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This is where I'll put people's fanart and my random stuff. Back if ya want and scroll down if not!!! The farther down you go, the newer the pictures are.

I'm not that great at drawing with the mouse.

If ya didn't notice, I'm bad with the mouse.

This is what the inside of my head looks like.

Like, a fourth of the Japanese alphabete is here.

Yay!! My first mouse drawing that didn't go bad!! I know it's really strange, but deal with it. I can't draw with a mouse and Microsoft Paint doesn't have that many colors.

This is my radish boy. He looks like a radish to me. I like him.

My Yumi pic, I think this is her in a good mood.

My version of a crappy Nami with purple hair.

A little random pic made from Photoshop. Yay! I love Photoshop! ^^


My first gift ever!!! >_< Thank you Yuko-san!!! I am eternally in your debt!!! I will hail you!!! You are a good friend to give me such a great and cute pic!!!

Indy Art

Click the crappy thumbnails to view a bigger one. Contact Indy at please for more info on her drawings.
Gifts from my friend Indy. This is Chichiri and Tasuki it says: When cherry blossoms start to bloom, Meet me here in my lonely room, We'll find our passion-filled fantasy, And this time you will stay with me. How sweet! >_< I'm a big fan of Chichiri and Tasuki!

This is how I colored a gift art that Indy gave me. I know it's crappy so if you want to see her colored version of it, you should contact her.

This is the black and whie version of the pic above, before I tampered with it.

This is a picture of Zoro and it says: Yumi, Zoro would be a fun student here (my school), wouldn't he? :D Yes he would be and I would be stalking him.

My Crappy Fanart

Click on my craptacular thumbnails to see a bigger pic.

My crappy pic of Nami. This was done like in 2001. I can draw better than this now...probably.

My cappy pic of Trowa. Also done in 2001, I think.

My little sketch of my character Yumi and Zoro being a couple. ^_^

Another sketch with Yumi and Zoro.

Yumi and Zoro playing around and Zoro acting like a child. :D

Zoro getting pissed at Yumi and then kissing her.

My anniversery pic, the colored version without any touches made to it.

The black and white version of it. I'm sorry it's so light!

Sanji-kun's birthday pic.