can't find it anywhere else and I can't get it to load on you page. My addy is

First Name :   James
Comment :   This page is really great. Besides having pics of my faveriot charactor, this page is really cool

First Name :   Dequisa
URL :   
Comment :   Ryoko is the best

First Name :   Skyline
URL :   
Comment :   You have one of the best pages dedicated to Ryoko that I have ever seen.

First Name :   ®yan
Comment :   say, i wonder how u got all that pics???

First Name :   *Ryoko*
URL :   
Comment :   Ryoko is my favourite person in Tenchi Muyo.I like the way she can walk through walls and fly.Ryoko is the coolest

First Name :   Jesse
Comment :   Hi! I'm a new member of the Ultimate Tenchi Muyo Ring and I'm checking out all the sites. I am a big Washu fan, but I must admit that Ryoko comes in a close second! I love your site, keep up the good work, and please visit my site! Don't forget to sign my

First Name :   Vegeta
URL :   none
Comment :   I love Ryoko I think she is really cute and shes not a bad looker either if u want to email me its

First Name :   Michael S'jet
URL :   
Comment :   Hello, I'm just writing to give my thoughts. I think that Ryoko is the greatest character in all of Anime history! If you think different I feel sad for you.

First Name :   Eddie
URL :   
Comment :   exelent site=)ryoko has to be the best female character in allanime that i have seen funny thing is i like the english voice actor for her too she really does bring out ryoko's personality i read a past post that said why isnt she real! hehe sure a rambun

First Name :   Shade
Comment :   Ryoko is the best! this site is real kool ^_^ keep it up!

First Name :   Shane
URL :   
Comment :   

First Name :   Shane
URL :   
Comment :   I just want to say that you have GREAT TASTE because I also love Ryoko and every nigth I pray to God to make her real.

First Name :   
URL :   
Comment :   Brill site!

First Name :   Aaron
URL :   
Comment :   

First Name :   Aaron
URL :   
Comment :   I think Ryoko is hot and sexy.

First Name :   clyde
Comment :   I like your web site and I also love Ryoko alot

First Name :   Kevin
URL :   
Comment :   Yes,I too like Ryoko.With looks and powers that she has,what's not to like?

First Name :   Ross
URL :   
Comment :   This site has satisfied my craving for the Ryoko pics that I have been looking for to draw. Not many other sites have high quality images to print out, so I look for the best; and I think this is in the top 5 sites I've been to. See ya, From: FŁĄTE

First Name :   Eric
URL :   
Comment :