First Name :   Bark 87
URL :   
Comment :   Heero you can just suck my fucking cock you asshole! You spelled Ayeka's name wrong you bitch. Ayeka is too fucken smart not too marrie that Sephirio fag you fucking cock sucker! Son of a bitch!

First Name :   Brandon
URL :   
Comment :   Hi I 'm new but I love Ryoko I am glad to know that I am not the only one who likes her Se ya Best Bud_ B

First Name :   bassmaster
URL :   
Comment :   This site kicks ass!!!!

First Name :   sailor tori
Comment :   Ryoko Rocks! Thank you so much for creating a site all about her.:)

First Name :   Ryokosdragon
URL :   
Comment :   I got the beautiful Ryoko on my Ibanez Artist guitar. I`ve got to have every thing Ryoko.

First Name :   methem
URL :   
Comment :   keep up your good looks and bad attitude love yah ryoko

First Name :   methem
Comment :   i think i deserve ryoko because i can treat her better than tenchi, i mean look, there are 6 women in his house and he isnt hitting on 1 i would want to get laid if they were in my house

First Name :   Andrew
URL :   
Comment :   Ryoko is my favorite cartoon character.She is so sexy.Ayeka is a Fag!SHE ONLY CARES ABOUT HER SELF.Ryoko could kick her butt.But I found a picture with TENCHI having sex with Washu.So does Tenchi like Washu.But other than that I love your site on the sexy

First Name :   Bark87
URL :   
Comment :   Hey Andrew that pic of washu and tenchi was a fucking hentai pic you dumb ass!!!

First Name :   Bark_87
URL :   
Comment :   Andrew that pic you saw was a hentai pic you fucking dumb ass! Ayeka does not care about herself you cock sucker! I thought you would like to know that. Ryoko kicks ass!!

First Name :   Norm
URL :   
Comment :   This is the best Tenchi site ever, because of Ryoko (of course.) Can't get any better than this! LONG LIVE RYOKO!!

First Name :   Ian
Comment :   Hey i think this web site is cool. Do you know the pic wiv Ayeka and Ryoko in bath robes showing some stuff why r they doing like that? if you think why e-mail me at plz cos i want to know why.

First Name :   Immortal_Ryoko
URL :   
Comment :   ITs GOOD and i mean GOD DAMN good! Keeps up the good work!!

First Name :   Immortal_Ryoko
URL :   
Comment :   This site rocks!!! Keep it goin it rules!!!

First Name :   Ted
Comment :   Ryoko is oh so cool, so Hot!, and so funny and smart. of all the anime pics that i draw, i draw her the most and the best. she has the most curves, and the best curves on her body of any anime character ive seen

First Name :   Geezer
Comment :   i like you cos you like ryoko nuff said

First Name :   Keith
URL :   
Comment :   Hey great page I've been to alot of tenchi sights mainly looking for that sexy space pirate Ryoko but you've got the best Tench... err Ryoko sight I've seen. What ever you do don't get rid of this sight ok. ps. I think Ryoko could do so much better than c

First Name :   Keith
URL :   
Comment :   Hey would someone tell that Aieka bitch to get the tree out of her ass!!!

First Name :   Bassmaster
URL :   
Comment :   Hey thanks for linking me and signing my guestbook!! Keep up the good work!

First Name :   penpen
URL :   ?
Comment :   this kicks ass

First Name :   victor
URL :   
Comment :   Anybody who doesn't like this site has to be crazy. This is the best site I have ever gone to and plan to keep going to it. Loren did a wonderful job on this page and you should respect that as I do. Loren Our e-mails got lost and could you give it to me

First Name :   ryan brewer
Comment :   ryoko is the queen of anime and i hope that in the later episodes she becomes tenchis bride but i hope that tenchi can handle her and ill kick tenchis ass if he slaps her again!

First Name :   Wesley Bacote
URL :   
Comment :   Ryoko is beautiful and most of all she's net stuck up like Ayeka is she's a have fun type of girl. She also has powers and imortal. I wish she was real though,and that she liked me.

First Name :   Loren Ward
URL :   Isn't it obvious?
Comment :   Hey everyone. Thanx for coming to the site and for all the praise. Victor, my e-mail is You can also use the "E-mail me" button on the main page.

First Name :   Tasha
Comment :   I'm a huge fan of Ryoko and love the pics.

First Name :   Ryoko
URL :   
Comment :   This site is so neat but, IT NEEDS MOREB TENCHI!

First Name :   Irauko
URL :   
Comment :   Fools! You all say that Tenchi and Ryoko should be a couple. You're wrong. RYOKO IS MINE!! IRAUKO + RYOKO FOREVER!!!

First Name :   Irauko
URL :   
Comment :   Seriously. Not in Japanese, or in any other language that you would speak, but my name translates to "the demon".

First Name :   Zero
URL :   
Comment :   You moron bitch ass people who like ayeaka are really weird. You should worshup the one the only goddes Ryoko aka Sexy Lady. I mean if she was real i'd fuck her crazy and never let her down. All you dumb asses who worshup Ayeaka get the hell off this site

First Name :   Bark 87
URL :   Hey Zero! You asshole! son of a bitch!
Comment :   You spelled Ayeka"s name wrong! Fucked up nut. You are one sick son of a bitch. How could you think of Ryoko as just a sex object you bastard! You are the moron bitch you mother Fucker!! Ryoko kicks ass!

First Name :   Victor
URL :   
Comment :   Tenchi's a dick for not screwing any of the girls especially the hottest one Ryoko Ayeaka should be put out in the streets and shot. Tenchi should take the place and name off ass for brains. If he chooses who he marries i got to see this. Loren put work i

First Name :   Zero
URL :   Fuck you Bark 87 shuve it up your ass
Comment :   Hey Bark 87 Shut the hell up that is not all I thi9nk of her she is the most kind person I has ever seen and you are not in the right area to go and swear at me you stupid dumb fucking ass wipe hey I'm not pefect at spelling like some people you most likl

First Name :   Zero
URL :   loren_wards2
Comment :   Ryoko kicks the ass out of the while world don't you think I know that bark 87.I'd never forget that why do you think I come her to just sit around on the computer and swear all day I don't think so. I come her to see and worshup Ryoko. I like to look at

First Name :   zero
URL :   
Comment :   Bark 87 on reason I spelled Ayeka wrong was because I don't like that ass wipe like you. You know I have to agree with miself there is a chart that shows ryoko as #1 ayeka as dead last. So leave me alone.

First Name :   
URL :   Zero you are one fucked up dumb ass you know that!
Comment :   Do you know who your fucken with? I don't take shit from fags who can't spell you cock sucker! You know why Ryoko is #1 because Your on a ryoko site shit head! If you where on a Ayeka site, Ayeka would be #1 you basterd! Ryoko kicks ass!!!

First Name :   Bark 87
URL :   Zero I bet you like to suck cocks you fag!
Comment :   You are the sadest Mother Fucker. Worshiping a cartoon and thinking about fucking a cartoon. You make me sick. I hate Mother Fuckers like you! Write back I dare you!

First Name :   nicole
URL :   
Comment :   i LOVE your site!!! the 1 bad part is i can't find a picture of adult Washu like u talked about in yuor "why i don't like Ayeka."

First Name :   Becca
URL :   
Comment :   I love this site! Keep up the good work - I have this page first on my bookmarks!

First Name :   mimi
URL :   
Comment :   love the site!!

First Name :   Bark 87
URL :   Zero you can suck my fucking cock
Comment :   sorry your mom has that job. Ryoko kicks ass!!

First Name :   Diana (ryoko*star)
URL :   
Comment :   Hey! Your site is way cool! I am a total Ryoko worshipper and I am so glad to find so many other fans out there! Little note: Fix your email button or just give your address strait out!

First Name :   Loren Ward
URL :   Isn't it obvious?
Comment :   Hello all, it's me again. Diana, I tried to reply to your e-mail, but I got an mail undeliverable notice. Is there another e-mail I could contact you at? Let me know. Thanx.

First Name :   Eric
URL : ( I hate my damn email name!!!)
Comment :   Hey Great site! Best Ryoko site in the World! no doubt. Ryoko deserves Tenchi in every way. as for Ayeka.... -_-' keep up the the good work.

First Name :   Bark 87
URL :   Eric you poor son of a bitch!
Comment :   Ryoko and Tenchi are not a good couple you dumb ass! Tenchi does not diserve Ryoko and Ryoko diserves better you fucking asshole! Ryoko kicks ass but you don't!

First Name :   Zero
URL :   Fuck you shit ass mother fucker barker 69
Comment :   Shut the fuck up about my parents you fucking basterd OHHH!! I'm sorry you wouldn't have a dad your mom was probobly a slut you shit fucking cock sucking asshole. It's not your place to talk about my parents you ass wipe do you even know how fucking old I

First Name :   Zero
URL :   You know what bark 87
Comment :   Why don't you stop waisting your time on critisizing me would you I'm tired of fighting with you it's getting old do you happen to know how long it's been since I wrote that sruff besidesI'm not the type of person to abandon my true god the lord I may not

First Name :   el tigre magnifico
URL :   
Comment :   good god you have alot of ryoko pictures you rule