Summary: Legend tells of a Tennyo (alternately translated as "Heavenly Maiden," "Fairy," or left untranslated) who came to earth to bath in a woodland pond. A human man saw her as she bathed and, stealing her Hagoromo ("feathered robe") so that she could not return to heaven, forced her to be his wife. Aki and Aya, twin brother and sister, are the descendents of the Tennyo and her captor. On their sixteenth birthday, both inherit powers that will cause them to question the very nature of identity, loyalty, and love.
Review: This is one of the most well made anime series out there. All of the main characters are well developed so that they seem like real people and not simple cardboard sketches. Even the minor characters have significant depth. The plot is complicated without being unintelligible. While Touya's amnesia and the monkey-wrenches it throws into his relationship with Aya, could be considered cliche, Yuu Watasse manages to overcome this and create a beautiful love. Ayashi no Ceres is not just a love story, however. It contains large elements of action and suspense. Nearly every episode ends in a cliff hanger.The animation is superb in all facets. Technically, the colors are sharp and the frame transitions are smooth. Artistically, the animation is used to good effect for simple beautiful scenes and for emotional impact.
Ratings: Characterization:10 Plot:10 Animation:8
Things to note: Ayashi no Ceres is not for children. It contains nudity, sexual situations, though no actual sex scenes, violence, and highly emotional scenes. Neither the violence nor the sexuality are gratuitous, but such scenes make Ayashi no Ceres best suited to mature audiences.
Ayashi no Ceres music videos are available through Anime FTP Music Video Productions and Tokyo Anime Productions.
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