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"…And so, light filled the sky. And thunder roared…Then, all was silent. Rico & his family & friends returned home, & begun the rest of their life together…
"Tai & Agumon became Ambassadors, while Matt married Sora, & he & Gabumon join NASA. Sora & Biyomon became clothing designers, while Izzy & Tentomon became researchers. Mimi & Palmon became cooks, & Joe & Gomamon became Doctors. Davis & Veemon opened their now famous Noodle Charts, while Cody & Armadilliomon became Lawyers. Kari & Gatomon became Teachers, & Yolei married Ken, & together with Hawkmon & Wormmon, they started family. All of them had children…
"Tenchi married both Ryoko & Princess Ayeka. They too have kids, with Sasami, Sakuya, & Mayuka as aunts. Kiyone & Mihoshi are now in charge of Galaxy Police. Washu became the Chief Scientist at Theocracy HQ, with Mayuka by her side. Nagi stayed with them, along with Ken-Ohki. Soon, He & Ryo-Ohki had a litter of their own.
"Ajax & his family stay in New Star City, & had another child, a daughter named Len. Zak also grew up & had kids, a sister & brother named Kari & Luke. His band, Yellow Ribbon, became famous, & The Yellow Ribbon Army was reborn, with him, VT-02, Len, & Carlos in command. G'ka Squadron became the 1st Unit of Imperial Fleet, & the Dark Knights all retired.
"On Myst, Blight had a son, named Kale. The Naboo Village was rebuilt, & all were now at peace…
"VT-10 & 24 also had children of their own, who now work with G'ka Squadron…
"…And Rico & Krone were married. They soon would have a son…The name Odo, Son of Rico, was now added to the Family Line of Rico & the Star Force Team…


"…Master Odo…My family will never forget you… 'May His Shadow Watch Over You' for now, & for all of time…"

- T'ol,
Son of Odo Kamaki

The Month of Tazmain, 7285 C.E. (Micronius Time)
December 25, 2104 A.D. (Earth Time)



Copyright © Christopher R. Gay, at , 2001.