Making a website is a demanding task. Updates are needed, one must constantly check for improper code and broken links, and keep good communication with site fans who write, as well as live ones life. But when making a shrine to one such as Ryoko, it all makes it worthwhile!

Needless to say, it is good to have help. Now, I am not asking anyone to help with the coding (I handle that myself). However, here are some things that you visitors can do to help........

1) Send images.

Any Ryoko pic you can (that I do not have already.) Of course, no hentai. I will accept most Ryoko pics, and will for sure put up fan art. Wallpapers that you design and send will be put in the wallpaper gallery, with you getting credit there. I have, as you now can see a fan art gallery, and any images you send for it will immediatley get put up and you will have a place in the Thank you page.

2)Spread the word

What I am trying to do with this site is to glorify Ryoko and spread word of her to all interested. I have requested admission to many webrings (with a good success rate), and asked for links from other sites. But I am one person with only so much time, so I ask that visitors put me in your favorites, tell people about my shrine, or (if you are a webmaster) put me in your links page on your site. If you really want to, you can put my banner(s) or button up. The coding to paste is here. Also, let me know of any webrings that my site could be in, and I will check them out and (most likely) join them.

3)Worship Ryoko

While this may not help the site itself, it would great if you did. Then the site would accomplish one of it's goals ( spreading the word on the glory and superiority of Ryoko). If you are really serious about your worship (like myself), become a member of the Ryoko Forever Fan Club.

Thank you for coming to this page, and I thank all who have an intrest in helping me and aiding me in my mission to glorify Ryoko. Of course, e-mail me with any questions, comments or anything you need concerning the site. Let me know about anything you may have submitted my site to (webrings, other sites, etc) and I will take a look. Of course, you will get credit on the Thank you page.