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My Pics

Ok. This page has pictures made by none other than!!!! *drum rolls* ME!! *turns applause sign on* Thank you! Thank you! Thank you very much! *bows*

Alrighty, enough about the intro! Ive been drawing anime pics, since I was in 6th grade, before that I drew stick figures and what was supposedly flowers for my art class. I dont practice drawing alot lately. Before, all of my friends were artist, they drew way better than me. But we went our seperate ways, and I got stuck with non-drawings asses (my new friends). Im joking with them by the way *looks around* good... they arent here. Or are they?

I will soon add a page which will be called, "My friends crappy art," Ok, I wont, Ill get my ass beaten. Ill call it, "Friendly Art." Ill prob add it as soon as I can talk to my old friends and ask them for a pic. Meanwhile, I have no pics from my friends, the only pics I do have, are pasted on my wall with wood glue, so in case of an earth quake in NY, my pics wont fall off! ^-^

Remember, if you are an artist yourself, send me some pics you drew. I might not know you, but if I feel kinda enough, Ill add it. Im mostly online everyday. So, Im sure your pic will be added the exact same day you sent it, unless Im blind enough to delete your email by mistake. And that does happen alot.

Ok! Ok! I know you wanna see my pics, so Ill just cut this short. Here are my pics!

[Click on the page to check it out]

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