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Story: Put in charge of the City of the Dead, Nostorum by Lord Koruna. When Lord Michael came into power, he sealed Ildon away and put Fenrir in charge, due to his prejudice against vampires. Ildon slowly waits to be freed from his prison by the next Lord of Facinaturu.

Type: Can't change his equipment, which is top notch at first but begins to decay later on. His Gift and Blood Suck spell are extremely useful throughout the entire game, and are quite powerful; probably some of the best spells in the game. Otherwise, his magic and attack power leave something to be desired.

My Take: Dark and cruel. While he isn't evil he is definitely sinister to a degree. He is dedicated to the people of Facinaturu and the Lord of Facinaturu, but whichever comes first is a mystery in this game.

Creation: I didn't create Ildon, he was a general of Orlouge's in Saga Frontier who joins you because he becomes fed up with Orlouge's cruelty. I wasn't going to put him in the game, but after doodling in math class a wonderful drawing of him with a new and altered outfit, I decided that he must be put in, so I made him a secret character. Also, there is no mention of his being a vampire, but too me he looked like he might very well be.