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A saiyan, super elite fighter. Vegeta was one of the strongest saiyan's alive, untill kakarot beat him with the help of the kaioken attack. Vegeta later on in the show joins up with gohan and krillin to help stop freeza. When Kakarot arrives Vegeta finds himself helping him. He gets killed by Freeza while Kakarot is resting after the fight with the ginyu force. He then later gets revived and turns into a super saiyan. Babidi later takes control but it doesn't work out well but makes Vegeta more powerful and he finally defetes Kakarot. Vegeta is a smart fighter, and can be very cocky when he is stronger than his opponent. Vegeta while fighting Fat Buu finally starts to care about his family on earth and helps protect the earth. Big KI attacks: #1.Big Bang Attack #2.Final Flash.

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Vegeta's son from the future. He travels back in time to give Kakarot some medicine for his heart. He defeats freeza and king cold (freeza's father) and leaves back into his own time. He later comes back to help fight Perfect Cell but dies and gets revived with the dragonballs. He then leaves to his own time again to fight the andriods. Big KI attack: #1.Burning Attack.

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A 3rd class saiyan. He was sent to earth to get it ready for sale to freeza when he was a baby. He hit his head when he landed and forgot about his mission. He then became pure of heart unlike all the other saiyans. He has been in many fights throughout DB/DBZ/DBGT witch is why he got so strong. Plus after dying with raditz and going to king kai's planet, and learning the kaioken made him even stronger. He is the first to reach the SSJ level 1. He turned into a SSJ while fighting freeza. The death of his friend krillin caused the trasformation to take place. Kakarot is a serious fighter and usally wins his battles but seems to die many times in the DBZ serires for some reason. Kakarot wouldn't hurt anyone for no reason but if there is a reason, you better look out. Big KI attacks: #1.Spirit Bomb #2.Kamehameha #3. Kaioken.

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Kakarot's first son. He showed he had great power throught out the start of dbz but couldn't control it. He finally gets control at the cell games and he was the first to reach SSJ Level 2. He then beats Cell and grows up and starts to go to school. Since he hasn't been training he has lost some of his power and now Kakarot and Vegeta surpassed his strenght again. Gohan doesn't make it past SSJ Level 2. Since Hid father died at the cell games he has been protecter of earth. Big KI attacks: #1.Masenko #2.Kamehameha.

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A namek that used to be evil and wanted to kill Kakarot. He teams up with Kakarot to fight raditz and after that fight he seemed to care more and joins the Z-Fighter. Piccolo is quite strong and he fuses with a few nameks to add to his strenght. This is a different kind of fusion and is permanent and only nameks can do this kind of fusion. While training Gohan to teach him to use his power, He grew fond of Gohan and that's the reason why he became friends with Kakarot and joined the Z-Fighters. Big KI attacks: #1. Special Beam Cannon #2.Makenkosup

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Krillin is Kakarot's best friend. He's short and has a bald head for the first half of the DBZ serires but later go's out with Android 18 and grows some hair on his head. He has a daughter with 18 (hard to belive) and is quite powerful for a human. He has trained with Kakarot and Master Roshi for many years and has learned to use KI attacks like the saiyans. Big KI attacks: #1.Kamehameha #2 Destructo Disc.

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A guy that has 3 eyes (one eye on his forhead). He beat Kakarot in a world fighting tornament many years ago but hasn't increased his power level like Kakarot has since then. Tien is a very strong person and has a telepathic link with his best friend Chaotzu. Tien held off Cell in his 2ed form from reaching Android 18 and becoming Perfect Cell. He did a good job but he couldn't hold him back for long. Big  KI attacks: #1.Kikoho #2. Tri-beam

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Broli was born next to Kakarot and Kakarot wounldn't stop crying. Broli was born very strong and Paragas his father used a device to control his power. Rumors have it his power level at birth was 2000. Broli got super angry at Kakarot's infinite crying and it caused Broli to turn into a SSJ! Thats why Broli is the Legendary SSJ because he has more expirence as a SSJ and is naturally strong. The only words i heard him say were "Kakarot." Big KI attacks: All his KI attacks are deadly.

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Raditz is a First Class Saiyan. As the brother of Kakarot, he comes to earth to find out why Kakarot hasnt fulfilled his journey, to kill all the inhabitants of earth to get it ready to sell to Freeza. When Raditz gets to earth he is shocked to find that Kakarot is now defending the earth. So Raditz captures Kakarot's son and holds him captive, this is what Raditz shouldn't have done because Gohan got mad seeing his father getting beat up so he breaks out of the space capsule and rams Raditz in the chest. Kakarot then grabs Raditz from behind and Piccolo fires a Special Beam Cannon and kills both Raditz and Kakarot. Even though we didn't see much of Raditz, he is still an important character in DBZ as Kakarots brother. Big KI attacks: #1. Some Blast From The Hand.

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Nappa was Vegeta's good friend. They both were strong saiyans and blew up many planets. Nappa was huge in size like most saiyans but wasn't what you call the smartest saiyan. Nappa was a good fighter but couldn't come close to beating Kakarot with his Kaioken attack. Nappa was put down by the Kaioken while Nappa was after Gohan and Krillin.The saiyan elite was then killed by his own friend Vegeta. Rumors have it that Vegeta killed Nappa because he was weak and Vegeta didn't want weak saiyans around him but i don't think that's true. I think Vegeta was helping Nappa by just killing him then have him go though all the pain he was in after the Kaioken. Big KI attacks: #1. Eye Laser #2 Beam from the mouth #3 Some Powerup/Energy Sheild attack that blows up everything around him.