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                                            Platonic Love




Is there better word to describe Eries love for Allan then Platonic? Maybe one sided?

Eries as many other women (including me) falls in love with Allen but with difference that she doesn't do a thing about it. Not only that she is aware that they couldn't be together due to the status difference but also that he doesn't loves her. Still she can not stop loving him...

Of course nowhere is said that she loves him but you have to blind  not to notice it. When she talks to him in episode 7 she is concerned about her sister but the love in her eyes for Allen is evident.


Allan tells her that there is no more place in his heart for love there is sad expression on her face as she says 'Liar...' to Allen and run's away. It maybe doesn't sounds so touching when I decribe it but while I watch it my heart always flutters.

Still it seams to be some kind of strange friendship between then...And where do they meet?


yes, they often meet at the graveyard. Strange meeting place? There are two scenes where Allen and Eries talk at the graveyard (episodes 19 and 24). And when you think about it its similar to their relationship - calm and monotone, platonic...

Allen doesn't love Eries yet he respects her utterly and she is his only true friend (Gaddes and other of his men are his buddies but friends? Allan's? No! Though that is mine opinion).

Although Eries never showed it I presume that deep inside she is hoping that she could be together with Allan. At least dreamed of it... If I loved someone as much as she does Allen could I have stayed so reserved as Eries did? Truly a incredible woman!

At the end of Escaflowne booth Eries and Allan stay single (as most of the characters) so there are two end to their 'story':

1. It stays platonic

2. Something changes

If you are interested in second option you shouldn't miss the Fanfiction Archive