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F. Y. I.

For Your Information

You must be wondering, "What the flick is this page for anyways?! FYI? What kinda lame shit is this?!" Well... This kinda lame shit is something important people need to know! So listen up! FYI, some images are not made by me. Some are taken from other websites, and redone with my own final touch. I want people to know this because some people whom I have taken pictures from and redone them, might get mad at me for doing this. Well, I dont care about recognition, so I dont mind saying these pics werent made by me.

The only pics that were done by me, and should never be touched without my permission are the pics on the My Pics page. Those pics were done by hand, by ME! The rest of the pics were prob taken from some other site.

Some of the sites that I have taken pics from, I will add to my Other Sites page. So they can get recognition. I guess thats all I want you peeps to know. Oh, and the pics from my friends, or from people who sent them to me, are also MY property. Well, thats all for this FYI page. Tata darlings!!!
