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Majin Gohan

Name: Majin Gohan
Race: Saiyan/Majin/Human
Status: Alive
Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Ties: 0
Moves: Eye Beam, Kiaiho, Renzoku Energy Dan, Solar Flare, Bukujutsu
Items: Super Weighteed Clothing
Job: Delivery Boy
AIM: DBMajinGohan
Side: Both
Planet: Earth
Money: $250
Power Level: 1100
Ki: 1000
HP: 1000
Defence: 50
Speed: 1100
Fighting Ability: 1
Pic: None
Characteristics: Good intentions, determined to be the best.
Training: Kami's Lookout Meditation (3 Days left)
Building: Nothing
Dragonballs Owned: 0
Owes The Bank: $0
Bio: Good intentions, however, determined to be the strongest fighter. Ambitous and willing to fight a friendly opponent for the sake of improvement and pride. Respect is hard to earn with him, and neither is trust. Frusterated with years of being under his father's shadow of selfishness and never satisfying his mother's plans for his life, Gohan embraces the majin in order to seperate himself from his father on his old life, in order to create his own ID an mark upon the universe.