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Mewa Monster! Digi Destiny

Type: Mammal Vaccine
Attack: Lighting Horn, Claw Slash
Appearance: She looks like a light blue dog digimon, with Gabumon's horn, and Patamon's wings. Physical description (height, weight, build): Kind of a punny.

Background: She is one of a kind. Somehow when her digiegg was made some unnature data had entered it too.

1. FRESH STAGE: Zeemon
Type: Mico Vaccine
Attack: Bubble Blow
Appearance: Looks like Leafmon, but longer ears and the leaf is gone and replaced by a cat like tail.

Type: Mico Vaccine
Attack (s): Bubble Blow, Acid Bubble
Appearance: It looks like Mewamon's head without the horn.

Type: Mammal Vaccine
Attack (s): Lighting Growl, Thunder Speed
Appearance: Looks like Mewamon only alot lager. She doesn't have the horn anymore and her wings and like Angemon's now.

4. ULTIMATE STAGE: Galamaymon
Type: Angel Vaccine
Attacks (s): Lighting Wing, Angel's Song
Appearance: She has more of a human look. She was a white long sleve shirt, jeans, and a peace sign necklece.

5. MEGA STAGE: Trimon
Type: Angel Vaccine
Attack (s): Three Ring Attack, Heaven's Elements
Appearance: She was more of a hippy look about her now!


Type: Android Vaccine
Attack (s): Wing Slash, Canon Blaster
Appearance: She looks like Unomon, but with alot more armor.

Type: Sea Animal Vaccine
Attack (s): Tail Whip
Appearance: She looks kind of like a Dolphmon with a sub thingy on her back

LOVE: FireOwlmon
Type: Bird Data
Attack (s): Flame Schreeh
Appearance: She lokes like her name, a red owl.

COURAGE: Popomon
Type: Fire Vaccine
Attacks: Voccanic Explotion
Appearence: She was a human like appearence, expect for her wings and firey like hair


General: She is a really hyper Digimon. She has big mouth. She loves to pick on others, expection Toni. Like most Digimon, she loves to eat too! Weaknesses: She is a big mouth. She was an Impmon way about her, she says she's big and bad, but she real isn't.


These are the intrinsic characteristics of a person; the inner reserves he or she can tap into and describe how well she does. They're ranked from 1 to 5, each number representing a level of development in each Attribute, be it from natural talent or training:

i) Speed: How fast does the character move? Run? Hit?
Fair: You were among the first in a Digimon race.

ii) Dexterity : This defines fine manipulation, grace and coordination.
Fair: Nobody could hit you in a game of dodge ball.

iii) Strength :
Average: You can carry a human backpack.

iv) Endurance : This is the character's physical well-being and health as well as their resistance to injury.
Fair: You can go for a run every day before AND after being attacked by a viscous Digimon.

v) Cunning: Cunning is the character's ability to defeat an opponent with the mind, rather than pure physical force. It involves strategy, perception, wits, initiative and good ol' trickery.
Poor: You take all the feints and fall into all the traps.

vi) Will: Determination and self-centeredness, often mistaken with stubbornness. It's the ability to persevere against all odds.
Fair: You can ignore direct insults.

vii) Ego: This has NOTHING to do with the character's opinion of himself! Instead, it is a measure of the character's ability to maintain and retain their sense of identity; something that may weigh heavily in an overpowering confrontation with an enemy. Will you turn to the bad guys side or?
(5) Excellent: You don't need your body to ascertain your identity.
