Galaxia is known as the Golden Senshi. Galaxia was once a good senshi who, in order to save the entire universe, took Chaos inside of her. Chaos took her over and had a hayday. She went from planet to planet taking the Star Seeds (something everyone has, like a soul) of all that planets senshi (planets outside our known universe) and making them evil and work for her. In an attempt to save her own Star Seed, Galaxia sent hers out of her body, before Chaos could take over, and tht star seed formed into ChibiChibi. Galaxia was pretty close to her goal of total domination when she had the final showdown with Sailormoon. At that point, Chaos totally surfaced and did the battle. ChibiChibi turned into a sword for Sailormoon's use and defeated Chaos and Galaxia was returned to her good self.