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Sailor Uranus/Haruka/Amara

Meaning:Distant Sky King
Birthday: January 27
Astrological Sign:Aquarius
Blood Type: B
Sports:Land sports
Favorite Color:Gold
Favorite Class:Gym
Least Favorite Class:Modern Japanese
Favorite Food:Salads
Least Favorite Food:Hatio
Hopes To Go To:Heaven
Fortune Tells:Coin Fortune Telling
Bad Habit:Sulks
Skilled At:Being conceited
Weak Point:Men
Favorite Stone:Amber

Sailoruranus has two forms:

Sailoruranus:[SMS - SuperS]

She has the following items:

Planet Henshin Stick
Communicator Watch
Space Sword, a powerful Talisman that slices through the air towards its target

As Sailoruranus, she has several very powerful attacks:

Uranus Planet Power, Make-Up:What Haruka yells to transform into Uranus, appears first in episode 106
World Shaking:A powerful ball of energy. Appears first, no words, in episode 90; with words, it is shown in episode 92
Space Sword Blaster:Her attack using her Talisman, the Space Sword, which appears first in the SuperS movie


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