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Story: The spirit of Fire, she resides in Rubicant Volcano. She is a bright spirited, happy girl who loves to help and give hope to her worshippers. She is praised as being the spirit and source of power for Facinaturu.

Type: A very strong magic user and fighter, she is one of the best offensive characters. However, her magic arsenal consists of only fire spells. Her defense in also lower than Carnation's. Using a defense boosting spell will usually make up for this. Beware any water or ice spells, as she will take a lot of damage. Also, her weapons are all elemental based as well, which can take away or add to her power, depending on who she is fighting.

My Take: One of the characters I am extremely proud of. She is fun, ditzy, and powerful. Period.

Creation: The original and only secret character at first, Karis was created because after FF6 there simply were no more secret characters in RPG's. What the hell? I loved secret characters. There was practically no time to develop her character, so I did my best to make her sound like she really cares about people, but is a bit of a ditz by giving her a valley girl way of talking. She is also the easy way to beat down Rastaban, as I realized that I had only put only one other fire spell in the game.