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Davis Valentine
Story: Davis is the lover and partner in crime to Biet. Growing up in an abusive family where his father often beat him, he grew up to be a tough fighter. However, despite his circumstances he has a warm and tender heart, but is often a bit sarcastic and can be described as quick witted. Despite this, his life led him to being a homosexual male prostitute until Biet picked him up and gave him a home. It was then he became a drug smuggler. He often smuggled things for Morrow from Facinaturu. After hearing about Rei's dilemma and that he may be able to find his back stabbing lover in the mystic world, he decides to aide the group.

Type: Fighter. Probably the strongest fighter. Has some helpful; spells, but they aren't too effective. Very susceptible to Blind. He has a healing spell which makes him very versatile for a fighter. Overall, a POWERFUL attacker.

My Take: Definetly based his personality and sexual orientation off myself. No gay video game characters in mainstream media, so I pumped this guy up to be one of the stronger characters, to entice people to use him. I never had an abusive family, and I fence and do swordsmanship arts, not martial arts. Basically, I love this character, he big, tough, cool looking, and just a fun character.

Creation: I drew SOOOO many versions of him… At first he looked like a surfer, than a person African decent with white hair, then he looked like Jax from that crappy PS2 game. Eventually, while not paying attention in Comparative Literature class, I doodled out something that was absolutely perfect and I just knew, "This is Davis". I also named him after UC Davis, my school.