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Sailor Venus/Minako/Mina

Meaning: Beautiful Child of Love
Birthday:October 22
Astrological Sign:Libra
Family Members:Father; Mother (Dedicated Housewife)
Interests: Playing games
Favorite Colors: Red and Yellow
Favorite Class:Gym
Least Favorite Class:Anything not gym
Favorite Food:Pulled noodles, Curry, Spaghetti
Least Favorite Food:Shiitake mushrooms
Hopes To Go To:Inside a Space Shuttle
Fortune Tells:Hard Money
Small Habit:When she becomes jealous of things, she has a fit
Good At:Cheats others
Likes:Annoying things
Dislikes:Mama and the Police
Motto: When you fall down, pretend nothing happened and get back up.
Favorite Stone:Topaz

She has two forms:
Sailorvenus: [SM - SMS]
SuperSailorvenus: [SuperS - SailorStars]

Her items as Sailorvenus include:

Henshin Stick
Star Henshin Stick
Communicator Watch

As Sailorvenus, she has the following powers:


Venus Power, Make-Up: Minako's henshin phrase
Crescent Beam:A beam of light shoots out from her finger

Sailormoon R

Venus Star Power, Make-Up:Her henshin phrase in R
Crescent Beam Shower:Her powered up attack of Crescent Beam; first arc only
Venus Love-Me Chain:Her second arc attack in which a chain made of hearts attacks the enemy

Sailormoon S

Same as S, except no Crescent Beam Shower

Sailormoon SuperS

Venus Crystal Power, Make-Up:Her henshin phrase to transform into SuperSailorvenus
Venus Love and Beauty Shock:Her attack in which she throws a deadly kiss

Sailormoon SailorStars

Same as SuperS anime


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