Konnichi wa minna-san! Welcome to my little place on the web, Merf World! This is where all the good Merfems can roam free and where you can see my art! This website is pretty new so there's not much here yet. But at least I have some of my old art works up! I really wanted a site for my art for the longest time and after going to some mean places I finally decided to go to Angel Fire. oo; Evil, good, or not, tis what I can use and tis what I'm happy with! Please E-Mail with any comments or such. Enjoy my little world of Merfness and come back soon! There'll be lots more! Arigoto!
I changed the Merf World banner and bars and also added a link to me section where there are two banners you all can use to link to me. It's found in the links page just to let you know. I have some gift art from a friend and I'm trying to figure out how the heck to put it on the site. ^^; I'll figure it out soon, hopefully.
Happy New Years, even if it's a little late. I added another picture, plus changed the art section a little. Still have much to do, though. Sadly I can't use my scanner yet (boo!) but at least I can still bring you all pictures I've drawn on the computer. Yay!
I added a new picture! It's Koneku my li'l and favorite cat morph. I must write about her soon. I got my scanner today, just gotta wait till Giftmas to use it. Hee hee. ^^ Adieu.
I've added widdle bars now. I don't really like them all that much, but I still think they look kinda cute. New bars will probably be up soon.
I've added music to the site. It might not last long, or I'll just change the music. I just want to try out some new stuff that's all. Enjoy!
12/14/02 New banner! Yaay! Enjoy the Christmasy banner. It'll only be on this page, though. I should be updating more, but I haven't much to put up right now. *sigh* Only a few more days. Merry Christmas! (Even if it's a few days early)
12/11/02 Whee! A new picture is up! Tis of my character, M2 Neko-Naku, on a Ragnarok RPG. I still must make that banner though. Merf...
This site is rated G for the momment. Yaay! Thanks to Amber of Mab's Land for the cute Panda Censor!
Music here has been provided by Super Mom with many thanks.
Where shall you go now?