Finished: 2002-12-28 Standard disclaimer: I do not own anything in this fan fiction except for the idea behind it and even that is mostly blatantly stolen from a multitude of sources. And if you don't like that, then SUE ME! Uhm, why are you all staring at me like that? No, it was a joke! Really! No, don't take my computer, no, not my videogames, no, not my cat!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!! *Sounds of a man being stripped of everything he own can be heard. * (Does anyone know that sound effect BTW?) "Japanese" ~Sound effects~ Kenneth Lönnberg aka Macross_VF1 _not_ so proudly presents: A Balance of Chaos Spamfic Minions of Slaanesh *** - - - - *** Ranma Wildman had just arrived at a new dimension. It was a seemingly idyllic place, with a clear blue sky, shining sun and perfect green grass. However experience had taught him not to trust the first impression, though nothing could have prepared him for what was to come. He was cornered by a group of four... things... that had him surrounded. It was one blue, one yellow, one red and one purple thing. He was certain that the purple one with the purse was gay. Their weapon of choice: Cuteness. Sugar and sweetness literally dripped off of them and a lesser man would have been mad in seconds. If you survived the first onslaught you still would have to find a dentist later to fill up all the cavities in your teeth. Ranma totally agreed with Atomic Starlight Knight; cuteness was the most frightening weapon ever invented. Not even his MAC-gun loaded with Omega-particles could compare to this. They danced around him saying unintelligible, yet cute, words, being very happy to have found a new playmate. However Ranma knew what they really were and what they really wanted and he wouldn't allow it! Even if it killed him permanently! . . . "DIE YOU EVIL MINIONS OF SLANEESH!" "DIE!" ~BLAM~ "DIE!!" ~BLAM~ "DIE!!!" ~BLAM~ "MWUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" ~BAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAM~ And so, the teletubbies were no more. The End (For now) *** Like you didn't see that coming. It is interesting how these cute things can make grown men want to run away and hide under a rock or something. I thoroughly enjoyed writing this one. I have a teletubby doll here at home that I let my cat torture. Might not sound like much but then again, you don't know my cat... If you don't know who Atomic Starlight Knight is then you should follow this link to Benjamin A. Oliver at "The Lost Library of Lady Florestica", the brilliant author behind "Nuke 'Em Til They Glow!!".