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My identity in Christ

My testimony up until the summer of 2002

I randomly sat down one day and asked myself that dreaded question…"why do I love God?"…this is what I came up with, I hope it encourages you guys…you should try it, its actually a lot of fun!

I love you God because…
You have so many names and each one is inadequate in describing the enormity, intricacy and beauty of your personality.
I love you because you didn’t make everything symmetrical,
Because you are so artistic,
Because flowers are so beautiful and random,
Because the very tips of your fingers convey beauty and the hem or your cloak, healing,
Because chaos is not in your vocabulary,
Because you’re infinitely kind,
Because you have every reason to be aloof and demanding of praise, and yet you are so very humble Because you are love,
Because you tell me jokes and make me smile,
Because you made me to be silly and you love it when I am myself
Because little things amuse you too,
Because you are thoughtful,
Because you meet my needs, and I don’t even have to mention them
Because you love to give me things and you enjoy my enjoyment
Because you are holy,
Because your word sustains the subatomic,
Because you are always here,
Because you enfold me in your arms when I am distressed,
Because you have schemes for my future and you giggle with glee over them, as if you were about to open a present that has long been anticipated,
Because you love the unlovable and use the foolish,
Because you challenge the status quo and cut down religion,
Because you thought of me when you made the cocoa plant and coffee bean,
Because you gave me the option to love you,
Because you thought me valuable enough to trade for your only son,
Because you are blunt with me and I can be blunt with you,
Because you never lie,
Because everything is mathematical,
Because you created such a beautiful and vast array of colors through only 3 primary colors!
Because you are still creating new galaxies,
I love you
Because despite the enormity of creation and your eternal nature, you noticed a lowly, finite person like me.
I love you because you made the platypus
Because you hold every dimension of history in the palm of your hands, and it is your story.
Because you still knock on the door of my life,
Because you are so absolutely patient,
Because I don’t bore you,
Because you love “love lives” too,
Because I can be vulnerable around you,
Because you see my flaws but love me regardless,
Because I cannot fully understand you,
Because your methods make sense, but your motives baffle me,
Because you favor mercy over justice, but one cannot work without the other; your mercy is just, and you justify your mercy.
Because you knew that Adam would fall before the foundation of time and that one-day you would have to die for my sins, and you chose to make us anyway.
Because your seasons are never mediocre,
Because you raise up and topple kingdoms, and you still love to sit with me as I groggily sip a morning cup of coffee.
Because you made the night sky and spiced it up with stars,
Because you are still discovering new aspects of your own nature,
Because you would rather be my friend then my boss,
Because you are my peace,
Because you know every minuscule detail about me, and you still want me to tell you all about my day!
Because your plans are perfect, but you work through imperfections
Because you are not confined by space and time
Because you made pepper,
Because you wouldn’t even joke about leaving me,
Because you come rollerblading with me,
And just because I just love you.