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To Download RPGMaker 2000 simply use the links on the right, there are several mirrors so if one doesn't work try the second mirror. There are several programs you can use to help you download these large files. These include GetRight, Net Vampire.


RM2K main (mirror3)

RTP Graphics (required)




RPGMaker RTP (Required)


Sorrowed Dreams: The Legend of Princess Rei

A word from Gaming

RPGMaker 2000 is one of the most popular RPG Makers at the moment, What makes it so popular is its newbie friendly interface and simple scripting system, which is more of a click-click system rather then typing out lines and lines of code. The User Interface in RPGMaker 2000 as said is one of its strong points, the map editor is very simple to use and all other game data is stored in a "Database" area that is easily modified via RPGMaker 2000. Although RPGMaker 2000 is easy to use it does come with its limits. It is limited to only being able to use .PNG and .BMP image formats and .WAV and .MID audio formats. Finally, the engine only runs in 256 colors so you can't have the most spectacular environments. Although these limitations look bad, RPGMaker 2000 is still capable of so much as you may have seen after playing some of the more higher rated RPGMaker 2000 games here at Gaming World.

Background information: RPGMaker 2000 was originally created by ASCII, A japanese based company but later on it was "illegaly" translated by a russian fellow known as Don Miguel, what we mean by "illegaly" is that ASCII didn't give him permission to translate the Share ware product and give it out freely over the internet. But he went along with it and for several years RPGMaker 2000 has spread over the internet like a swarm of locusts in a crop field. Don Miguel has claimed that RPGMaker 2000 is now legal after discussing with ASCII. Although we cannot garauntee his word we feel it is still safe to use the product as long as you do not sell the games.