Summary: Shuichi and Hiro have always wanted their band Bad Luck to be as great as the famous Nittle Grasper. However, as Shuichi is returning from a meeting with the bands producer, his new lyrics blow out of his hands and before he can catch the sheet of paper a mysterious man snatches it out of the air. The man tells Shuichi that his lyrics are crap. This man turns out to be the famous romance novelist Yuki Eiri, and Shuichi's interest in finding out more about the man who so belittled his writing soon turns from obsession to love. Shuichi's exuberent energy and silly habits intrigue the mysterious Yuki, and a relationship builds between the two young men. Soon Shuichi must balance the pressures of becoming a new pop idol with the pressures of being in a relationship with a man who has a strange and frightening past. When rival pop band Ask gets the media involved in Yuki and Shuichi's relationship, it seems that homophobia may conquer. But Shuichi will not let anything--not the media, not Yuki's dubious past, not even Yuki's fiancee--destroy the love he feels.
Review: Gravitation is one of my new favorites. Despite its blatant romantic themes, this anime is not all lovey-dovey. Indeed, Yuki is cold to Shuichi more often than not. Much of the anime focuses on Bad Luck and their aspirations to fame. The plot of Gravitation is straightforward but well developed. As Yuki's past unfolds his coldness towards Shuichi becomes more understandable, and as Ask seeks to discredit Shuichi, the love both Shuichi and Yuki feel becomes evident. The characters are interesting. Yuki is does the most developing, as more of his past is revealed. However, at the same time he is somewhat flat--the standard mysteriously attractive man. The animation is very well done, although somewhat silly at times. Shuichi especially is often depicted as super-deformed or wearing strange outfits (like the dog-suit in the pictures at left) to indicate his mood. All of the characters look and often sound like women, even though most of them are not.
Ratings: Characterization: 8 Plot: 9 Aninimation: 8
Things to note: Gravitation is a yaoi anime, meaning that it depicts a sexual relationship between two men. It is not at all pornographic, the only thing that Yuki and Shuichi do on camera is kiss. However, if that sort of thing offends you, don't watch it. Gravitation music videos are available from Lord Itlan and Princess Fireball.
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