

Here on this page you will find the most recent updates to the site as well as any news I have come across that might be of intrest to all you Ryoko fans!

--------August 11, 2003---------

Yikes, the months can really slide by when you are busy. Contrary to what my hopes had been, I was not able to get back into maintaining the site as I had intended and as a result there haven't really been any updates from me I am sorry to say.

Of course, another problem has been that with all the stuff going on for me, I haven't really been able to keep up with what has been going on regarding OVA 3 and GXP, though it seems everyone else has seen a great deal of fansubs of the latter. For those asking, yes, the 3rd OVA is out or coming out in Japan on DVD but unfortunately I don't have much more info than that.

As it stands, I am not entirely sure I'll be able to come back to webmastering full time again, though I'll certainly try. Awards and such I'll do again, as well as links and whatever updates I can. The site will remain up, though I can't give much time towards it anymore...

-Loren Ward

--------August 11, 2003---------

Just a quick announcement for those visiting the site who are webmasters. As of today, I will be suspending affiliation and awards given out from my site, as at the moment I don't get alot of chances aside from my other tasks to review sites for that sort of thing. Any requests for affiliation and awards as of August 12 and after will be ignored until the time I am able to resume my duties as a webmaster in a fuller capacity. Requests to add sites to the links page will still be allowed, but nothing more than that until further notice. I am sorry that I have to do this, but given the other things I need to deal with, I don't have the time anymore to thoroughly and fairly judge a site.

-Loren Ward

--------June 24, 2003---------

For those who've been visiting regularly, you'll have noted the presence of a new image gallery (the 32nd one), and the completely filling out of the 31st. I've almost uploaded all of the images I have recieved recently, and should have them all put up by the end of June. However, that also brings me to my second piece of news.

As of the 1st of July, I am going to be taking an extended hiatus of indefinite length from my website. The needs of real life and the time constraints it imposes have really hampered my ability to update the site on any basis you could call regular. I'll still be maintaining it, and answering e-mails and such, but I won't be adding anything new until I have the time to get things done again. Gomen, everyone.

On a happier note, Animenation reports that the 3rd Tenchi OVA will be getting released on DVD and VHS over here this September, so we have that to look forward too.

-Loren Ward

--------April 21, 2003---------

Gods, it's been a while since I updated here, and I apologize for that. This last month has been pretty busy, with class wrapping up and graduation approaching. However, I do have a few new goodies for you all to enjoy. Thanks to Kristine and James S, there are several images in the newly made 31st gallery, and also a substantial amount of new "What .... are you?" adoption/quiz things for you to check out.

-Loren Ward

--------March 11, 2003---------

Finally, I have something substantial to report to all of you! Thanks to the efforts of Sara, the 30th image gallery has now been completed, and within a few days, I should have the beginnings of the 31st. Also, there are a couple of new fan arts up in the Fan Art galleries, one new one from Sara and another from a first time donor named Princess Ami. Enjoy everyone, and thank you for your patience!

-Loren Ward

--------March 7, 2003---------

Here and there, there are a couple of minor updates. The adoptions page has a few new adoptions that I have made, and there is a couple of new links on the links page, one of which is the source of the adoptions mentioned above. Aside from that, I once again have little to say, as with the way things are going, there has been little for me to do on the site, and thus I haven't had much need to say anything. I'm doing my best under the circumstances, but I regretfully can't update as often as I once did...

-Loren Ward

--------Febuary 28, 2003---------

Finally, I have something to report for all you who have waited so patiently for me to get things done. First off, there are two new adoptions up, these from Sara's "The Game", so you all be sure to take a look at my new chibis! Also, there are is a new Fan Art Gallery, and while there is only one image there now, expect more in the future. Plus, there are a few new images in the image galleries for you to all take a look-see at. Until next update... enjoy!

-Loren Ward

--------January 11, 2003---------

I am sorry about the rather insane lack of updates... but there hasn't really been much to update, what with the little material I have located/recieved, not to mention classes starting again. I'll try and get more stuff up when I get it.

-Loren Ward

--------December 16, 2002---------

I am terribly sorry about the lack of updates recently, or more correctly, the lack of saying what was updated. I have been only able to get things done on an ad hoc basis now, with Christmas barely a week away, so today is simply a culmination of all that has been put up.

First and foremost, Kristine has kindly donated a nice bundle of images for the site, which are now viewable in the 29th Gallery, and you can also thank Julio for the animated ones that are also in there alongside them. Also, Sara was kind enough to allow the reposting of her Tenchi Muyo Mews, so those lovable combinations of anime styled beings are once more up in the fan art gallery. Finally, as an added bonus, a couple of Sara's other fan arts were put up, so be sure to check those out too.

-Loren Ward

--------November 25, 2002---------

Due to the onrush of the holiday season, I haven't had alot of time to add things to the sight. However, I have gotten a few things up which you might notice and enjoy. First of all, I got a wonderful new Header from Kristine, which is now up for viewing on the main page. Secondly, I got the second Fan Art gallery working again, and even got some new fan art from Nakara to add to it.

Also, I got some new Reasons from Jennifer put up, one for Tenchi Universe and two for the movies, so we can all thank her for the generous donation. Unfortunately, I will be pretty much out of touch for the next couple of days, due to Thanksgiving, but I will be back this weekend. Arigato, and have a happy holiday!

-Loren Ward

--------November 11, 2002---------

Once more, life continues to intefere with my web based projects. In recent news, the site has won three new awards from Lady Kagomi, a site which recently won the First Gem Award not too long ago. Also, there is to be some new fan art up soon, though that has been delayed due to Angelfire completely loosing the second Fan Art gallery. It is working again, but I don't have all the works reposted. I am terribly sorry about this inconvenience, both to site patrons and the artists. I am working as fast as I am able to correct this.

-Loren Ward

--------October 27, 2002---------

Sorry for the long delay in getting new material put up, but with midterms and such, it's kind of hard to find time anymore. However, there are now 11 new images up in the 29th gallery for your enjoyment, all courtesy of Julio.

On another note, my fan fic is now up and viewable at Kristine's site, the DOL, if you wish to find it in another place aside from the TMFFA. If you go there, I strongly urge you to look at her fic, Galaxy of Love, if you haven't done so already. It is wonderfully done and also has much promise.

-Loren Ward

--------October 21, 2002---------

This in from Kristine of the DOL:

Animerica has an annual fan awards and and they are now taking nominations. Later on, when all are in and things are all in place and ready, you get to vote for the winners. Here are the links:

Animerca Magazine

Fan Award Ballot

And here is how the Tenchi crew fared in the awards last year:

Favorite Male Character: Tenchi Masaki - Number Six

Favorite Female Character Ryoko - Number Two

Favorite Couple: Ryoko and Tenchi - Number Thirteen

Favorite Single Video or Move: Tenchi the Movie: Tenchi Muyo! In Love - Number Eight

Favorite Manga Series: No Need For Tenchi - Number Seven

Favorite Anime Series: Tenchi Muyo - Number Twelve

Favorite Villain: Kagato - Number Eleven

Favorite Mascot: Ryo-Ohki - NUMBER ONE!!!

Favorite Magical Girl: Pretty Sammy - Number Two Ryoko - Number Fifteen

Female Character You'd Most Like to See in A Swimsuit: Ryo-Ohki - Number Seven

-Loren Ward

--------October 14, 2002---------

The 29th gallery is now up, containing nine images that were donated by Angie and Sara. Also, for the first time in a long time, I have an addition to the Ayeka's Secret page. Thanks to Kristine, there are now three new images for your Ayeka viewing (dis)pleasure.

-Loren Ward

--------October 13, 2002---------

The 28th gallery is offically full, thanks to Kristine, Angie and Sara's donations. I have several more images to put up, however, so expect a new gallery in the next couple of days.

-Loren Ward

--------October 9, 2002---------

Alright, despite the many things I have had to do for class, I got some more things uploaded. You can now find a new fan art by me in the Fan Art gallery. For those of you familiar with my fan fic, you'll recognize what I did to Ayeka... Also, there are several new images in the 28th gallery, with more on the way.

-Loren Ward

--------September 30, 2002---------

After a long and relaxing break, I have finally returned! It's good to be back everyone, and with my return, I bring new Ryoko material for your enjoyment.

First off, there are six new fan arts up in the second fan are gallery, courtesy of Diana and I urge everyone to go check them out. Also, there are three new affiliates who have joined the ranks: All Systems Go, The Ryoko Den and Beautiful Soldier (Bsoldier for short).

Expect a new batch of pictures in the next day or so. Even on hiatus, people were generous enough to send me material and I found some other stuff on my own, so you'll have a nice new set of pics to check out. Thanks for your patience and patronage, and I am very happy to be back!

-Loren Ward

--------August 26, 2002---------

As promised, I got the Reasons page back up and running. I would like to give a huge thank you to Kristine and Kimi for their help, plus Julio for his input as well. I have a copy on my personal disk now, so nothing like this should ever happen again.

I have a couple of things to upload tomorrow, and then I am officially on hiatus for the next 4 weeks. I will make minor adjustments to the site in this time, but will be for the most part inactive until the end of September. I hope to see you all again when I come back! Arigato,

-Loren Ward

--------August 19, 2002---------

I know, it seems like I'm not getting alot done right now, but I assure you that I am doing everything in my limited time to keep the site running. With most of my free time getting chewed up by preparing for class to start and getting the Reasons page back up, I'm in a bit of a tight spot.

Also, for my major announcement: Upon the completion of the rebuilt Reasons page, I will be taking a one month hiatus from the site, as I have been constantly working on it for nearly 2 years now. That's right, 1 month of no updates, no awards, no new links or affiliates. I will still accept the e-mails for them and still answer questions, but until the one month is up, I will be effectively not here.

-Loren Ward

--------August 4, 2002---------

I got two new affiliates today: Viva La Diva! and Anime Towers. Both are very good sites, and I strongly recommend either one as I must see. Both have alot of info and links to other animes aside from Tenchi Muyo as well.

There are eight more images in the 28th image gallery now, thanks to Sara and Kimi, plus there are 5 more fan arts of Tenchi Muyo Mews in the 2nd Fan Art gallery for you to enjoy.

-Loren Ward

--------August 3, 2002---------

There isn't much to say about today. I got 8 new images uploaded and the 28th Image Gallery has been started, thanks to images from Kimi and Sara. Also, the site has won an award from it's sister site, the DOL: the Crystal Star award, which is the highest possible award to recieve from that page. I am most glad that the Dedication was able to meet such high standards.

Little by little, my backlog is diminishing, and more things are getting done. However, you may notice that the Reasons page link isn't functional. That is because that page is in a state of reconstruction, and I have decided to pull it for the time being. Expect it back up in about a week or two.

On a lighter note, I managed to acquire some information regarding our favorite voice actors appearing at some upcoming anime conventions:

Petreat Burchard and Wendee Lee (Kiyone's voice actor) will be appearing at the Ani-magic 2002 Anime Convention, so to any Tenchi Muyo fans going to it, you are really lucky.

Sherry Lynn will be appearing at the Middle Tennessee Anime Convention on August 9-11.

Thanks to Kristine for this info, and if you want a more in depth look at this, check out the links or head over to Kristine's website and look in the journal section.

-Loren Ward

--------July 28, 2002---------

After nearly 2 weeks of absence and a week of behind the scenes updating, I am back. The site is back and running at normal capacity, and I am glad to see you all again!

I have almost 40 new images to get put up, thanks to James, Kimi, Sarah and Kristine, as well as some new fan art. Starting today I'll be putting the new matieral up.

-Loren Ward

--------July 6, 2002---------

This is the eve of my trip, and from this day until the 21st, I will be unavailable to contact or to receive material. I hope to see you all again upon my return.

In a stroke of incredibly bad luck, the Reasons page has been utterly gutted through some error of either mine or the systems (I'm guessing the system, since I was trying to back up the Reasons when I found this out...). So all material past the first ever Reasons are gone, and once I get back, I will try to replace as many as I can. Any that can be sent by those who contributed before or new contributors would be greatly appreciated.

-Loren Ward

--------June 30, 2002---------

I'm back, after a weeks vacation and a break from my normal routine. Anyway, there are no updates at this time, and their won't be for a while, for two reasons:

1: I'm going away on another trip for the middle two weeks in July and will be unavailable from the 7th through the 21st. I would have liked to have this trip eariler, but events are against me...

2: Angelfire is altering it's free services, and this will require some major file shifting in order to allow me to continue offering all that I can. This will be done in the time I normally spend uploading, so I expect this to be accomplished in about 4 or 5 weeks. Thank you for your time.

-Loren Ward

--------June 19, 2002---------

Thanks to Sara and Kimi, the 26th gallery have been finished, and the 27th is off to a good start. There are many more images to be uploaded, and I know for certain now that I have enough to get the 28th gallery going soon.

There is also a new reason posted in the Reasons page. Thanks go out to Kimi for this one.

On another note, I am going to be gone the week of the 23rd, so any messages sent to me during that time won't get a reply until June 29th or 30th at the earliest.

-Loren Ward

--------June 12, 2002---------

I was feeling good today, so I got alot more images posted. Sixteen images, to be exact, so now the 26th gallery is three-quarters full. These are more of the Dreamcast/PS images, since I still have quite a few left, but I'll splice in a few of the other unuploaded ones when it comes time for the 27th gallery.

There is also a new reason posted in the Reasons page. Thanks go out to Julio for this one.

-Loren Ward

--------June 10, 2002---------

Several more images have been added to the 26th gallery, thanks to Kimi. They are all from one of the Tenchi Muyo games from either the PS or Dreamcast, so they look kind of different from a normal Tenchi show, but they all look pretty nice.

-Loren Ward

--------June 2, 2002---------

The twenty fifth image gallery has now been filled, thanks to the contributions of Kristine and Julio. Also, a second Ryoko Mew from Sarah Jones has been added. Both it and the first one are very nicely done, and if she were in Pokemon, I'd certainly play.

-Loren Ward

--------June 1, 2002---------

More images have been added to the 25th gallery, courtesy of Julio and Kristine, which now means this gallery is almost full. There is also a couple of new reasons on the Reasons page, and a fan art of a Ryoko Mew from Sarah Jones in the second gallery. Enjoy what there is for now, as more is on the way!

-Loren Ward

--------May 18, 2002---------

Your waiting is at an end! There are 12 new pics in the 25th gallery, thanks to the most helpful efforts of Julio and Kristine, for your Goddess-viewing pleasure.

-Loren Ward

--------May 17, 2002---------

Four new reasons are up in the Reasons page, thanks to Julio. Also, thanks to Julio as well, I have recieved a massive influx of new pics, so expect my pace to pic up over the next week as I try to get the massive backlog of images up onto the site.

-Loren Ward

--------May 14, 2002---------

There are a couple of new images up in the 25th gallery, thanks to Kristine and Sarah, but I still have more to go. Be patient!

-Loren Ward

--------May 4, 2002---------

New fan art is up, this one courtesy of Chris Allman, who is very talented. His work is up in the second fan art gallery, and there is a new image up in the 25th gallery. One that is most amazing...even Ayeka looks cool in it!

-Loren Ward

--------April 29, 2002---------

The shrine has won a few awards from LunaCat's Ryoko Gallery/Shrine, which I am most happy for. All three awards (and the associated links to this nice site) can be found over at the Awards page.

-Loren Ward

--------April 28, 2002---------

I got a few more images uploaded, these courtesy of Kimi. Plus, there is a new gallery (the 25th) up, which I hope to fill with images of the Goddess as soon as possible.

Also, there is an image of Petrea Burchard (Ryoko's English voice actor) in the Stats page, thanks to Kristine. I've been needing one, and now, thanks to her, the Dedication is more complete.

The Dedication also has a new affiliate: Em's Wonderful Homepage, which also recently won an award from me.

-Loren Ward

--------April 14, 2002---------

The fan art continues to come in. FighterAce has provided three more pieces of Ryoko artwork, which are now up in the second fan art gallery, and I plan on getting some more images uploaded over the next couple of days.

-Loren Ward

--------April 10, 2002---------

Much fan art has been recieved, prompting the creation of a second Fan Art gallery. Granted the honor of appearing first in this new section is James S' work, so be sure to check it out, as well as a couple great fan arts from Kristine.

-Loren Ward

--------April 4, 2002---------

Wow, April already. Not much to say as of right now. Been taking care of my classes and my job, so I haven't had much of a chance to get things up. However, I have gotten a couple more reasons up, one from Kimi and one from SailorRyoko1. Thanks guys!

-Loren Ward

--------March 27, 2002---------

Gomen, followers of the Goddess. Much has been happening, and I have woefully neglected my duties to the Goddess and others who worship her. It is spring time, and that means crunch time in college..

Anyway, I have uploaded a new fan art, this one by FighterAce, and is quite good, so you can go check it out. There are also many more Reasons, thanks to Julio, who is a real help with Shin Tenchi Muyo. I'll also try to get more images uploaded today, but I won't make any promises...*sigh

-Loren Ward

--------March 4, 2002---------

Whew, this is my longest interlude between updates ever, but it is for a good reason, let me assure you. First of all, you may notice that the Dedication is on Angelfire. Yes, after a week of uploading, transferring and praising on the side, everything has been moved.

In light of the changes, I would appreciate it if anyone would point out any glitches that they find. I did my best to make sure the transition was done as smoothly as possible, but in a moving operation of this magnitude, there is always something that creeps by.

Also, now that crunch time is over, I can get back to regular updates. For those of you who have applied for affiliation, I will get to you in the next few days, as well as those who have applied for awards. There are three new fan arts uploaded and on display in the fan art gallery, so you are all encouraged to go see those, and I have also posted the lyrics to Dimension of Love and Call me Princess in the Music Gallery. Enjoy!

-Loren Ward

--------March 4, 2002---------

As many of you may have noticed, the website is in a state of flux, this one being of more significance than before. On April 2, Geocities is changing what services are offered on their servers, and since this change would impair my ability to bring you a quality website, I am moving the site to Angelfire. Everything will be finalized as of next week, but I am moving as much material as I can before the big haul. I hope to see you all at the new location, and keep the Goddess in your hearts!

-Loren Ward

--------February 28, 2002---------

I finally got the time to deal with the massive backlog of images that have been sitting on my hard drive for several weeks. The 24th gallery has gained nearly twenty new images, thanks to Sarah, Kimi and Kristine, all for your Ryoko-viewing pleasure.

-Loren Ward

--------February 23, 2002---------

Once more, shame on me for putting a bunch of stuff up and not updating the news page.

There is a new image gallery up (the 24th now!), new fan art, courtesy of Jennifer, and several new reasons, thanks to many people. Thank you all!

-Loren Ward

--------February 14, 2002---------

Happy Valentine's Day, fellow worshippers! Hope you are having a good one, because I am. Here is a list Julio put together for our Goddess, and I felt that you would enjoy it as much as I did.

I love you Ryoko (english)

Kimi O Ai Shiteru Ryoko (Japanese)

Te amo Ryoko (Spanish)

Tangsinul Sarang Ha yo Ryoko (Korean)

Moi Oiy Neya Ryoko (Chinese)

Ich liebe dich Ryoko (German)

Je t´aime Ryoko (French)

Ti amo Ryoko (Italian)

Eu te amo Ryoko (Portuguese)

Anh yeu em Ryoko (Vietnamese)

Mujhe tumse muhabbat hai Ryoko (Pakistani)

Manh doos taht doh-rahm Ryoko (Iranian)

Jeg elske De Ryoko (Norwegian)

Ya tibieh Lublue Ryoko (Russian)

Jeg elske jer Ryoko (Danish)

Mij min u Ryoko (Dutch)

I-KIRJAIN rakkaus sina Ryoko (Finnish)

AKO ibigin ka Ryoko (Pilipino(Tagalog))

Jag karleken du Ryoko (Swedish)

Ana behibek Ryoko (Arabic)

Anee Oheiv Otakh Ryoko (Hebrew)

Cara´ch Ryoko (Welsh)

Ek Is Lief Vir Jou Ryoko (Afrikaans)

So many ways to show outr love, not enough words.

-Loren Ward

--------February 13, 2002---------

I got numerous reasons put up on the Reasons page, these thanks to Jennifer and Julio. Always appreciated guys, and thanks again!

-Loren Ward

--------February 10, 2002---------

Many more images up, courtesy of Kristine and Kimi. The 23rd gallery is now completely full, and I will be having a 24th one put up very soon. Enjoy the 12 new images!

-Loren Ward

--------February 7, 2002---------

Thanks to Kristine, Sara and Kimi, there are a host of new images up, though I still have many more to upload. Been a while since I've had such a backlog of uploading material, and it feels good. Thank you for all your donations, ladies!

Oh, and there is a new website linked that I think you will all find interesting: Maze's Solude. The Japanese voice actor for Ryoko also did the voice of Solude, so this is related to the Goddess in a way. And this is the work of the exceptionally talented Kristine, so it is definitely worth your time.

-Loren Ward

--------February 2, 2002---------

There is a new fan art up in the Fan Art gallery, though I have yet to upload the large amount of images waiting on my hard drive. Such a busy weekend....*sighs

-Loren Ward

--------January 28, 2002---------

A few more images are up in the 23rd gallery, and I got a new affiliate. Still, I have much more to upload, so be sure to check back over the next few days while I get some more images up, all courtesy of Sara.

-Loren Ward

--------January 24, 2002---------

I got a few more images up, thanx to Sara. Now there is a 23rd gallery, though it has only a few images as of right now. There are some new reaons, courtesy of Kristine, and I finally stopped procrastinating and awarded some sites through the TAAE.

-Loren Ward

--------January 20, 2002---------

May the bountious influx of material from the gracious worshippers of the Goddess never degrade, in both volume and quality. There are five new fan arts up, the generous artists being Michelle and Shanna, so go on over to the fan art gallery and enjoy the products of their talent.

-Loren Ward

--------January 19, 2002---------

40,000 hits has been reached! Yay! There were not any updates today, but this in itself was worth mentioning. Thanks to everyone who has come, and I hope to see you all again as the shrine to Ryoko strives to better itself. Until next time, Sayonara!

-Loren Ward

--------January 17, 2002---------

Odd. Now that vacation is over, I now am getting more material for updates. Anyway, onto the updates. There are many more new images in the 22nd gallery (almost full!), thanks to Sara, and Julio was kind enough to send four more reasons for the Reasons page (3 OVA, 1 Movie). So go have a look-see and praise the Goddess!

-Loren Ward

--------January 16, 2002---------

I got a couple more fan arts, these from Sarah StaRR and one from Shanna. Both are very nice, and of very high quality (and a heck of a lot better than what I can do...), so go check them out in the Fan Art gallery.

-Loren Ward

--------January 15, 2002---------

Thanks to Sara, we now have several more images in the 22nd gallery, so for anyone looking for new stuff, there is the place to look.

In other news, school is back on, so my currently infrequent updates will be slightly more stung out than they already are, so don't think I've abandon the shrine (Goddess forbid...) when I don't come around as often. But we are creeping towards 40,000 hits, so keep on visiting and glorifying the Goddess!

-Loren Ward

--------January 8, 2002---------

Several new images are up, thanks to Julio and Kimi, as well as a new fan art from Julio. I hope you all enjoy the new images, and are having a great new year! Hail the Goddess!

-Loren Ward

--------January 1, 2002---------

Well, the new year is upon us. May it bring prosperity to all and be full of happiness. And for us followers of Ryoko, many more happy days and victories. Anyway, there are new images in the 22nd galler, thanx to Kristine, and four new fan arts in the Fan Art gallery. Very nice fan work, but very large, so you'll have to wait a bit to see the full products.

-Loren Ward

--------December 22, 2001---------

I got a few new image up in the 22nd gallery, thanx to Kristine, Kimi and Link. Other than that bunch, there is little else today.

-Loren Ward

--------December 21, 2001---------

Christmas is almost here, friends. Be happy! Anyway, I got a few new fan arts, now up in the fan art gallery, and here is an interesting bit of info Kristine located for me: The gang's standings in various Animerica's Fan Awards!

Favorite Male Character: Tenchi Masaki at #6

Favorite Female Character: Ryoko at #2 (Kristine and I agree there is something wrong here.....that should be a 1)

Favorite Couple: Ryoko and Tenchi at #13 (And Ayeka and Tenchi as a couple was NOWHERE ON THE LIST! *snickers*)

Favorite Anime Series: Tenchi Muyo! at #12

Favorite Single Video/Movie: Tenchi Muyo! In Love at #8

Favorite Manga Series: Tenchi Muyo! (No Need For Tenchi) at #7

Favorite Villian: Kagato at #11

Favorite Mascot: Ryo-Ohki at #1 (Yay!)

Favorite Mecha (Non-Gundam): Mecha Ryo-Ohki at #11

Favorite Female Character You'd Most Like to See in a Swimsuit: Ryo-Ohki at #7

Favorite Magical Girl: Pretty Sammy at #2 and Ryoko at #15

The link to these rankings can be found here:

Enjoy, and hooray for the gang and the Goddess!

-Loren Ward

--------December 14, 2001---------

The 21st gallery has been filled, and the 22nd has been started. Thanks to Kimi, Sara, Jeff, and Kristine, all that has been possible. For now, there isn't much else to say, so I'll leave you to enjoy the new images.

-Loren Ward

--------December 9, 2001---------

I got a few new pics up, filling out the 19th gallery and adding onto the half-filled 21st gallery. There will be numerous new pics coming online over the next few days as I get the time to upload them. We can thank Sara for the new ones, and Sara and Kimi to thank in advance for the upcoming pics. Other than that, there is just the normal weekly rotation of the signs, so until next time....

-Loren Ward