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My Gijinka Evoltion

Spirt Evoltion!

Digi Destiny

If you have no clue what spirt evoltion is it from Digimon Fontier *Season 4* It's where the human can digivoles into a digimon. There are to kinds, Human Mode "H" I which the digimon was human charatists. The another is beast mode "B" which the Digimon was more animal charatists. Also sometime you can lose concrol of yourself.

Spirt: Considration 'H'Spirt: Considration 'B'


1. SPIRT EVOLTION HUMAN: GirlAngeWomon (GAWmon for short)

  • Type: Angel Vaccine
  • Attack: Consideration Blast, Angel's Sheild
  • Appearance: An angel with a cross of a salor shout and Toni's digital world outfit.
  • Physical description (height, weight, build):
  • Height: 6'3"
  • Weight: 123
  • Build: Skinney and woman like.
  • Background: This is the the Spirt Evoltion of Toni, with the Spirt of Consideration.

  • Shotomon

  • Attack: Steel Wing, Tail Whip
  • Appearance: A wolf with alot of metal and teeth.
  • Physical description (height, weight, build):
  • Height: 4'3"
  • Weight: 123
  • Build: Metal Wolf Like.
  • Background: This is the the Spirt Evoltion of Toni, with the Spirt of Consideration. She went nuts the first time she got this.

  • Netoumon

  • 3. ROKKIE SPIRIT: Netoumon
  • Attack: Bag Surpise, Cat Claw
  • Appearance: Like a neko person, or a cat person.
  • Physical description (height, weight, build):
  • Height: 3'2"
  • Weight: 108
  • Build: Like a 6 year old
  • Background: This is the spirit child form of Toni. Kind of like Flamon is to Takayu.
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