Two – Conegamon’s Psychic Blast
Maria: Last
time on Digimon, Izzy got a message from Gennai saying that he and the other
seven digidestined were needed in the Digi-world. Even more surprising, he had
digivices ready for Allison and me! We all figured out that we were the new
digidestined! In the digi-world, we met up with Onimon and Savumon, who
digivolved and helped get rid of Kuwagamon. Something tells me that there’s
more in store for us!
(Digimon Theme)
Scene: The forest in digi-world. Izzy is on his
laptop, and the rest of the crew are hanging out. We can also see Okomon
zooming this way and that, playing hide-and-go-seek with Maria.
Izzy: (somewhat frustrated) This isn’t
working…Maybe if I….
Allison: Having some problems with your computer,
Izzy: (somewhat annoyed) No! Well, maybe a
little, but I can figure it out.
Matt: Well, maybe if you told us what the
problem is, we could help out!
Mimi: Not me! Those computer things make my head
spin! It’s bad for my skin, too…huh?
Sora: What is it, Mimi?
Mimi: (sad) …That sounds like something Palmon
would say…
Sora: Oh…
Kari: Cheer up, Mimi! We’re in the Digital
world! We’re bound to run into Palmon and Gatomon and the others sooner or
Izzy: In a sense, that’s what I’m working on.
Tai: Uh…say what?
Izzy: I figured that I could speed up finding
our Digimon with my computer, since it has a complete map of the Digi-world in
its memory. But…
(Types in search_tentomon_rookie, then presses
enter. The computer thinks for a moment)
T.K.: Well?
(The computer displays the message, ‘No
tentomon_rookie in this area’)
Izzy: (sighs) I don’t know what I’m doing wrong…
Tai: Well, don’t get too bummed out. We’ll just
do it the old-fashioned way and look around for ourselves.
Sora: Good idea! I’m tired of waiting around for
nothing. Besides, we could all use the exercize.
Joe: Yeah! Plus, we could split up into groups.
The digi-vices will help us find each other if we need to.
Maria: As long as we don’t run into any more
Kuwagamon, I’m up for it.
Okomon: I wouldn’t count on it! We should always
be on the lookout for any more bad digimon.
Allison: Well they shouldn’t be too much of a
problem since we beat Kuwagamon last time.
Izzy: Still….we need to find our digimon.
There’s safety in numbers.
Matt: Besides we don’t even know if Okomon and
Topomon can digivolve into champion yet. We should play it safe and stick
Sora: How about this? Well split into two
groups. Okomon can go with Maria’s group and Topomon can go with Allison’s
Maria: Hold on a second! I don’t want Allison
getting killed by another bad digimon.
Topomon: Don’t worry Maria. I’ll take care of
Joe: Then it’s
settled. We’ll have five people to a group.
Tai: Sounds good to me!
Mimi: I hope this works!
(zoom up to the sky as Matt speaks)
Matt: Don’t worry Mimi. We’ll find Palmon and
the others. I guarantee it.
(Commercial Break)
Scene: Maria, Joe, Matt, Mimi, and Izzy,
followed by Okomon are walking through the forest with irrelevant road signs
Matt: Oh man! If we’re heading where I think
we’re heading…
Izzy: …I should have brought along some
water…Dehydration is the last thing I want to go through…
Mimi: Ick! Now my hair is going to get frizzy! I
hate humidity…
Maria: Do your friends always complain this
Joe: You haven’t seen anything yet…
(The get to a clearing, where there’s a vast
desert of telephone poles)
Joe: Oh, maaaaaaaaan….
Maria: This could take a while…
Okomon: You should try flying, like me! It’s
much easier on your feet.
Maria: (looking peeved) Thanks for the tip…
Izzy: By my calculations, we’d get much farther
without damage to our health if we traveled East along the outside part of the
Matt: Why’s that?
Izzy: Other than the fact that we’d be in the
shade, there’s a beach that way!
Mimi: All right!! Let’s start walking! (grabs
Matt’s arm and starts to run)
Matt: Mimi!!! Slow down!!
Scene: A long beach with the forest twenty yards
away from it. The five kids arrive, and gaze in awe at the long stretch.
Okomon: (sniffs air) Hey! (zooms over to the
shore where there are some rocks) I think I found us some food!
Maria: Hey, that’s great! What is it?
(Okomon brings over an arm-load of clams)
Maria: Clams!
Mimi: I don’t mean to be picky, but I prefer my
food to be cooked…
Matt: No problem!
Scene: It’s getting dark, and Matt has a fire
going. The clams are roasting over it, and Matt is busily preparing the food.
Matt: Who wants another serving?
Izzy: Ah…I didn’t know seafood was so delicious!
Matt: What can I say? I’m a great cook!
Maria: (somewhat sad) Hm…
Joe: Huh? What’s wrong, Maria?
Maria: I wonder what’s going on at home. Who
knows how long they’ve known I’ve been gone?
Joe: Don’t worry, Maria. We’ll get you home as
soon as we can. (sees her violin case that she had been carrying around) What’s
Maria: Hm? Oh, my violin. I didn’t want to leave
it in the van, so I brought it with me.
Matt: How long have you been playing?
Maria: Since fifth grade.
Joe: Maybe you could hold a concert for us
Maria: (blushing) Well, don’t get your hopes up,
I’m not that good. Besides, all I have in here…(opens up music pocket in the
case, and takes out some music)…are some etude books and a piece by Mozart.
Mimi: Who’s Motsart?
Matt: That’s O.K. if you don’t feel like it,
Maria: (smiles) Yeah, maybe later. Right now…
(Yawns) …I think the firelight is getting to me. I’m gonna go over to the water
for a while.
(Maria leaves the campfire, and walks over to
the shore, Okomon floating behind her)
Okomon: (looking at the ocean) It’s pretty huge,
isn’t it?
Maria: Yeah…(sits down in the sand) Okomon, do
you know anything about why I’m here?
Okomon: Mmm, nope! All I know is that I was
created to protect you!
Maria: Created…? Who created you?
Okomon: I don’t know. I just knew that from the
moment I hatched, my purpose was to protect you.
Maria: When did you get hatched?
Okomon: About three years ago.
Maria: What did you do to stay occupied all that
Okomon: Nothing. I was just waiting for you.
Maria: For three years?!
Okomon: Uh-huh!
Maria: Gee, that sure takes a lot of
(Suddenly, we hear a loud rumbling, and big
waves begin to form. The earth is shaking)
Maria: Hey, what’s going on?!
(Suddenly, Gesomon bursts out of the water and
roars. Maria is petrified)
Okomon: This is bad! This is very, very bad!!
(The other four come running to the scene)
Joe: Maria! Get away from there!
Maria: Oooh!! (starts to run down the beach away
from Gesomon)
Okomon: Psychic vision!
(It hits Gesomon, but he’s still up.)
Matt: He’s strong!
Izzy: We need a champion digimon to defeat him!
Okomon: Maria, keep running! Gesomon is really
fast in the water!
(Maria trips over a rock and falls on her side.)
Maria: Ah!
(Gesomon keeps getting closer and closer)
Maria: (suddenly determined) Hey, you big
squid-face! Leave us alone!
Okomon: (catching up to Maria) Maria, get away
from here! I can take him!
Gesomon: Paw crusher!!
(He hits the sand inches to the right of Maria.
She tries to get away, but he grabs her and holds her up in the air.)
Okomon: Maria!!
(Maria is struggling, but can’t get free.
Gesomon takes a swipe with his other paw at Okomon, but Okomon is too fast.)
Maria: Aaah!!
(Commercial break)
Gesomon: ROOOOOOOOOOAAARRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joe: Maria, don’t give up! (zooms into Maria’s
digi-vice) You can beat him!
(The digi-volving sequence…
“Okomon…digivolve…to…<big burst of light> …Conegamon!!” It looks like a
gargoyle with a rabbit’s head, basicly, wings and all. The head’s hair is
white, but her skin is dark brown.)
Izzy: It’s Conegamon! This is Okomon’s champion
form. She has two powerful bat-like wings, and can use her complex mind to
communicate with supernatural beings!
Maria: Whoa!
(Cue: “Hey Digimon”)
(Gesomon drops Maria on the sand, than starts to
battle with Conegamon. Maria gets up and cheers on Conegamon.)
Conegamon: (crossing arms, then throws a ball of
glowing yellow at Gesomon) Psychic…Blast!!
(Gesomon is hit hard, and falls backwards,
sinking into the waves.)
(The rest of the group cheers, and runs toward
Maria. Conegamon walks toward her, and un-digivolves back to Okomon, then falls
into her lap.)
Maria: Okomon! Are you O.K.?
Okomon: I think…I could use something to
eat…(looks up at her and smiles)
Mimi: That was amazing!
Matt: You made it to champion level, Okomon!
Izzy: Thanks to Maria, of course!
Maria: (standing up) Huh? What did I do?
Joe: You shared some of your energy with Okomon.
That’s what enabled Okomon to digivolve.
Maria: Wild!
Okomon: But now, I’m a little short on energy.
Are there any clams left?
Maria: Sure thing! You can have as many as you
Okomon: All right!!
(Zoom out, and pan to the ocean)
Izzy: We’re one step closer to getting our
champions together, guys!
Matt: Yeah! Now we just need to find our
Maria; Can’t I at least catch a couple of Z’s
(Group laughs)
(Scene: The dark room with the spiky-hair dude
in the chair; we can only see his silhouette. A digimon appears on the screen
in front of him. It has greek clothing on, complete with a wreth on his head,
and heart-shaped wings.)
Cupidmon: Yes, master?
Damien: I have some news, The digidestined have
arrived in the digi-world, as Piedmon told us.
Cupidmon: Oo, how scrumptious! Should I gather
my troops and attack them at once?
Damien: No! I want you to pay a visit to Primary
Cupidmon: What for?
Damien: We must get rid of the digimon that
belong to the digi-destined before they are together again. They’re in
in-training stage now, and can’t digivolve without the digivices. Go to Primary
Village when Elecmon is out gathering food, then steal them. Is that
Cupidmon: Yes, my master. Consider it done.