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Dr. Morrow Usetti
Story: Morrow is a great and extremely knowledgeable man in the areas of magic and of science. A master of Remedy magic he has dedicated his life to helping others. He is extremely old and delivered Orlouge when we was first born, and sensing a dark aura about him, left the mystic world for the human world. There he married Mara Usetti and took on his wife's last name (mystics have no last names). A family was conceived, and soon he had a granddaughter, however, his wife and children were born human, and he outlived his wife and his children died in an explosion. Thus he lives to take care of his granddaughter Nellie.

Type: Magic user, but physically stronger than Carnation. More of a healer, he only uses dark based spells, extremely powerful against angels and humans. While he has a Chaos status attack, it rarely works. Has greater healing abilities than Carnation. Very low HP, but his magic makes up for it.

My Take: All games need to have a perverted old man, Morrow is mine. He is definitely the happy go lucky type, but you can tell that should he need to be serious or if you piss him off, he'll kick your ass. I wish I could have developed his character a tad bit more, but oh well.

Creation: Another character I had a bitch of time in finding a good sprite. I really wanted to get a sort of strange, mystical old man look. Eventually I had to settle for what is in the game, but it definitely works, and I'm probably the only one who sees flaws in it. He was needed to progress the game, and give it length. Morrow's name was created out of thin air. While trying to think up a name, I glanced at my roommates open Biology book and there was a part on marrow in the bone. The last name was the guy who wrote the book. Thus, Morrow Usetti. Also Janelle and I had a bitch in making his Face Picture, as neither of us had ever drawn an old person well, but a combined effort gave us a half-assed go at it…