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This is the rankings of people who know most about anime.

Number 1.

Name: Washu

Age: 21

Sex: Female

Country: United States Of America

City/State: Texas

Description: Loves Anime and IS GR8 And is the gr8est person in the world

Score: Unacounted for

Contact: lil washu 64

Number 2

Name: Daniel Smith (me)

Age: 15

Country: United Kingdom/England

City/State: Leeds/Wakefield

Description: Loves Anime and music and having fun

Score: Unacounted for

Contact: Ryo Skater

Or: Pilot Ryo

To take a test e-mail me at

1st E-mail

Or my second e-mail

2nd E-mail


The midi playing is Oh!My Goddess opening theme

::SNIFF:: This is my favourite midi of all time ::sniff:: ::sniff:: it's so good

Ja Ne