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Activities Calendar
(2002 - 2003)

Find out what we're doing in advance.
Then, write it down and don't forget to show up.

(Tentative Schedule)

1/10/03 -- Yu-Gi-Oh Training Day

    This day will be dedicated to prepping for the Yu-Gi-Oh card tournament on 1/24. Experienced members will teach anyone willing to learn how to play. Don't forget to bring your decks. Bring $8 if you want additional booster packs. We will be distributing them today.
1/24/03 -- Yu-Gi-Oh Card Tournament

    Tournament Rules

  1. All players must bring:
    • One Sealed Deck
        (un-altered Yugioh or Kaiba starter decks)
        The minimum number of cards you can hold in your deck is 40. (A starter deck comes with 50 cards)
    • A calculator
        Standard will be sufficient

  2. You will be given 8,000 life points at the start of each duel. There are three duels per match.

  3. Winners are decided as follows:
    • If there is 1 win, 1 loss, and 1 draw, the player who has more remaining Life Points from all 3 Duels is declared the winner.
    • If 1 win, 1 loss, or 2 draws, and time limit of 3rd Duel is reached, the player who has more LP in the 3rd Duel is declared the winner.
    • If 3 Duels are draws, or the total remaining LPs are the same, decide the winner by a coin toss.

  4. The time limit per match is 40 minutes.


      In accordance with the Official Rules, a Duel is conducted in the following manner:
      • Before you start a Duel, greet your opponent with a friendly handshake.

      • Both players shuffle their respective Decks and hand them to their opponent to shuffle (this is called Cutting the Deck). The Decks are then returned to their owners and placed face-down in their respective Deck Zones on the Duel Field

      • If your deck contains any Fusion Monster Card(s), place the card(s) face-down on the Fusion Deck Zone of the Duel Field. A Fusion Deck is a card or a group of cards consisting only of Fusion Monsters formed by fusing 2 or more monsters during a Duel. NOTE: The cards of the Fusion Deck are NOT counted in the 40 cards minimum limit of the Deck.

      • For the first Duel in a Match, decide who starts first with a coin toss. For subsequent Duels in the Match, the loser of the previous Duel decides who starts first.

      • Finally, each player draws 5 cards from the top of their respective Decks. Once both players have 5 cards in their hand, the Duel begins, following the rules in Phases of Gameplay. (See Official Rulebook) Before you learn how a Yu-Gi-Oh! turn proceeds, it is important to fully understand the Duel Field and game cards. Understanding how each type of card works will help you plan strategies to ensure that you will emerge from the Match victorious!

    Rules of Conduct:
      Remember the following codes of conduct when facing an opponent
      • Always declare each move in a loud, clear voice before you execute any play.
      • Your opponent is entitled to know the contents of your Graveyard. And the number of cards in your hand.If asked, you are obligated to answer truthfully.
      • Never touch an opponent's cards without asking permission.

  5. Problems regarding rules and fair play will be settled by a judge. If a dissagreement between the judge and player should arise, the player may appeal to the head judge. The head judge's descision is final. Further appeals of such nature will be void, and may lead to disqualification of the player.

  6. There WILL be prizes.
      *Super special recognition will be given to anyone who does Yu-Gi-Oh cosplay today.*

For any corrections, please contact the webmaster at

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