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Current Kiriban # 8000

Okay I have decided to do a Kiriban for this site. Basically the
whole deal is if you're the right number visitor I'll draw a picture
requested by you for you or your site.

How to Play the Kiriban Game

When you come into the site check out the counter and if it's on the
number that is listed below it as the current kiriban number then make
a screen capture (hit the print screen button and then take it into an
image program like microsoft paint or something better and
paste) then send the screen cap to me ( )
of the correct number.
Along with this screen cap you will also send your picture
request and who it is to be made out to.

That's all you've gotta do...It's so easy


Past Kiriban Winners

500 Kiriban- Cat

2000- Supersayanna
<in progress>.


Kiriban I've Won