Completed: 2002-07-26 Standard disclaimer: I do not own anything in this fan fiction except for the idea behind it and even that is mostly blatantly stolen from a multitude of sources. And if you don't like that, then SUE ME! Uhm, why are you all staring at me like that? No, it was a joke! Really! No, don't take my computer, no, not my videogames, no, not my cat!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!! *Sounds of a man being stripped of everything he own can be heard. * (Does anyone know that sound effect BTW?) Timelines: Everything in the canon Ranma 1/2 has happened in this fan fiction with the exception of the Saffron incident. Only the Ranma 1/2 reference in this fan fiction will use a modified timeline. Any other references will really just use the characters without any complex plots and/or situations. Age rating: If you can understand all the crap I'm spouting then you are definitely old enough to read this fan fiction. "Japanese" *Thoughts* Kenneth Lönnberg aka Macross_VF1 proudly presents: Balance of Chaos Chapter 3: Nothing and Everything Part 2 *** - - - - *** The next morning, Ranma stepped out of a portal just in front of the UN ETSPP bureau building. He yawned and stretched, having not gotten much sleep that night since he double-checked and archived all the data he collected the previous day. As he walked closer he could see some people, probably agents by their black clothes, waiting for him. "Morning." He greeted them somewhat drowsily and handed a disc over to one of the agents. "All processed and ready. Load to the scanner and you'll have full info of most of Europe and Asia. " The agent just nodded and scurried of into the building. "Agent Wildman, we had a security breach yesterday." One of the remaining agents said. "So? Just deal with it according to procedures." Ranma replied. "Already done. However there are several complications with this particular breach." "Like what?" "First of all, it concerns information on you." "Nothing strange with that." Ranma yawned. "Maybe, not but the higher ups were shaken by it, especially since the breach was made by a high school computer student." Ranma perked up a little. "So he or she is a genius when it comes to computers. Great. Hire him or her, ASAP." Ranma said dismissively. The agents did not move. "Was there something else?" He inquired somewhat irritably. The agents fidgeted before answering. "Well, we did apprehend the ringleader of this..." "And?" "Well, she is a high school student of 17 years of age. According the background check we made on her, she is not connected to any type of organisation. In fact, as far as we've been able to ascertain her purpose was only to find you. The guys upstairs don't like arresting an under-aged girl. The agent had Ranma's full attention. "Now that sounds interesting. Just doing it to find me? I wonder if she's a fan of mine." He said sarcastically. "I'll think I'll have to meet her personally." *** Nabiki was more than miserable. She wanted food, she wanted water, she wanted a shower, but mostly she just wanted a proper bed! The simple wooden board attached to the wall worked great sitting on, but not sleeping. Nabiki just wanted to get home. Suddenly the door opened and her eyes had to adjust against the bright light. "Here she is." She could hear a male voice saying from beyond the opening. Someone stepped through the doorway and blocked out the light. "So this is my admirer..." The new person said. Nabiki's heart skipped a couple of beats. Could it have been? She squinted against the light, trying to make out the features of the person. Sure enough, it was Ranma, standing with his arms crossed and his usual infuriating smirk adorning his face. Something was very different though; he had a much harder posture and expression than the almost childish innocence she was accustomed to. "Ranma?" She hesitantly asked. "Yup, that's me. Now..." He checked a list. "...Nabiki Tendo, just what were you thinking, stealing classified information from a UN installation?" He narrowed his eyes dangerously at her. Nabiki blinked. Wasn't he here to get her out? "Ranma? Why are you asking me that? Now get me out of here or you'll never hear the end of it!" Ranma only slightly tilted his head and looked at her appraisingly, from toe to top. Nabiki felt like she was being stripped naked under his scrutinizing gaze. "Listen here girl, I ask the questions here, and I expect to get answers." He demanded forcefully. "What are you trying to do Saotome? Don't pretend that you don't remember me." Ranma flinched. "Tell me why I should remember you." He said in a softer tone. Nabiki stared dumbstruck at him. She had suggested it earlier but could she have been so right with a mere guess. "Don't you remember me? Or Kasumi, Cologne, Happousai, Ryoga, Ukyo and Shampoo? Not even Akane or your father and mother?" Ranma flinched at every name she mentioned, though he either ignored them or he didn't notice. "No, I can positively say that I do not. However, I must admit that you have gotten me interested. You claim to know me and know who my father and mother are..." He tilted his head in the other direction. "Say, you live in Nerima, right?" Nabiki nodded. "Well, I was just on my way there, so I'll give you a ride." He said with a smile. "But sir!" A voice came from outside the door. "You cannot do that. Before the investigation is finished we can't release her." Ranma turned and gave the owner of the voice a hard glare. "And that's exactly what I'm doing. Finishing the investigation so we can release this girl. However I can't do that without bringing her with me. Do you got a problem with that?" The offending person did not speak up. Ranma turned back to Nabiki. "Have you ever teleported?" He asked with a grin. *** Nabiki stepped out of a portal somewhere in Nerima. As soon as she touched solid ground, she almost knelt down and kissed the ground. The teleportation was _not_ pleasant, and if Ranma's grin was any indication, he did it on purpose. She quickly composed herself and they both headed in the direction of the dojo. They walked in silence for a few minutes until they reached the entrance to the dojo. Nabiki took a deep breath and decided to break the silence. "Listen... If you truly have lost your memory, then I warn you... this might seem a bit chaotic to you." Ranma let out a short laugh. "Chaotic? Listen girl; come back to me when you have spent more than half your life on a battlefield. Then we can start talking about chaos." Nabiki didn't like his condescending tone, but she became more and more convinced that he really did not remember her or anyone else in Nerima for that matter. Still, 'half your life on a battlefield'? He didn't look any older than before his disappearance. She shrugged and ignored it for the moment. After all, she had to brace for the inevitable chaos that was so common for Nerima. She swung the doors to the dojo opened and entered, cautiously looking around. She breathed a sigh of relief as no one was apparently home. She motioned for Ranma to follow her and they both entered the house. Well inside, she told Ranma to sit down while she went to gather some evidence of her claim to know Ranma. In hindsight, she wished she never left him. As she was rummaging through her drawers, looking for conclusive evidence, she heard the doors to the house open. She dropped everything she was holding and rushed down the stairs, mentally praying that she by some miracle would arrive first to the living room. The miracle never came. "Ranma?" She could hear Nodoka exclaim. "Foolish boy." Genma added. "Leaving your fiancée like this. Didn't I teach you better?" Soun predictably cried. "Oh, the schools can finally be joined!" Kasumi didn't utter more than her almost patented: "Oh my!" "Where have you been, you jerk?" Akane screamed in her usual furious tone. Ranma didn't say anything; he just stood in the middle of the room, with his arms crossed, observing the people in front of him. "Answer me!" Akane screamed further. Ranma finally spoke up. "I do not know any of you people, and I do not want to be a part of whatever you are planning." He turned to Nabiki. "You better have some good evidence." He said with a glare. Nabiki winced, as she knew the reaction Ranma's behaviour would elicit from Akane. Sure enough, she turned red with fury, whipped out her mallet and charged with deadly intent. Ranma calmly turned, not reacting in any way. Just as Akane was about to connect, he somehow caught the mallet without moving. Well that was just how it looked. Suddenly he just stood there, blocking the mallet's trajectory with his left hand, mere centimetres from his skull. "I do _not_ take kindly to unprovoked assaults." He growled and squeezed the mallet. With a crack the entire weapon turned into wooden splinters, save for the handle. Akane looked dumbly at it for a moment before dismissing it and throwing a punch aimed at Ranma's face. Yet again it seemed like Ranma didn't move despite catching Akane's hand. In a fluid motion, he threw her backwards, landing straight on top of the living room table. It predictably broke but Akane seemed oblivious to this as she struggled to regain balance. "My baby!" Soun exclaimed and cried some more. "Stop this!" Nabiki yelled, managing to get everyone's attention. "Look at you! Acting like some barbarians just because Ranma is back. Besides, he doesn't remember us." "Amnesia?" Genma perked up. "That's easily cured." He said before charging straight at Ranma. It should not be needed to note that Genma is really, really stupid. Ranma easily sidestepped the attack, adding a punch to Genma's back as he went by. With a splash, Genma landed in the koi pond. "Anyone else?!" Ranma challenged with glowing red eyes, taking up a threatening stance. No one moved or said anything, not even Akane. "Good!" He said, his eyes returning to their normal green hue. A dripping noise alerted him to a threat behind him though, and he instantly whirled on the spot. "Didn't get eno..." He started but promptly cut himself off. Before him a big, sopping wet, panda stood. Suddenly, he knelt and clutched his head, his entire body spasming violently. After a minute, it stopped and he looked up. *The mallet, the angel, the katana, the crying man, the panda. * He thought. Everything was fitting together. He swallowed despite his dry throat. "Home." He whispered. *** Setsuna stood in the kitchen of Michiru and Haruka's house, trying to find something worthwhile to eat as she had spent the last three days trying to follow Ranma's movements. She sighed at the futility of it. Ranma had proven to be almost impossible to track. The mind-meld technique he applied on her enabled her to feel him, but only when he was close and she was in normal reality, not at the time gate. Right now, she could feel him somewhere in Nerima and she was bothered by the disturbing images she got. According to his explanation, the mind-meld was only supposed to work by conscious activation and yet right now she received more than before. She took a sip from a glass filled with juice, reflecting on the actions she actually had tracked. Sure those vanishing acts he performed with some kind of portal were strange but nothing else he had done was really suspicious and even she had to admit that the UN ETSPP bureau was a good idea. Suddenly she felt an intense pain through the mind-link. She staggered and tried to regain her balance, dropping the glass in the process. Her thoughts were horribly disorganised, and she struggled to clear a path through her turbulent mind. A second later, everything cleared up and she could think straight again. *What, was that? * She wondered with a wide-eyed expression. Half a minute later, the telephone rang. Setsuna hesitated, Haruka and Michiru normally answered the phone, but she had a feeling that this phone call was for her. She decided to follow her instincts and quickly picked up the phone. "Moshi, Moshi?" She answered. "Sorry about this, Sailor Pluto." She heard a voice say. Not that it was any doubt of the owner of the voice. Ranma... "But could you contact Sailor Mercury and get to the Tendo Dojo in Nerima? Something serious came up." Setsuna frowned. That something serious had happened was obvious but why did he request for her and Ami to get to a dojo in Nerima? "Exactly what are you trying to do?" She asked suspiciously. "Well..." He hesitated nervously. "You will not like this. This appears to be my home dimension..." *** Ranma refused to tell anything after the strange phone call he made. He just told to wait for two associates of his and then he would explain where he had been. Nabiki predictably saw this as chance to make some money and in slightly less than an hour, Ukyo, the Kunos, the amazons and Happousai had gathered at the dojo. The only response from Ranma for this action was a disappointed glare, and that somehow made Nabiki feel guilty. Nabiki, along with the others sat in the dojo waiting for Ranma. She cleared her throat. "Listen up." She said getting everyone's attention and she gave everyone a harsh glare. "As you all know, Ranma is here _but_ as I stated earlier over the phone, you will not do anything before he has explained himself. Is that clear?" "Thanks Nabiki, but somehow I don't think they will abide to that for more than five minutes." Ranma's voice came from behind her. She saw the other's gasp and she quickly turned around. Her jaw hit the floor. Before her Ranma stood in the armour he summoned when he made his grand appearance, only this time the breastplates were bulkier, as well as more ornate. The right plate had an intricate and flowing design almost like some kind of glyph or rune, while the other had two beautiful gemstones imbedded in it. He almost looked like some kind of futuristic knight, yet he was very intimidating. Nabiki quickly collected herself and sat down in her chair. Ranma crossed his arms, making him look even more intimidating. "I gather you have many questions, but be patient and everything will become clear. First I want to introduce you to Sailor Pluto and Sailor Mercury of the famous Sailor Senshi from Juuban." He ignored the gasps as both Pluto and Mercury came into the dojo. However he could not ignore a certain person. "Hotcha!" Happousai cried out and launched himself at Mercury. He didn't arrive though as he was snagged in the air by Ranma. "Touch them and you'll wish I would have killed you instead." Ranma said in a disturbingly calm tone, despite making a death threat. Happousai struggled and managed to get free of Ranma's grip. "Is that any way to talk to your master boy?" He said with an annoyed expression. His annoyance changed into an evil grin. "But why bother with them when I have the grand price before me?" He grabbed a bucket of water from somewhere and splashed Ranma. Only Ranma didn't change. He just stood there with a wide grin, albeit dripping with water. The assembled people gasped. The Senshi could only look on in confusion though. Genma spoke up. "Son, have you found a cure?" "No, I have not, I have something much better instead." Ranma said still grinning, as his entire body shimmered. In a second his armour reformed, his hair changed to red and his chest become much bigger. He became a she. Another round of gasps followed, this time including the Senshi and Happousai's eyes almost bugged out in amazement. Ranma quickly changed back into his male form, grinning like a madman. "In fact, until now I didn't even know it was a curse." "Until now? What are you talking about son-in-law?" Cologne inquired. "Let's take things in the proper order." Ranma said while kicking Happousai to the back of the dojo. "Now, as I was saying, this is Sailor Mercury and Sailor Pluto. They are here to witness and record what happens here tonight. This is because I'm currently an ally with them and this will fill them in on some of my background." He sighed and took a deep breath before continuing. "Now to the million dollar question. Where have I been? The answer to that is not an easy one, I assure you. However, I will try to make a long story short, by telling you that I have been travelling." "That must have been some trip." Ukyo noted with some sarcasm. "You don't know how right you are." Ranma replied looking a bit depressed. "I will start at the beginning. For some reason, which I have yet to discover, I was transported to another dimension. Other dimensions should come as no surprise to some of you, if you remember the Nanban Mirror." Kuno did not know what the Nanban mirror was. "Are you suggesting that there are more worlds than this? Surely you must be jesting." Ranma shook his head. "No Kuno, I am serious. In fact, most scientists are certain that there are unlimited dimensions. Questioning that would be like questioning the genius of Shakespeare himself." Kuno settled down and seemed to be in deep thought. The others could just look on with stunned expressions. Had Ranma just managed to reach Kuno? It seemed impossible, yet the proof was right there in front of them. "My travels did not stop there however." Ranma continued. "For two thousand years, I have travelled, against my will, through hundreds of dimensions. Until now, I never knew my background, except that I knew my name was Ranma. That I have regained my memory suggests that this is my home dimension..." Soun decided to share his 'hard earned wisdom'. "Well, then. I'm happy that you are back and have regained your memory. Now when shall we hold the wedding?" "Yes, this is the perfect time to join the schools." Genma agreed. Ranma's eyes turned red. "How about never?" He said in a deadly tone. Soun got enraged. "You will marry my daughter!" He yelled, deploying his demon head technique. "I WILL NOT COMPLY" Ranma replied in a disturbingly monotone voice. Soun 'eeped' and cowered in his seat. Ranma looked at the other girls in the room, giving each of them a harsh glare. "In fact, I will not marry anyone in this room." "What?!" Ukyo exclaimed. "But... why not?" She said on the verge of tears. "Please, Ranma darling. Don't do this to me." Kodachi continued. "Who is other girl? Will kill obstacle." Shampoo said. Nodoka was fingering her katana. "Son, it is a matter of honour that you marr..." Ranma cut her off. " Honour? HONOUR? You dare speak about honour, you who sent your only son to be raised by that pathetic excuse of a mon- keigh?" He said, pointing at Genma. "You don't even know the first thing about honour." He said shaking his head. "No, I will not betray my wife by thinking of marriage." "Wife?" Genma exclaimed. "Have you been cheating on your fiancée, boy?" Ranma only glared at Genma. "Have I?" He said with a snort. "First, I didn't even know I had a fiancée. Secondly, even if I had, did you really expect me to keep myself in celibacy for thousands of years? Besides, my wife has been dead for a long time now." He said with a dark expression. "Just think about it. I have lived for almost two millennia, and only recently discovered who I previously was. Which set of memories do you think takes precedence? Ranma Wildman, 2000 years old or Ranma Saotome, 17 years old?" Nodoka gasped. "You can't be serious." "Oh I'm deadly serious." Ranma retorted and pointed at his head "In fact, I'm currently connected to every record concerning my existence. With a thought I could erase them all, without anyone ever noticing. It's all up to you. All I ask is that you nullify any and all agreements, made by Genma, concerning me. " "But I can't do that..." Nodoka hesitated, glancing at Genma. "Don't worry about _him_." Ranma almost spat at Genma. "I've just made you the sole head of the Saotome clan so the decision is in your entirely in your hands." Genma gasped. "You can't do that!" "I just did." Ranma said with a glare. He turned back to Nodoka, ignoring Genma's protests. "So, what will it be?" Nodoka looked desperate. "Please, don't make me do this." She pleaded. Ranma only glared. "I can't..." she whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks. "So be it." Ranma said, getting a blank look for a second, before continuing. "It is done. Ranma Saotome has never existed." Cologne spoke up. "Don't think you're off the hook yet, son-in-law. Japanese honour may recognize you as dead, but the amazons do not care about a name." "Ah yes, the 'young' ghoul." He said sarcastically. "I agree with you on that point. However, I'm offering you an alternative." Cologne raised an eyebrow. "Really? And what are you proposing?" "That you release me from the law concerning the supposed marriage to Xian Pu. In return I will become an ally to the amazon tribe, helping in the defence of any and all threats to it." "And if I refuse?" "Then your pitiful tribe will be reduced to its composing atoms." Ranma answered calmly. He pressed a button his wrist and the big shoulder gun he had previously used in his initial confrontation appeared. He tapped it with a finger. "This is a MAC gun, and it's of my own design. I highly doubt that you have missed what it can do unless of course you have escaped the 'wonders' of television. What you do not know is that I can possibly destroy this entire planet with it, let alone a small backwards village in the wilderness of China." "You're bluffing." Cologne said confidently, yet internally she feared the power that the gun could release. Mercury interjected. "No, he's not. In fact, if using a powerful enough power source, he could even destroy this entire solar system. I have to admit that I didn't truly believe it at first, but I made some calculations and his claim is quite true." She said with a shudder. Cologne considered that for a minute. She was cornered and she didn't like it one bit. She had seen what the gun could do and it was certainly powerful, but could it truly be as powerful as Ranma and the girl claimed? Of course, the girl could be working with Ranma, but she seemed sincere enough, and just thinking of what would happen if Ranma's claim was true, made her shiver. She turned to Ranma and looked darkly at him. "I... will think about it." "Good enough for me." Ranma said, dismissing the gun. "Now, just to make sure there are no misunderstandings, I am Ranma Wildman and I have no connections to any of you, with the exception of Cologne." His eyes shifted back from red to green. He looked in concern at Kasumi. "Kasumi, Ranma Saotome thought of you as a mother and I feel the same way. I strongly urge you to leave this place of madness." He turned to Nabiki. "Ranma Saotome never understood you Nabiki, but I do. I give you the same advice as Kasumi; leave, and never look back." Akane looked like she was about to explode. "Stop talking like that to my sisters!" "Oh? Am I not allowed to say good bye?" He said in mock surprise. His gaze softened considerably as he looked at Akane. "I'm sorry for this Akane, but I cannot in good conscience think about any type of marriage. I'm too dangerous." He said gravely. "I can tell you one thing though, Ranma Saotome, would gladly have married you..." He said and turned to leave. Akane was stunned by this revelation but before she could answer another voice cut in. "Ranma, you coward! Prepare to die!" Ryoga yelled as he charged. Ranma calmly turned, not even bothering to dodge. Seemingly without moving, Ranma suddenly had his hand around Ryoga's throat and he proceeded to lift the lost boy up in the air. "Ah, the eternally lost pig. How are you these days? Claiming to be miserable, as usual?" Ranma said with a Kasumi like smile. "Then try harder. You say that you have seen hell because of me, though somehow I doubt it. I on the other hand has seen lots of hells and let me tell you something, hell is more inviting than being around you." He finished darkly. "Shut... up..." Ryoga growled despite having trouble breathing. He suddenly stabbed Ranma in the left chest plate and with a cry of "Bakusai Tenketsu!" the plate shattered. The gemstones imbedded in it was freed and dropped to the floor. Ranma staggered back, loosing his hold on Ryoga's throat, but he didn't appear to be hurt. He looked down at the shattered plate, then the gemstones, then Ryoga and finally back to the gemstones. "Normally I would be impressed by such a show of skill." He calmly stated. He looked up, staring straight at Ryoga. "However, that was my wife and daughter's spirit stones." He said with an almost insane grin. His eyes turned impossibly dark and an aura black enough to blot out the sun formed around him. Ryoga had only a second to realise that this would hurt. Ranma seemed to almost vanish but if Ryoga was any indication, Ranma was most definitely still there. The lost boy seemingly hovered one foot above the floor held aloft by hundreds and hundreds of blows. The sound was almost deafening, and it seemed like the punishment would never end. However, almost as abruptly as it had started, it stopped, dropping Ryoga to the floor. The lost boy was a mess, almost every joint was aimed in the wrong direction, massive bruises could be seen forming all over his body and his face was nothing more than a bloody pulp. Ranma carefully stepped over the limp body and tenderly gathered up the gemstones. "I have other matters to attend to. Good day to you all." He said, turning to leave. However Ukyo, Shampoo and Kodachi stopped him. "Please Ranma." Ukyo cried. "Why are you doing this?" Kodachi and Shampoo could only agree. "Yes, tell us why." Sailor Pluto interjected. "Somehow I feel that you are not telling us everything." She said with a smirk. Ranma shot her a dark glare before turning back to the girls. "As I have told you, I had a wife once and together with her I had a wonderful daughter." His expression turned even darker. "I killed them myself." He finished before leaving the dojo. *** - - - - *** More secrets are revealed and even more questions are raised. Ranma's curse is almost cured? Does anyone think the Nerima Wrecking Crew will give up on Ranma? And most importantly, what did happen to his wife and daughter? Some questions will be answered in the coming chapter but rest assured that most answers will only be revealed at the very end (If you find the clues that is (Ph34r m3. I'm Evul! ^___^)). Stay tuned for the next chapter of Balance of Chaos: Neither bad nor good (Yeah I know. I sound like an announcer in a bad show from the seventies). Just another thing, please don't believe that this chapter was all bashing. The reason for Ranma's cold behaviour will be apparent later on... (Actually it should already be apparent but only if you've seen all the clues ^___^) If you wish to contact me then do so at: or My works will be available at: My own page - And when they get around to update/accept my fics, these sites will also feature my fics: Lady Cosmo's Fanfic Library - Ranchan & co. Crossing bridges -