Completed: 2002-07-26 Standard disclaimer: I do not own anything in this fan fiction except for the idea behind it and even that is mostly blatantly stolen from a multitude of sources. And if you don't like that, then SUE ME! Uhm, why are you all staring at me like that? No, it was a joke! Really! No, don't take my computer, no, not my videogames, no, not my cat!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!! *Sounds of a man being stripped of everything he own can be heard. * (Does anyone know that sound effect BTW?) Note: This is a side story to Balance of Chaos. As such, you do not have to read this to understand the main story. Timeline: This story takes place during Balance of Chaos 3, part 1. More specifically, between the point where Ranma leaves the UN ETSPP headquarters and the point where he goes to the Masaki Shrine. Age rating: If you can understand all the crap I'm spouting then you are definitely old enough to read this fan fiction. "Japanese" *Thoughts* Kenneth Lönnberg aka Macross_VF1 proudly presents: Balance of Chaos Side story one: Eye catches *** - - - - *** Under a mountain, in a secret base, the infamous Crime lord and terrorist leader M. Bison sat on a throne-like chair pondering about the recent events in Japan. The world famous Ryu had long been one of his main interests but now he had new 'hobby'. He pressed a button on the armrest. "Have you located him yet?" "No sir." Came the static response. "He is even harder to pinpoint than Ryu. He was last reported in London and the one before that said Japan. The strange thing is that it was only one hour between the reports. Of course, since the subject has access to technology we could only dream of, it is highly possible that he uses some kind of transportation device that allows him to traverse unimaginable distances in just a blink of the eye." "Continue the search. Do not rest until you have found a solid lead, understood?" Bison commanded. "Yes sir! We shall double our efforts." Bison disconnected the communication and looked up as the door to his chambers opened. His cronies Vega, Sagat and Balrog came in. "Any luck?" Balrog asked. "No." Bison answered making clear that he did not want to hear any more on the subject for the moment. Balrog was of course oblivious to this and snorted as he continued. "Bah, I dunno what you see in 'dis guy. Without his fancy guns he's nuthin'." Bison smirked though it wasn't a pleasant one. "So you say... Then you don't have any problems with volunteering to be a moving target for those guns, will you? " Balrog was about to retort when he caught Bison's smirk. He lowered his head and almost looked like he was ashamed. "Good, now here's your new mission..." Bison began. "Nice place you got here." A voice said from the side. All of them whirled on the spot to face the intruder. All of them also instantly recognized the speaker. Ranma Wildman stood there looking down on what appeared to be a handheld palm computer. Bison motioned for his cronies to surround Wildman at the same time as he pressed an alarm button on his chair. He calmly stood up and faced the armoured man. "Welcome to my humble domain. I never would have expected the famous Wildman to visit me. I guess my reputation precedes me." He said in an exaggerated manner despite being quite irritated to have the person he wanted to find showing up quite literally on his doorstep. Ranma only ignored him. Bison got more irritated and coughed to get his attention. "Exactly what are you doing?" Ranma looked up from the screen of his device. "Oh, don't mind me, I'm just taking some readings. I'll be gone in a minute." Bison tensed up in barley-contained fury. How dared he make a mockery of M. Bison? "Are you joking? In that case I do not find it funny. I repeat: What. Are. You. Doing?" Ranma sighed and put away the device. "So you want to know?" He suddenly changed his entire expression and seemed to have developed a constant frown. "Same thing as we do every night Pinky." He said in a deeper voice. Bison raised an eyebrow at the strange behaviour. "And what is that?" "Try to take over the world! BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Ranma laughed like a maniac. He changed back to his normal expression. "Damn, I love that show." He said and promptly vanished through a portal. Four of the world's most dangerous and evil men sweatdropped. *** Morrigan Aensland was, as usual, bored. At the moment she was walking the streets of London trying to find something to lighten her mood. She sighed and wished she could find a worthy challenge. Be careful what you wish for... "Hellooo, Nurse!" A male voice came from behind her. She quickly turned to face the offending person only to have him jump straight into her arms. "Give me some sugar, baby." He said preparing his lips for a big kiss. Morrigan snarled and dropped the offending person in disgust. He quickly stood up. "C'mon, don't be that way. I was just joking. Besides, I thought a Succubus liked this kind of stuff." Morrigan narrowed her eyes in suspicion. How could he know she was a succubus? He didn't feel like something other than a mortal. Suddenly her eyes widened in recognition. It was the guy from Japan! This could prove interesting. "Maybe I was a bit hasty. " She said in a sultry tone and put on her (almost) patented succubus charms. She laid one of her slender hands on Ranma's shoulders and subtly moved her other hand over his body. "Maybe you want to follow me home for a cup of tea..." she suggested, also saying that she had a lot more in mind than some tea. Ranma only chuckled. "Heh, sorry to disappoint you but that doesn't work on me." He smiled genuinely. "Now what are you doing outside your domain? From the looks of it you are more than a bit bored." Morrigan was surprised that he didn't react to her seduction attempt. She quickly collected herself and assumed her normal behaviour. "You don't know how right you are." She said with a sigh. "It's like the human world doesn't have anything to offer any more. Although I could think of a thing or two to offer you." She said smiling back. Ranma chuckled again. "Sorry, but I'm working right now. But if you want some fun you always could visit Ryu." "Ryu?" Morrigan inquired. Could he possibly be referring to the Ryu? "Sure thing. I last saw him in the Himalayas. He was heading to India." He took out a small computer screen that showed a map of India. "He should be... Ah there he is." Ranma said indicating a certain spot. "If you are quick you might catch up with him tomorrow." Morrigan was ecstatic. She had heard tons of rumours of this Ryu guy but she had never been able to find him. She gave Ranma a quick peck on the cheek. "Thanks. I owe you one." She said before sprinting off. Ranma chuckled for a third time. "Yup. I'm evil. " He said to himself. *** Ryu was afraid. Very afraid. Now, one might think that a person who is one of the best martial artists in the world and has faced and beaten the infamous M. Bison, the possessed Akuma, the ruthless Sagat and his own dark side might not be afraid of anything. They were wrong. On his right side, a teenage girl in a blue and white Japanese school uniform, tugged at his arm. "C'mon Ryu. Please let me train under you." She pleaded. The girl's name was Sakura. On his other side, a mature and well-endowed woman literally clung to his arm in a sensual manner. "Forget about the little brat, Ryu. I can teach you a thing or two about _marital_ arts instead." The woman's name was Morrigan. Ryu sighed and basically wanted to vanish. He had no problems with hitting women, but only if he was attacked or was challenged. This kind of situation though... Well he just didn't have much experience in dealing with women and to make the matter worse, Sakura and Morrigan had just engaged in a staring match, lowering the temperature around them, and consequently him as well, several degrees. *Oh, well. * He thought. *It can't get worse than this.* Murphy's law just loves that statement. He rounded a corner trying to make a subtle escape from the women's glaring competition only to bump into someone. "Excuse me." He quickly said. "Ryu?" Asked the person. Ruy turned to face the person. He got a small surprise when it was Chun Li. "It IS you!" She exclaimed happily. "I've been looking for you. We have found a good lead on Bison again and we want your he..." She suddenly stopped and looked over Ryu's shoulder. Her entire mannerism changed in a second, from happy to suspicious. "Who are those people?" She said in a frosty tone. Ryu almost shivered at the coldness in her voice as he looked back only to see Morrigan and Sakura catching up with him. They both stopped in their tracks when they noticed Chun Li. They exchanged overly pleasant presentations and another staring match followed. He idly wondered what Kami he had pissed of to deserve this. And yes, he was afraid. *** All over the anime multiverse, millions of guys surrounded by pretty girls, sneezed. *** - - - - *** Bwahahaha! I've always wanted to do that to Ryu. Heck, I could base an entire fic on this. Oh well, hope you liked it. If you wish to contact me then do so at: or My works will be available at: My own page - And when they get around to update/accept my fics, these sites will also feature my fics: Lady Cosmo's Fanfic Library - Ranchan & co. Crossing bridges -