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Sailor Jupiter/Makoto/Lita

Meaning: Sincerety of Wood
Birthday: December 5
Astrological Sign:Sagittarius
Blood Type:O
Family Members:None
Sports:Swimming, Ballet, Basketball
Favorite Color:Pink
Favorite Class:Home Economics
Least Favorite Class:Physics
Favorite Food:Cherry pie, Hibiscus
Least Favorite Food:None
Hopes To Go To:Rome
Fortune Tells:Flower Fortunetelling
Small Habit:Stuttering
Likes:Tropical Fish
Favorite stone:Emerald

Sailorjupiter has two forms:

Sailorjupiter: [SM - SMS]
SuperSailorjupiter: [SuperS - SailorStars]

She also has several items:

Henshin Stick
Clip-On Rose Earrings (throwable)
Star Henshin Stick
Communicator watch
Crystal Henshin Stick

As Sailorjupiter, she has a couple of powers:

First of all, she's the strongest Inner Senshi with lots of "brute strength."


Jupiter Power, Make-Up: Her henshin phrase to become Sailorjupiter
Supreme Thunder: Electricity flies out from her antenna, conviently located inside her tiara stone

Sailormoon R

Jupiter Star Power, Make-Up:Her henshin phrase
Supreme Thunder Dragon:The powered-up version of Supreme Thunder where a huge electric dragon swallows everything and shocks it
Sparkling Wide Pressure:Her second arc attack, where she throws a disc of compressed electricity at an enemy

Sailormoon S

Same as R, except no Supreme Thunder Dragon

Sailormoon SuperS

Jupiter Crystal Power, Make-Up:Her henshin phrase to transform into SuperSailorjupiter
Jupiter Oak Evolution: Her attack as SuperSailorjupiter in which she spins around in a circle, causing leaves and the like to fly upwards with an electric charge
Super Supreme Thunder:Jupiter's one time attack in SuperS, a stronger version of Supreme Thunder

Sailormoon SailorStars

Same as SuperS anime without the Super Supreme Thunder


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