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My Spirt Evoltion Info

My Gijinka Evoltion

Culu culu culu!

Digi Destiny

Type: Holy Beast Data
Physical description (height, weight, build):
Height: 1'3"
Weight: 2
Build: Just a bit smaller that the Calumon in the TV Show
Background:The Power of Digivoltion is to great for one digimon to hold, so two was made. This is Calumon's (From Digimon Tamers) little sister. It is unknown how that two got suporated.

1. FRESH STAGE: SnowBotamon
Attack: Bubble Blow
Appearance: A white puff ball.


Type: Angel Data
Attack (s): Purple Kick
Appearance: She looks like a gijinka girl Calumon with a Salor Scout Outfit

Type: Little Fish Data
Attack (s): Bubble Blast
Appearence: Like a white and purple fishie!

LOVE: Ceetmon
Type: Bird Data
Attack (s): Purple wing
Appearence" A little White and Purple bird, with rings on it.

COURAGE: FlaCalumon
Fire Data
Attack (s): Flame Blow
Appearenece:She looks like a Fire Calumon.

Other appearance notes (any form): She was a lighting bolt shaped necklice Toni gave her.


General: She is alot like her big brother. Sometimes she even gos: Culu culu! She also has a boyfriend she won't give him up for the world. Ken's Wormmon.

Weaknesses: She is only in-training and can only armor.

C. ATTRIBUTES These are the intrinsic characteristics of a person; the inner reserves he or she can tap into and describe how well she does. They're ranked from 1 to 5, each number representing a level of development in each Attribute, be it from natural talent or training:

i) Speed: How fast does the character move? Run? Hit?
(2) Average: You can catch up with your Digi-Partner.

ii) Dexterity : This defines fine manipulation, grace and coordination.
(2) Average: You can attack without trouble.

iii) Strength :
(1) Poor: Weak; a fly survives your swatting.

iv) Endurance : This is the character's physical well-being and health as well as their resistance to injury.
(2) Average: You can get through a day on your feet.

v) Cunning: Cunning is the character's ability to defeat an opponent with the mind, rather than pure physical force. It involves strategy, perception, wits, initiative and good ol' trickery.
(3) Fair: You can make believable feints.

vi) Will: Determination and self-centeredness, often mistaken with stubbornness. It's the ability to persevere against all odds.
(1) Poor: Pushover; does whatever your human wants.

vii) Ego: This has NOTHING to do with the character's opinion of himself! Instead, it is a measure of the character's ability to maintain and retain their sense of identity; something that may weigh heavily in an overpowering confrontation with an enemy. Will you turn to the bad guys side or?
(4) Good: You're in touch with those parts and draw from them at will.
