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By Maria Cline

It was a beautiful day as Goku carried Chi Chi into the doorway. The Ox-King had left to leave the castle to themselves for a few days. He didn't want to be around for the honeymoon.

"Oh, Goku." Chi Chi said as she smiled. "I'm so happy!"

Goku was looking somewhat confused as he put her down. "So am I! But, what are we're supposed to do now? I never been married before!"

Chi Chi fell over and answered, "Now, we have our honeymoon!" She glanced at him and asked, "You do know what a honeymoon is right?"

Goku frowned as he thought back to when he was training with Krillian. "Sure I do. Krillian and Roshi told me that in a honeymoon I will get to do a lot of sex. I'm kinda confused about this sex thing. I think it's some kind of thing that boys and girls do together right?"

Chi Chi nodded. **Of course that pervert will explain to Goku about sex before marriage. It's a start.** "Yes."

"Good." Goku got out a capsule and tossed it on the ground. On the ground, lay several magazines that Roshi have loaned him as a wedding present. He picked up a magazine and opened it up. "This type of sex looks like fun."

Chi Chi glanced at the magazine and turned bright red. "Oh, Goku... my dad has that sort of equipment in the dungeon. He didn't use it in such a long time but it's useable and I can get some more that will hold you."

"Should we try a different way?" Goku asked.

"No! It's just... who should be the one in the chains?"

Goku frowned and then replied, "I'll be the one. I don't want to hurt you that badly."


Chi Chi put on her leather outfit as Goku was putting on some outfit that they had gotten at some store Roshi and Oolong had hung out in before. In fact, they had been given a discount since they knew Roshi and Oolong so well. They also got some special enhanced chains and collars that Bulma made up. Goku couldn't ask how or why Bulma made such powerful confinement devices but he accepted them and ran off.

Now, in the Ox-King's dungeon, Chi Chi set up the chains as Goku stared at them with nervousness and eagerness. "Oh man. Wow."

Chi Chi was dressed in a sleek black leather outfit that was tight with a Zorro like mask and a whip at her side. Goku was dressed in a simple loincloth and a collar and leash. "Let's do it." She said as she cracked her whip.

She grabbed Goku's leash and led him to a circular device with four chains. Goku lifted his arms up and the woman placed his wrists in the chains. Then, she put the chains on his ankles. "Strong enough?" She purred.

Goku tugged at the chains. They were very strong but he could break them if he work at them hard enough for several days. He nodded.

"Good." She reached behind her and got out a blindfold. "Close your eyes." she ordered. She wrapped the blindfold around his head.

"I don't rely on my eyes to see." Goku said as the world went dark around him.

"True, but it make things more fun." Chi Chi said as she straddled herself on his waist and began to kiss him. "Now, don't talk. I read the magazines too." She got out a gag and stuffed it in his mouth.

He could feel her hands all over his body. He shifted from one side to another and moaned as she began kissing him on his chest and rubbed his nipples. A strange smell over came him as he leaned his head back. He wasn’t sure what it was but it wasn’t food. Chi Chi began to kiss lower to his flat stomach and then she started to kiss lower.

"Muummph!" He squeaked.

Chi Chi whispered, "It's okay. I see this on the magazine." She released her grip and went to the wheel. She moved it forward and tilted it back until it was horizontal. "There." She said as she stroked his hair. She went on top of him and rubbed herself on his body. The magazine lay there still in her sight.

"Hmmm dddmm?" Goku tried to ask as he jerked his chain.

Chi Chi removed the gag and asked, "What did you say?"

"It's rising? How?" He asked as he took a deep breath.

Chi Chi looked down and replied, "It's normal. Trust me."

"Oh." Chi Chi gagged him again and did what she did before.

Author’s note: Due to the lack of experience in writing lemons, I will leave the rest of the scene to your imagination.


Krillian, Puar, Bulma, and Yamcha stared at the castle as they got out of the hover car. "Do you really think Goku needs help?" Yamcha asked skeptically. "I mean how hard could it be for him?"

"He doesn't know what marriage is and when he was twelve he couldn't tell the difference between a man and a woman for years." Krillian answered.

“He’s completely clueless.” Bulma said, “I mean, he saw me naked and didn’t care a bit!”

Krillian and Yamcha’s eyes widen. “Goku actually saw you naked?” Krillian asked. **Damn it! That lucky bastard!**

“He never knew how lucky he was.” Bulma said as she pouted.

"Oh man." Yamcha muttered as they went up to the castle. He knocked on the door. There was a note that said ‘Warning, honeymooners at home. Do not disturb or face death. Sincerely, Chi Chi.’ “Are you sure you want to interrupt them?”

Suddenly, an ear piercing scream emanated from the castle. “AAAAHHHH!!!” It was Goku.

“Goku!” Yamcha and Krillian yelled out as Yamcha bashed down the door. Bulma and Puar followed behind them.

“It must be Piccolo!” Krillian said as he started to shake. Piccolo was such a strong opponent but Goku should’ve been able to take care of him.

They ran down the stairs and the screams grew louder. It echoed in the halls. Suddenly, the screams stopped. “Oh no.” Bulma muttered as they ran to the lowest room that was labeled ‘Dungeon’.

Krillian bashed down the door with his head and the group ran in expecting to see a certain demon standing there. Instead, they saw a woman dressed in black leather with a matching mask laying all over Goku who was chained up, gagged, and blindfolded. She looked up and her eyes lit up. “GET OUT!!!” She yelled out as she took out her whip and chased the group.

“Chi Chi?” Krillian asked as he dodged the whip.

“YES!!!” Chi Chi ripped off her mask and began to use her whip against the interlopers.

“Oops.” Yamcha said as he and everybody else zoomed out of the castle at record speed.

As soon as they were in the car, Bulma’s face turned beat red. “Were they?” She finally asked.

“I never saw Goku like that.” Krillian said.

Puar shook with fear. “I think we better avoid Chi Chi for a while.”

The group nod in unison. “How about five years?” Yamcha suggested.

“Sounds great to me.” Bulma agreed.





By Maria Cline

"Ahhh..." Yamcha sighed as he was sitting at home in his recliner with a beer in one hand and a tv remote in the other. Puar was sitting in his chair. "So, what do you want to watch tonight?"

"I don't know." Puar replied when the phone rang. The small cat picked up the phone and said, "Hello? Oh... Goku! Huh?! You need to talk with Yamcha? Okay." Puar handed the phone to Yamcha and said, "It's for you. It's Goku and he sounds upset."

"Goku? Upset?" Yamcha repeated as he picked up the phone and asked, "Goku? You okay? Huh?! Uh huh. Uh huh. WHAT?! How? Oh, you don't want to talk about it? Uh huh. Uh huh. Why don't you call Ch- WHAT?!" Yamcha fell off of his recliner and asked, "Chi Chi too?! Does Go- Oh... yeah, that might be a bad influence. Okay. Okay. Don't worry, Buddy, I'll get the bail money together and get you two out." Yamcha's face became blank as he hung up the phone and slumped down. "Oh man..."

"What was that, Yamcha?" Puar asked concerned. Hhe had never saw Yamcha so stunned and heard Goku sound so nervous. That wasn't like Goku at all to be nervous about anything except for the fate of the world.

"Puar..." Yamcha said as he turned his head to his lifelong friend, "Goku and Chi Chi are in jail and I have to bail them out!"

Puar fell over in his chair. "WHAT?!" He squeaked.

"I know. I know." Yamcha got up and took off his robe. "Better get there fast."


"Chi Chi, relax, Yamcha will be here soon." Goku said as he watched Chi Chi paced back and forth.

"We shouldn't have gone to that place! Oh... what if Gohan and Goten find out?! How will they react that their parents are in jail?!" Chi Chi wailed.

"Well..." Goku deeply pondered about how their kids would react about them being in jail. "they would probrably laugh their heads off and ask how we got there." Goku replied simply. Chi Chi just sighed and shook her head.

"Of course you would think like that." Chi Chi muttered.

"Ms. Chi Chi, Mr. Goku, you are free to go." A police officer said as he opened the cell door. "Someone paid your bails."

"Hi, Goku, Chi Chi." Yamcha said as he came in. His eyes bulged and jaw dropped as he saw his two friends in scantly cladded outfits. Goku was dressed in nothing but a black leather thong, a metal belt, and a strange metallic collar. Chi Chi was dressed in a black bikini, with metal spikes, and long gloves. "Uhhh..." Yamcha's face turned beet red as he looked down in respect for Chi Chi. "What happened?"

"It's a long story." Chi Chi confessed as she put her arms across her chest to cover herself. "But... first, can I borrow your coat?"


After filling out the papers and ignoring the stares and cat calls, Yamcha, Goku, and Chi Chi made it to Yamcha's car where Puar was waiting.

Yamcha went into the driver's seat and said, "I managed to get some clothes for you two. We'll stop at my place so you can get ready."

"Oh thank you so much!" Chi Chi gushed as she cried, "I can't believe we did anything this foolish! We'll repay you as soon as we can."

"No need." Yamcha waved as he drove the car down the highway. "But... there is something you can do... tell me what the hell happened that would cause you two to go to jail?!"

Goku and Chi Chi turned bright red as they gazed at each other. "Well..." Goku finally said, "It's a long story."

"I got plenty of time." Yamcha said as he adjusted the rearview mirror to see the two embarrased warriors. "Well?"

"Ummm... it all started after I came back to life..." Goku started off as Chi Chi hunched down even further.


Well, at first it was great. I mean, I was alive and had two strong sons. I was amazed about all the things that happened while I was dead. I mean, Krillian married to Eighteen and having daughter... Goten being born... Gohan being a superhero (although I really didn't like the poses).

Well... but after things quiet down... Chi Chi and I have been distant. After all, how can you get back to having sex after seven years of not doing it in so long?

Finally, we decided to reinact out honeymoon. You know... just the two of us in chains, leather... and the blindfold and gag.


At that moment, Puar started to turn green and held his head. "Ahhh!!! Bad images!"

"Goku... can you tell us what happened next? And why didn't you teleport outta there before you got tossed in jail?"

"I'll get there." Goku insisted.


Anyway... we decided to go to Maria's Cat House for the right equiptment. Ox-King had long sold his castle to live in the condo he got in Florida and we didn't have the right stuff to reinact our honeymoon. So, we finally got the equiptment, the place, and the outfits. Unfortunately, I was much stronger than when we had the honeymoon. Those weak restraints wouldn't work on me so we needed help in cutting off my power. That's when we went to Bulma.


"Bulma?!" Yamcha exclaimed as he swerved to the side of the road. "She knows about this?!"

"I hope not." Chi Chi muttered, "If Bulma knows, Trunks and Vegita might know as well..."

"Well... not entirely..."


So we went to Bulma for some help. As it turned out, Bulma was working on a Ki blocking collar that suppresses energy and makes the Saiyan much weaker. She had always been afraid that someone or something would take control of a powerful warrior like myself or Vegita and make us destroy the Earth. So, she was making a collar just in case.

Anyway, she got us this collar and taught us how to use it. She also gave us a special key to lock and unlock it.


"And where's this key?" Yamcha asked amused.

Goku and Chi Chi looked down turning bright red. "We... *ahem* lost it."

"You lost it?! How can you lose it?!"

"We'll tell you." Goku said.


Okay, so we got the collar and the other stuff. Luckilly, we still have out old outfits from our honeymoon. It's amazing that it all still fit so well! We told Gohan and Goten that we were going off to a romantic evening alone. Gohan understood completely. Goten was confused but wanted to play with Trunks.

That's when we went to... um... the public bondage place called Maria's Cat House. It was dark and I could smell the hormones and sweat in the air. After showing our IDs and being led to a room. Chi Chi and I were very excited! After locking on my collar and putting on our outfits, we went to the chambers and started.

At first it was slow, I mean it was a little awkward on both our parts. But, after Chi Chi put me in those chains, whipped me silly, and made me eat off of her body by licking her-


"GOKU!" Chi Chi, Yamcha, and Puar yelled at once.

Goku looked innocently at the group and asked, "What?"

Yamcha's cheeks turned bright red as he fought every urge to rip the steering wheel out. "We don't need that much... just tell us how you guys managed to get in jail."

"Let me tell. Besides, you were blindfolded at the time." Chi Chi chided as she slapped Goku upside on the head.


Anyway, Goku and I were *ahem* doing bondage stuff. I was the controller and Goku was my monkey slave.


"Monkey slave?!" Yamcha laughed as he tried very hard to keep his eye on the road. "Oh man! This is getting better and better!"

Chi Chi turned red as she continued.


Anyway... while I blindfold Goku and was... well... doing stuff... to him that I'd rather not say to you guys.


"What stuff?" Yamcha asked sounding more amused than ever.

"This." Goku replied as he guestured at his arms and chest to show faint whip marks and scratches. "And this." Goku said as he lifted his leg to show more whip marks. "And on my..." Goku said as he was about to undo his belt.

"GOKU!!!" Chi Chi screamed, "Yamcha does not need to know that!" Chi Chi glared at the former bandit and Goku. Puar was wearing a pair of earmuffs while singing to himself. There were some things he'd rather not hear.


Well... we were doing stuff... okay, I was whipping Goku and make him eat off my body. That's all I can say. Then, this huge man came up and started talking dirty to me and coming on to me. I can smell the alcohol on his breath. He was drunk. I was alone and everyone else was occupied.

He grabbed me and I did what was normal. I knocked him out.


Yamcha's jaw dropped as he looked at Chi Chi. "Knocked him out?"

"I may not be able to fly, but I'm stronger than any man." Chi Chi said.

Puar took off his earmuffs and gulped. "Wow."


Unfortunately, he had friends. There were five of them and I was surrounded. Goku managed to snap off the chains with his diminished strength and joined me. We fought them off hard and then... well...


"That was when the police show up?" Yamcha asked as he tried to peice together the story.

Chi Chi sighed as she nodded. "Yes. That was the police came."

"Yeah, at first we fought them as well." Goku explained, "We were doing pretty well."


"Well... there weren't that many and I did manage to defeat the Red Ribbon Army single handed when I was a kid." Goku explained.


So, there we were, fighting against the police. It was weird, fighting with only a fraction of my strength. Of course, we did great on our own. They fired at us and we caught the bullets. They attacked us with billy clubs and we knocked them out. Then... they called for Gohan and Videl. Of course, we couldn't let Gohan and Videl see us like this. I mean, what will Videl think? Chi Chi wants her to be her daughter in law and Gohan was overdue to get engaged. I tried to teleport out but... well... the collar stopped me from sensing other people and so I can't lock on to anything. We had to figure out a way to prevent Gohan and Videl from finding out. So... we surrendered and we went to jail.


"Oh man!" Yamcha laughed as he finally pulled the car to the driveway and got out. "You two are too much." He glanced over at Chi Chi and said, "I didn't even know you have it in you."

Chi Chi turned red as she tighened her grip on her coat. "I just want to forget this entire ordeal. Please, don't let anyone else find out."

"Come on." Yamcha said, "You two can say here while I get another key from Bulma. Knowing her, she should have a spare. I have plenty of extra food if you need it."

"Thanks, Yamcha, you're the best." Goku sighed in relief as he and the others went in the house.


After getting the collar off with Bulma's spare key. Goku and Chi Chi teleported back to their home.

"I... want to forget this entire night!" Chi Chi screamed as she went into the bedroom to get into her nightgown.

"It wasn't that bad." Goku said as he changed into his pajamas. "It's not like that anyone else will know."

Chi Chi hugged Goku and sighed. "You're right. I just feel so silly." She picked up the remote and turned on the TV to see the News.

"And on a lighter note... a couple had gotten arrested after causing a fight and holding off the Satan City Police Force at Maria's Cat House." The newsman showed Goku and Chi Chi with black bars covering their eyes being led out the place handcuffed. "We wish to keep their identities private."

The two stared at each other and then the phone rang.

"Oh man..." Goku moaned. It will be a very long night.

The end!
