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RPG: Role Playing Games! Is it your Destiney?


I love Role Playing. I usaully RP at I usaul use the same charator. Toni! Which is me. Here a pic. I usaul look just about the same in all RP except in Digimon, Pokemon, *Salior Scout Uniform* and Harry Potter

Heres a few little things about me and my charator:

  • Toni
  • 14 (Or I'll be diffrent age if the RPG calls for it)
  • I'm usuaul try to be nice and not get on anyone's nerves, but I do kind of explode if I'm trying to talk some since into someone.
  • RPGs: Digimon *the most*, Emelment Ceature or Egg RPG, Harry Potter, Salior Moon, or just about any Anime.