Four – Through Land and Sea
Allison: Last
time on Digimon, the gang and I ran into Primary Village, and a very sad
Elecmon. He told us that my new friends’ digimon had been stolen by someone.
When we started to search for them, we ran into Cherrymon, who almost tricked
us into thinking that he could show us where the digimon were. We refused to
come, so he attacked. Luckily, Maria’s group arrived with Conegamon, but
couldn’t hold him off. Topomon digivolved to Terremotomon, and with Conegamon’s
help, got rid of Cherrymon. Now we just need to find the stolen digimon.
(Digimon Theme)
Scene: The whole digi-destined group is setting
up camp for the night.
Tai: …Then, when I opened my eyes, I saw this
big pink blob with floppy ears! It even knew my name! I was totally freaked
Maria: I can relate to that!
Allison: (running over with Topomon in her arms)
What are you guys talking about?
Tai: When I first met Koromon.
Allison: Is that you’re digimon?
Tai: Uh-huh! He turns into Agumon when he’s a
rookie, which digimon are most of the time, like Topomon.
Allison: All these stages and names…(sighs with
a mushroom-mouth) How am I ever gonna fit in with you guys?!
Matt: Don’t worry, Allison, you’ve got a
digimon, and that’s what counts! Besides, we’re friends now!
Allison: (blushing) Oh…
(We can see Izzy in the background looking at
Allison. He looks disappointed.)
Mimi: Ooo, can I please take a break from
finding fire-wood? I’ve been walking so long, I can’t feel my toes!!
T.K.: Sure, but just for a minute.
Joe: Leave it to Mimi to make everything seem
like a chore. I think hiking’s fun!
Maria: (sarcastically) Well, not everyone’s as
muscular as you… (Joe blushes like crazy)
Mimi: (with dancing white anime spots) Well
excuse me, mister hike-a-lot! I just get tired a little easier then you, so
back off!
Sora: It’s O.K., Mimi. We’re all tired. It’s
been a pretty rough day.
Matt: I’ll say. We’ve been attacked twice, and
found out that our digimon are missing. That’s enough to make anyone a little
Izzy: Actually, I’d be more worried by the fact
that Cherrymon was here.
Tai: What’s so bad about that? We beat him,
didn’t we?
Izzy: Yes, but that’s not what I meant. If
Cherrymon was reborn, there’s a big possibilty that other bad digimon were
reborn too.
Kari: Are you saying…that Myotismon might be
Tai: And Metaletemon?
T.K.: And Devimon?
Izzy: According to my theory, yes.
Mimi: Oh, noooooooooo! (starts to cry)
Sora: Don’t worry, Mimi! We don’t know that for
sure. If Elecmon had known that Cherrymon had been reborn at Primary Village,
he would have told us.
Izzy: That’s what puzzles me.
(Suddenly, Gennai’s usual holographic image
appears out of the ground.)
Gennai: I have the answers to all of your
questions Izzy.
Tai: Gennai!
(Commercial Break)
Gennai: Why’s everyone staring? Do I have some
ketchup on my mouth or something?
Matt: No, it’s just that we haven’t seen you in
so long!
Sora: And when you appeared at the camp, we only
saw you for a couple of seconds!
Gennai: I guess I was being awfully rushy last
time. It wasn’t on purpose.
Joe: Then why were you being so hasty?
Gennai: My house was under siege.
Tai: What?! By whom?
Gennai: An ultimate digimon named Cupidmon.
Maria: What’s a Cupidmon?
Gennai: Truth be told, I don’t know. It’s the
first time I’ve ever run into him.
T.K.: You’re serious?!
Gennai: Of course, I don’t know everything about
everything, T.K.
T.K.: Gee, that’s a bit of a downer…
Kari: Do you know why Cupidmon attacked you?
Gennai: I’m not sure. He did say something about
it being for the good of the Dark Triad.
Joe: (glasses falling off) Dark Triad?!
Tai: Why “triad”?
Izzy: It means three. My guess is that there are
three in the group. And from what Gennai says, I don’ think they’re on our side…
Mimi: Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maria: Well, it can’t be that bad, can it?
Joe: I wouldn’t be too sure. Last time we saved
the digiworld, we had to face lots of sacrifices, even loosing some friends of
Maria: You’re kidding!!
Mimi: Poor Chumon…
Maria: Huh? Oh, I thought you meant
people…that’s a relief…
Mimi: What relief?! Chumon risked his life to
save me!!!
Maria: Oh, I’m sorry Mimi! I didn’t know…
Joe: That’s O.K., Maria. You just haven’t spent
as much time here as we have.
Gennai: Anyway, I’m in hiding right now, and
have been doing some spying on Cupidmon.
Matt: And?
Gennai: He has your in-trainings, and my pet
All: What?!
Gennai: I know, my pet frog! Isn’t that
Sora: Well, as much sympathy as we have for your
amphibian, we need our digimon! Is he keeping them at your house?
Gennai: No, he hid them somewhere in Infinity
Tai: (slams fist into a tree) Argh!!!!!!
Gennai: Have faith, o angry one. You’re on File
Island right now. You just need to get to Infinity Mountain and find them.
Izzy: Easier said than done. We only have two
digimon with us. What if we are attacked?
Gennai: Don’t worry, there’s still some things
you need to find out about Maria’s and Allison’s abilities. Unfortunately, I
need to disconnect. If I talk for too long, they get suspicious. (the
holographic image fades)
Maria: Abilities…?
Sora: Let’s worry about that later. Right now,
we should get some rest.
Allison: Good idea. (yawn) Good night everybody.
(Goes over and sits against a tree, and shuts eyes. everybody finds a spot to
go to sleep)
Maria: (props her violin case against a tree and
leans on it) Should we be worrying about any little crawlies at night? I don’t
wanna wake up with a bunch of bug bites all over me…
Mimi: Not to mention that Cherrymon could find
Joe: Let’s just take turns standing watch. I’ll
go first.
Tai: Wake me up when you’re done, I’ll go
next…(yawns, and falls asleep next to a snoring Sora)
(Matt plays his harmonica, and the whole group goes
to sleep, except Joe. He climbs into the branches of the tree Maria is leaning
against, and sits. He definitely has some feelings for Maria, as he watches
Joe: (thinking) I wonder…if Maria is a
digi-destined, she probably has a crest, too. (flashback to the second to the
last episode of Digimon 01, when they discovered their crests were inside of
them) The only way to get Conegamon to digi-volve to Ultimate is to have her
crest glow, but how will that happen if she doesn’t even know where it is?
(He leans back on the tree and looks up at the
stars. He starts to daydream/have a flashback. We see scenes of someone pushing
someone else out of the way of an oncoming bus; fades to black, hear screeching
tires…Joe comes to with a start, Izzy shaking his shoulders)
Izzy: Joe!! Wake up, Joe!!!
Joe: Huh? Hey, what’s the problem?
Izzy: (his face is pale) Hurry, let’s get out of
this tree!
(Izzy and Joe land on the ground…actually, Joe
landed on the one part of his body with a built-in airbag, and Izzy landed on
his feet. Allison and Maria are waiting with Okomon and Topomon)
Maria: Oh good, you’re still here!
Joe: (puzzled, and slightly worried) Why
wouldn’t I be…?
Allison: The others are gone!
Joe: What?!
(Commercial Break)
(The sun is just coming up. it’s light enough to
see that the places where the others had slept are empty…an arrow is stuck in
the tree where Tai was sleeping…Joe runs over and pulls it out)
Okomon: Cupidmon and some twenty Tankmon came
and attacked us just before sunrise.
(flashback to Cupidmon and a bunch of Tankmon
fighting them. The Tankmon snatch up some of them, beat up Conegamon and
Terremotomon pretty badly)
Maria: They kidnapped Tai, Sora, T.K., Kari,
Matt, and Mimi as well!
Joe: Wha…?! How did you guys escape?
Topomon: I was just big enough as Terremotomon
to hide three people. Conegamon tried to stop them from taking everybody,
but…(“looks” away; she doesn’t really have eyes)…I could only save Allison,
Maria and Izzy…
Allison: Poor Matt…this is all my fault, you should
have hid him, Topomon! Not me!! WWAAAHHH!!
Topomon: (With white anime dots dancing around
her head) Sorry, I didn’t have enough time to think! Besides, I had to protect
Allison: (sniffs and smiles) Thanks, Topomon…
Joe: Well, what are we gonna do now?
Izzy: If my calculations are correct, we should
be able to find them if we can find Cupidmon.
Maria: That’s a big if…
Izzy: Not really. We just need to find Gennai’s
house. That’s where he said he was.
Allison: (sweat drop) Dare I ask if you know
where his house is…?
Izzy: Uh-huh! (points toward the ocean) We need
to get to the continent Server.
(all except Izzy fall over with feet sticking in
air; “dooooohhh!!!!”)
Allison: (huge Misty-like head with sharp
Izzy: Calm down!! I know how we can get there!!
Okomon: Hey, I know! I’ll just give you guys a
(Digivolving sequence:
(Wide shot of Conegamon flying from the island
with the four digidestined on her back.)
Joe: Server, here we come!!
Maria: I wonder if we get frequent flyer miles…
All: (laughs)
(They keep flying over miles and miles of ocean)
Allison: I can’t believe we have to cross an
entire ocean to get them! And at the inconvenience that their digimon are back
at Infinity Mountain…
Izzy: Either they just had a lucky guess, or the
Dark Triad knew that we knew where to find the in-trainings
Maria: Is that possible?
Joe: They might’ve have been able to get some
information from Tai and the others.
Allison: (dancing white anime spots) Matt would
never tell!! Hey! (idea-bulb pops over her head) What if Mimi told! That’s it!
She’s always such a softy, and she’s always hanging all over my Matt…
Maria: (sweat drop) “My Matt”?!
Topomon: That’s it, she’s gone over the deep
Izzy: Since when do you think that he belongs to
Allison: I just know it. Women’s intuition. Matt
would do anything for me, I just know it. The way he cheered me up when I was
feeling if-y about being a digidestined; it was love at first sight!
Izzy: (frowning) Grrr…
Joe: Hey you guys! Look over there!
(Amazingly, they’re’ already within reach of the
Continent Server)
Allison: Is that Server?
Izzy: Mm-hm! Once we land, we should be very careful.
Who knows how many henchman Cupidmon has set around Gennai’s house.
Maria: Hold on a second, we’re not even sure if
they are there!
Joe: Nonetheless, we should keep our guard up.
(They land in a dry desert, about a mile from
the shore)
Maria: Not another desert…
Joe: This could take days…or weeks!
Topomon: Not when I’m around!
(Digivolving sequence;
Terremotomon: I should be able to burrow through
the ground without Cupidmon detecting us.
Allison: That’s great, Terremotomon!
Joe: Only one problem; we can’t all fit.
Conegamon: I’ll carry Maria and Joe. You take
Izzy and Allison, Terremotomon.
Terremotomon: Roger!
Izzy: (Climbing onto Terremotomon) But what if
Cupidmon sees you?
Conegamon: Don’t worry about us, I can sense if
someone is coming, and I fly fast!
Allison: (Terremotomon starts to dig under
ground) Be careful!
(Conegamon takes off with Joe and Maria)
Damien: (Inside the dark room with a huge t.v.
screen) Hey! (Sees two groups of three dots moving on a radar screen) Hmm. I
guess Cupidmon didn’t finish off the job…
(A door opens, and Cupidmon steps in)
Cupidmon: Master, the digidestined have been
captured. I’ve even learned that they know that we have their digimon; shall I
move the in-trainings?
Damien: (not moving from his chair) Nisomon,
(Out of the shadows, a small gargoyle-looking
digimon appears. It carries a three-foot spear with two blades at the end. He
also has very small bat-like wings, but because of his stout-ness, he probably
can’t fly)
Nisomon: Yes, Master?
Damien: I’d like you to teach Cupidmon here a
lesson. He let four of the digi-destined escape.
Nisomon: Yes, Master. (He stares down Cupidmon,
who is shaking in his toga)
(Digivolveing sequence: Nisomon…warp-digivolve…to…Dracomon!!
Dracomon looks like he could be related to the Seadramons, but he has arms,
which hold a much longer spear-ax. His wings are huge, and he is fully-capable
of flying)
Damien: Meet Dracomon, Cupidmon. He is a
fully-digivolved digimon who always obeys his orders. I’d watch out for his
Draconis Blast if I were you.
Cupidmon: M-Master! I tried to get the others,
but Conegamon and Terremotomon prevented us from getting to them! We had no
Damien: Tell it to the Recycle Bin. I’ll see you
in Primary Village, pal.
(Dracomon advances toward Cupidmon, who backs
away. Just as Dracomon raises its weapon, we hear someone with high-heals walk
Crystal: Hey, what’s Dracomon doing here?!
Damien: He was just about to punish Cupidmon for
his lack of determination skills. Look. (He points to the rador screen. The
digi-destined are getting closer)
Crystal: (shreeks) Oh, no!! They’ll be here any
Damien: (Rolls eyes) Idiot. This is a rador from
Gennai’s House, not here.
Crystal: (sighs) Oh, good. Stress can cause
break-outs, you know. I don’t want my face to be the victim of those
Dracomon: (Is still waiting for a direction)
Damien: All right, get on with it.
Crystal: Hey! I don’t think so!
(Dracomon and Damien look back at her with deep
Crystal: I was thinking, what’s wrong with
having the digi-destined going to Gennai’s house? We can just capture them! In
fact…(she ajdusts her halter-top and stands tall) I’ll even do it myself!
Damien: (major sweatdrop) You’re kidding! You
hate to work!
Crystal: (glares at him, then shouts with a huge
Damien: (shrinks to a small size) Ah…no! Of
course not!
Crystal: Hmphf.
Damien: Still, you might want to bring along
some help. They have two champion digimon with them. (presses a button on his
keyboard) Gotsumon! Pumpkinmon! To the main hold, now!
Crystal: Who are they?
Damien: Used to work for Myotismon. He condemned
them after they disobeyed his orders.
Crystal: And you’re giving them another chance?!
Damien: Don’t worry. I’ve reprogrammed them,
with the help of Piedmon. They won’t disobey you.
(The door opens again, and Gostumon and
Pumpkinmon enter)
Gotsumon: Ready and willing…
Pumpkinmon: …to do all your dirty work, my lord!!
(They see Crystal, and get scared)
Gotsumon: It’s a teenager!!!
Pumpkinmon: Hurry! Run before it’s too late!!
(Commercial Break)
(The make a break for it, but Dracomon stops
them in their tracks)
Crystal: What is their problem?
Damien: How should I know? They may have
encountered some roudy gangster in the real world, since that’s where Myotismon
was during The Search.
Gotsumon: Please, master! Don’t let her kill us!
Crystal: Are you going to act like this the
whole time?! Damien, please! These digimon are too scared to do anything!
They’ll probably scream bloody murder and run away when they see the
Damien: No. You should be grateful that I’m
helping you catch these kids. Take them or leave them, they’re all I’m giving
Crystal: Grrr…(looks at the two, who are
cowering behind Dracomon) Fine. Just…fine.
(She walks over to a lit circle on the floor,
and turns to Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon)
Crystal: Well? Are you coming or not?!
(They hop over
to the circle, and the three disappear in a flash of light)
Damien: I’d bet a hundred bucks that she won’t
make it for a day with those two…(He turns to Dracomon and Cupidmon) Your life
is spared, Cupidmon, but only if my sister is successful in finding the lost
digi-destined. Is that understood?
Cupidmon: (rushes over to Damien, and starts to
kiss his feet) Thank you, master! You so kind!! I am in dept to you!!
Damien: (in disgust) Get him out of here.
(Dracomon pulls him away, and throws him out the
(sitting back into his chair) Let’s see what happens when digi-destined meet
Dark Triad…