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Princess Rei
Story: Princess Rei is actually a mistress to Orlouge. She is his first mistress, since he took reign over Lord Michael, the previous Lord. The subjects of Facinaturu adore Rei for her great kindness and sensitivity towards their hardships. However, Rei is greatly abused by Orlouge; sexually, physically, and mentally. Often he uses her and puts her in dangerous situations for his own entertainment. Rei tried to commit suicide in secret many times, but a spell cast on her by Orlouge prevents her from being able to accomplish the task. Rei is full of sorrow and wishes for nothing more other than to escape her depressing life.

Type: General Fighter/Magic User. Can fight with most of the elements and can heal. Obviously, the strongest and most versatile character.

My Take: I enjoyed seeing Rei in the game Saga Frontier by Squaresoft. A character who suffered so horribly, yet had such character. When deciding what to make a game on I remembered her and realized right away that I wanted to make it about her.

Creation: Making Rei wasn't as easy as it sounds, true she existed in another game, but she was an optional character you had to go very out of the way for. She had little to no character development, and plus, she sucked in battle. So I had to create a completely new character based on the little information I had. Given all that I had, I decided to try to make her a bit happy, but still show lots of depression at the same time. She had to make the player feel great sorrow and sympathy for her. I feel I was able to accomplish that with her.