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Sailor Saturn/Hotaru

Meaning:Firefly of Earth
Birthday:January 6
Astrological Sign:Capricorn
Blood Type: AB
Hobby: Reading
Sports:Table tennis
Favorite Color:Purple
Favorite Class:World History
Least Favorite Class:Gym
Favorite Food:Nihon Soba
Least Favorite Food:Milk
Hopes To Go To:Florence
Fortune Tells:Flower Fortune Telling
Bad Habit:Hangs head
Skilled At:Wound treatment
Weak Point:Marathons
Favorite Stone:Flourite

Saturn has two forms:

Sailorsaturn: [SMS]
SuperSailorsaturn: [SailorStars]

As Sailorsaturn, she has no transformation sequence in the anime. Though she does have one in the SuperS fighting game, for the Sega Saturn only, not the Playstation version, it sucks anyway. More or less, that I made from that AVI floating around of the sequence.) She uses the Silence Glaive, a long stick with a blade at the end. This gives her several powers:

Silence Wall: A protective move used to block things, like energy blasts, used in SailorStars
Silence Glaive Surprise: An extremely powerful attack that nearly destroyed an entire building in SailorStars. Its full potential was not shown, as Chibimoon prevented Saturn from finishing it. Saturn raises her Silence Glaive and brought it down in an arc while yelling the words. It produces a moment of silence and then proceeds to destroy everything in sight.


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