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This was the first one-shot fiction I ever put together. Applause Room is my third or so oldest fic (Middle Series being at least three years old). It started out with just Haneko and Kazetarou, when I saw a preview for "Princess Rouge". I thought, "Hey! I'm gonna write a story where the GIRL finds a GUY with no memory!!" Everything else was made up as I went, and the twelve other characters came into existence. This is a big huge soap-opera, to put it bluntly, but the foundation for the story is pretty cool. Everything else is boy-girl crushes and stuff. ^_^ Aw, c'mon, you know you love it.

Unlike the Middles Series, I am writing this story all by myself, so it changes around a lot. Thus, it's really hard for me to write episodes and post them, because I might change stuff later!! ^_^;; Here's a little taste of what the characters are like. You can learn a lot more about the characters, also, by going to my Side7 gallery, just use the search tool on the upper left to find art with "applause room" in it.

Applause Room: A Short Preview

I also got together a little pesonality quiz so you can see which character you are most like. E-mail me with your results, and I'll describe your character!

~*Applause Room Personality Selector*~

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Clow :|:


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