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Digimon Info

Name: Toni

Age: 14

Crest: Consideration

Nationality: American

Physical description (height, weight, build):
Height: 6'5
Weight: 218

Build: Tall, big boned

Hair, color and style: Brown and puffy (Kind of like Sora's expect her bands go to one side.)

Eyes: Green

Other appearance notes: Wears glasses. Was a little brown mole just right of her nose.

Family status (mother, father, siblings...): Only child. Lives with her Mom and step Dad. Never knew her real dad.

Background: She doesn't have many friends in the real world. So she worked on her drawing skills and became obessed with the Digimon TV show. ((In most RPs)) She was been living in Digital World 'S' for about 4 years. She is a digital travel, kind of like Ryo, but aot more traveling.
