*Rag Doll, livin' in a movie
Hot tramp, daddy's little cutie
So fine, they'll never see ya
leavin' by the back door, man
Hot time, get it while it's easy
Don't mind, come on up and see me
Rag Doll, baby won't you do me
Like you done before*

Yohji ran his hands through his golden hair, giving his reflection a cocky grin. "Lookin' good there, handsome," he stated, looking himself over approvingly. Tight leather pants, black shirt with black netting not quite long enough to cover a slim, flat stomach, broad leather belt hanging low on slanted hips, and a pair of fashionable sunglasses to perfect the look.(1)
Flicking one stray lock of hair from his face, the playboy reached for his wallet and strode out the door, humming to himself. "Boy, you are gettin' some tonight," he murmured confidently to himself.


Yohji grinned as he held open the car door for his date, who cast him a tolerant but amused look as she slid in, hand over her thighs to keep her skirt from being shut in the door. "You look lovely tonight," Yohji complimented, sliding behind the wheel and flashing a carnation before her startled eyes. She smiled slightly, accepting it with a murmured thanks, her husky voice alluring. Yohji grinned to himself, putting the car in drive and speeding towards his favorite club. It had taken nearly a week to sweet-talk the pretty blond into going on a date with him, and though even now she seemed as if she was humoring him, he was positive he would have her swept off her feet by the end of the night. He glanced across at her as the wind tossed her short curly locks, tapping a finger on the wheel. 'Can't wait to get some of that...'

*I'm feelin' like a bad boy
Mmm, just like a bad boy
I'm rippin' up a Rag Doll
Like throwing away an old toy
Some babe's talkin' real loud
Talkin' all about the new crowd
Try and sell me on an old dream
A new version of the old scene
Speak easy on the grape vine
Keep shufflin' in the shoe shine
Old tin lizzy, do it till you're dizzy
Give it all ya got until you're put out of your misery*


Music pumped from the walls as Yohji led his date inside, arm around her shoulders, chatting her up as she glanced around, seemingly not intimidated by the loudness of the place and the swaying bodies everywhere. "So, Iris..." he grinned at her. "Can I buy you a drink?"
She merely nodded, eyes roving towards the stage. As Yohji led her to the bar and caught the bartender's attention, he glanced up towards the live stage to see what had attracted his date's attention.
And nearly dropped his cigarrette.
There was a live dancer on stage, hips swinging exotically, lithe arms raised above her head, dark hair spilling over round shoulders and down her back. Dark eyes flashed as she offered the crowd a sultry smile, the tight dress she was wearing not even reaching mid-thigh, the glitter on it sparkling in the flashing club lights. Tanned and willowly with long legs and curves in all the right places. Beautiful.
Yohji had to tear his eyes away, hoping his date hadn't caught him drooling. Iris, however, was also watching the dancer, her eyebrows raised in interest. Yohji cleared his throat, smiling as he caught her attention. "Care to dance?"

*Rag Doll, livin' in a movie
Hot tramp, daddy's little cutie
So fine, they'll never see ya
leavin' by the back door, man
Hot time, get it while it's easy
Don't mind, come on up and see me
Rag Doll, baby won't you do me
Like you done before*

Just then, however, the song cut off and after a moment another started up. The dancer onstage thrust a rose from the crowd behind her ear and waltzed down the stairs, making a beeline for Yohji, the tiniest smile on her lips, eyes hooded and burning. Yohji swallowed hard, once more forgetting his date as he watched her come. He opened his mouth to say something suave, but before a word could come out of his mouth she stopped before him, her eyes not on *him* but on Iris.
"I saw you watching me," she purred in a slightly accented voice. Very sexy, Yohji decided firmly. "You enjoyed the show?"
Iris glanced at the girl over her drink, smiling slightly, her eyes taking in the goddess before her. "Yes," she stated simply. "I did."
The girl smiled brilliantly, leaning against the counter, eyes locked with Iris'. "My name's Marie," she offered, and before Yohji could register what was happening, the two were chatting, completely forgetting-- or ignoring --him. He felt his cheeks flush when he noticed the way Iris' eyes traced Marie's slender form and the way the dancer was so openly...well...*flirting* with the other girl. Jesus Christ on a crutch, no wonder it had taken so long to convince her to go on a date with him!

*Yes, I'm movin', Yes I'm movin'
get ready for the big time
Tap dancing on a land mine
Yes I'm movin', Yes I'm movin'
Old tin lizzy, do it till you're dizzy
Give it all ya got until you're put out of your misery*

Well this sucked ass. Scowling into his drink glass, Yohji risked a glance at his watch. He'd been at this club for only half an hour and already he knew he wasn't gonna get any. Or at least not from his date. He spotted the two girls heading towards him from the dance floor laughing and chatting about something, eyes locked, hands straying towards each other. They halted before the playboy, and he put on a fake smile, trying to look casual.
"I'm sorry, Kudou-san," Iris said breathlessly, pretty face flushed from dancing. "I didn't mean to ignore you, but...I think I'd like to leave now."
Yohji started to nod, but hesitated when Marie's hand latched onto Iris', her eyes glowing. "I can give her a ride," she purred. "No problem."
Yohji blinked and nodded dumbly, unable to say a word as he watched the two women stride towards the door. Muttering darkly to himself he crushed the cigarrette he'd been puffing in the ashtray, sliding to his feet. Well if his date wasn't going to provide him with some sweet lovin', he was just gonna have to find someone else. He moved towards the dance floor, flashing his cocky smile as he began to sway gracefully, gaze lingering on the delicate curves of the females nearby and the tight asses of a few attractive young men.
Closing his eyes, caught up in the music and the movements of dance, he attracted quite a few appreciative looks as his lean, lithe body flowed to the music.

*I'm feelin' like a bad boy
Mmm, just like a bad boy
I'm rippin' up a Rag Doll
Like throwing away an old toy
Some babe's talkin' real loud
Talkin' all about the new crowd
Try and sell me on an old dream
A new version of the old scene
Speak easy on the grape vine
Keep shufflin' in the shoe shine
Old tin lizzy, do it till you're dizzy
Give it all ya got until you're put out of your misery*

In a darkened corner a smile flashed, green eyes lighting up with interest. A shot of whiskey was placed neatly on the counter as the hunter got up from his seat and stalked towards the blond assassin swaying on the dancefloor.
Yohji's eyes flew open in surprise as strong hands slid over his hips, thumbs pressed against the bare flesh just above his low-riding pants. Hot breath on the side of his face, hotter tongue darting out to touch his ear, a rumbling chuckle vibrating in him as a body that was definately male pressed close to his back.
Twisting in the firm grip so he was facing his admirerer, Yohji's eyes widened, his mouth dropping open. "Sch-Schuldich!"
The German assassin gave a lazy, sultry smile, leaving only a few inches between their bodies as jade clashed with jade, lust flickering in the back of the Schwarz member's eyes. "Konbanwa, Yohji," he drawled, flexing his hands on Yohji's waist. "What a surprise."
Yohji stiffened, glancing around quickly. No way he could kill the bastard here. Everyone would see. "What do you want?" he hissed, trying to wrench away. The man's grip was surprisingly strong. "Let go of me, kisama."
"Don't be so defensive," Schuldich tsked, reaching forward to lip the startled man's ear. He laughed outright as Yohji jerked his face away, sputtering indignantly. "I'm not here on business," the German said calmly, still smirking like the bastard he was. "And as you said, neither of us can kill each other in so public a place. I came here for pleasure.." His eyes raked Yohji from head to toe, making the playboy tingle in spite of himself. "And it looks like I found it."
"Don't be stupid!"

*Baby won't you do me, baby won't you do me....
Like you done before (huh huh)

Yes, I'm movin', Yes I'm movin'
Get ready for the big time
Get crazy on the moonshine
Yes, I'm movin', I'm really movin'

Sloe gin fizzy
Do it till you're dizzy
Give it all you got until you're put out of your misery*

A quirked eyebrow. "What? You came here for pleasure also, no? But it looks like your 'date' has found someone else." He grinned ruthlessly, pulling the struggling Weiß boy close against him, leaning in so their breaths mingled. "This is personal, not business. You've found a willing partner, Kudou. Why not just accept the offer? We'll try to kill each other another day."
Yohji swallowed hard, feeling his body begin to respond in spite of himself as the German leaned into him, mouth straying towards his throat. He closed his eyes tightly as Schuldich began sucking at his neck, forcing back a low moan and trying desperately to hang on to his arguements. "Demo...Omae..We can't.."
"Why the hell not?"
Lips seized his roughly, and he felt himself responding instinctively as a warm tongue forced entry. Before he could pull away, he was too taken up in the mind-searing kiss, arms reaching up to twine around the other's neck. The moment Schuldich's cock bumped against his he knew he'd lost the internal battle. "Fine," he growled thickly, out of breath, when the other finally pulled away. "Let's go."
Schuldich offered a dazzling, predatory smile. "Lead the way, Kudou."

*Rag Doll, livin' in a movie
Hot tramp, daddy's little cutie
So fine, they'll never see ya
leavin' by the back door, man
Hot time, get it while it's easy
Don't mind, come on up and see me
Rag Doll, baby won't you do me
Like you done before*

I actually got this idea while listening to "Rag Doll" on the way to the camping grounds. I just started envisioning it like a music video or sumfin and afterwards I was like "hey, i could make that a fic!" ^_^ another lame one-shot lol ^_~

(1) Amiko + clothes descriptions= blech ^^;;
Actually, Amiko + any kind of descriptions= bleeehhh (too lazy lol)
