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fwl --neon blue--


Infinite Ryvius has a huge cast. So, to keep them all straight, and to give you some info, I've put together this list of characters. They are in alphabetical order, with pictures. The character names are all given name first, surname second. Seiyuu names are all surname- given name in the Japanese style. And for the girl's sizes, those were included in one of my Ryvius books. I'd put the guy's sizes in too, to be fair, but those weren't given. Nobody cares about a boy's bust size.

Quick Finder:
Kouji, Aoi, Yuki Groups: Akihiro Miyabe, Aoi Housen, Cullen Lucciora, Faina S. Shinozaki, Ikumi Oze, Kouji Aibi, Kozue Izumi, Nicks Chaiplapat, Rafra, Reiko Ichikawa, Yuki Aiba
Zwei: Brian Brab Junior, Carabona Guinea, Charlie, Chick Kraat, Eins Crawford, Gran McDaniel, Juli Bahana, Kevin Green, Kreis Morate, Lucson Houjou, Pat Campbell, Ran Luckmolde, Stein Heigar
Team Blue: Airs Blue, Cliff Cay, Fu Namchai, Michelle Cay, Ryu Gil, Son Doppo
Adults: Alice Astarsha, Anna Do Pompadoor, Conrad Viscuess, Eric Campbell, Gita Peintiam, Makoto Kutsugi, Serge Berkovich, Yukichi Shimomura
Other Students: Allan Hatakawa, Aranea Devon, Charlotte Lakunes, Emerson Elby, Elina Rigby, Enima Rugizly, Johnson Cole, Kelly, Kibure=Kikki, Lilith Frau, Marco Bawl, Moriella Sloskof, Natalie Sheen, Radan, Radan's Student, Rally Jegar, Sandy Aren
Others: Ange Viscuess, Ikumi's sister, Keiko
Sphix: Maya, Neya


Airs Blue
Airs Blue

Birthdate: May 2
Birthplace: Hyperion
Age: 15 (?!?)
Blood Type: AB
Height: 188 cm.
Class: Navigation
The boy with the very blue hair who wears a red headband and is shown more often than not with a little gun- a needlegun he took from one of the terrorists in episode 3. Blue motives are a complete mystery, since he doesn't speak to anyone really. His right-hand-man is Fu Namchai, and his group, often called Team Blue, are very loyal to him. He has a connection with Juli Bahana, although they don't seem to realize it at first. He thinks of her after they are parted.


Akihiro Miyabe

Age: 16
Height: 175 cm.
Class: Navigation
A chubby-ish boy with a dark bowl cut. He's Nicks' friend, and the one who vouches for him when he's being a goober, saying "He's really a good guy." He is one of Kouji's teammates aboard the Ryvius.

Allan Hatakawa
Allan Hatakawa

A friend of Yuki's, and his copilot when he films the first view of the Ryvius. Allan came in 6th in the examination, behind Cullen, with a 98.55. He is only seen in Sere 5, his name is only on the board with the scores, and most of my information comes from the Mook (which has a picture of Fu under Allan's name by mistake).

Alice Astarsha
Alice Astarsha

The captain's aide on board the Dicastia.

Ange Viscuess
Ange Viscuess

Conrad's daughter. Seen only in his flashbacks, she was involved with the Ryvius before it was hidden in the Liebe Delta.

Anna Do Pompadoor
Anna Do Pompadoor

Captain of the Crimson Dicastia. A shrieking banshee with a tiny mouth.

Aoi Housen
Aoi Housen

Birthdate: March 29
Birthplace: Earth
Age: 16
Blood Type: O
Height: 164 cm.
Three Sizes: 87-57-88 cm.
Class: Flight Attendant
The girl with the dark blue hair in the maroon outfit. A childhood friend of Kouji and Yuki Aiba. She promised the Aiba brothers' mother that she'd look after them at school. She hangs around with Kozue a lot, both of them being roommates and in the flight attendant training courses. She is also roommates with Reiko and Faina.

Aranea Devon
Aranea Devon

One of the Fainas. A young girl with short, dark hair who will do anything to make Faina happy.

Brian Brab Jr
Brian Brab Junior

Age: 17
Class: Zwei
The Zwei boy with the sloppy blondish hair. He comes across as a bit callous, at best.


Carabona Guinea

Age: 17
Three Sizes: 88-63-95 cm.
Class: Zwei
The square-ish Zwei girl. She is often in charge of communications, and does the announcements from the bridge many times when Faina or Kouji aren't.

Class: Zwei
The round little Zwei crew member with the doofy blond hair. He is becomes involved with Blue's gang after his abduction and rough treatment at their hands in episode 3, and is particularly attached to Cliff.
His real name is Good Turtleland III. Most people don't know that on the ship. Kouji was quite surprised when he found out.


Charlotte Lakunes

A young girl with dark hair who often wears a blue Chinese-style outfit. Johnson is quite taken with her.

Chick Kraat
Chick Kraat

(chikku kuraato)
Age: 15
Class: Zwei
The small dark Zwei member. He is fond of Carabona, but not fond at all of Lucson.

Cliff Kei
Cliff Cay

Also spelled: Criff Cay
Birthdate: October 11
Age: 15
Blood Type: b
Three Sizes: 100-62-95 cm.
Class: Nursing
The girl (?) with the pink-red hair and off-the-shoulder blue outfit. Cliff is one of Blue's little band. She is almost always hanging over Charlie. And if she isn't hanging on Poofy-hair, she's with Michelle, her sister. Cliff may or may not be a girl.


Conrad Viscuess

Captain of the Tandel and later the Geshpenst. He seems to have been involved with the Ryvius somehow... beyond his mission to destroy it, that is. It was his crew that invaded the Delta and attempted to take the Ryvius into Sere 3 during Operation Vecker.


Cullen Lucciora

Class: Navigation
The girl with light hair in a headband that's always wearing bicycle shorts. She's also always got her headphones on and is listening to music. She first appears in episode 1, when she gives Ikumi back his music chip (Ikumi doesn't really know her though). She came in fifth on the piloting test. She hangs around Yuki alot. I think she likes him ^_~
Cullen's main job in the series is to push forward the scenarios, one of the creators once said. She's the one who can get them to think.

Eins Crawford
Eins Crawford

Also spelled: Eins Crowford
Age: 15
Class: Zwei
Zwei member. He's got hair kinda like Carabona's, but brown. At 15, Eins and Chick are the youngest Zwei students. Despite the somewhat androgynous looks and girly voice, Eins in a boy.

Emerson Elby
Emerson Elby

Lilith's boyfriend. They're called the Ryvius's "Love love pair". They're the couple making out in episode 1. Emerson can often be found blowing all his and Lilith's points on Guine races. He hates working, it seems, but he's completely smitten with his girlfriend. He comes up with the beauty pagaent to prove she's the hottest girl on the Ryvius.

Eric Campbell
Eric Campbell

Pat's father. An instructor on the Liebe Delta. He sacrifices himself to save the students on board the Liebe Delta.

Elina Rigby
Elina Rigby

Age: 16
Height: 169 cm.
Class: Flight Attendant (in the manga)
The auburn-haired girl whose hair sticks up in the back. Yuki dumped her in episode 1, but they remain close. Well, she remains close to him. Later on, she joins "the Fainas", and studies the teachings of Mother Arne with Faina.
I personally think her name is a pun on the Beatles song Eleanor Rigby.

Enima Rugizly
Enima Rugizly

A contestant in the beauty contest. Enima has dark hair and a figure to die for, and she wears a white bikini to show it off. She only appears in Sere 11.

Faina S. 

Faina S. Shinozaki

Birthdate: September 1
Birthplace: Titania
Age: 16
Blood Type: A
Height: 165 cm.
Three Sizes: 89-56-87
Class: Flight Attendant
The girl with long brown hair that often wears the brownish uniform. She was rescued by Kouji and Ikumi during the Liebe Delta evacuation. She is used a hostage by the saboteurs, and also gets stuck on the bridge during Blue's command. She is often in the wrong place in the wrong time.
After he rescues her, Faina becomes attached to Kouji, and plans on their having a future together. She sees Aoi and even Kouji's brothr as obstacles to that future.
She is from Titania (a moon of Uranus), known for it's distict religious beliefs, the teachings of Mother Arne, and her favorite catechism seems to be "Tear off your past with your own hands."
She has a pet ferret, Rafra.

Fu Namchai
Fu Namchai

Age: 16
Height: 177 cm.
Class: Navigation
Blue's second in command. Wears the blue double headband that crosses on his forehead. He's a loud, pushy guy, and completely loyal to Blue in the beginning.
Fu is very outgoing, and likes to be in charge of situations, even though he happily defers to Blue.

Gita Pentiam
Gita Peintiam

The captain of the Blue Impulse. Formed a particularly strong link with the Sphix of his ship, which is called a Backyard. He was driven insane by his defeat and the destruction of his ship.

Gran McDaniel
Gran McDaniel

Age: 17
Class: Zwei
Zwei member with the light brown, kinda bowl-ish haircut. Gran has a mixed opinion about his fellow Zwei, and seems to particularly dislike Lucson for being bossy. He is in charge of the VG operations. Gran looks down on people who don't pull their own weight, and comes across as selfish and opportunistic.
I think his name is supposed to be "Graham", but I could be wrong. So if you see anything that says "Graham," those are from before the American release came out, and I just haven't changed it yet.

Ikumi Oze
Ikumi Oze

Birthdate: December 22
Birthplace: Jupiter
Age: 16
Blood Type: A
Height: 175 cm.
Class: Navigation
The boy in the yellow sweater. Kouji's roommate and navigation studies partner. He came in second in test to be a VG pilot, behind Yuki. Ikumi is very easy-going, and doesn't want to hurt anyone. Said another way, he's a nice guy with a hidden past who values life above everything because of that past. \
He is very attached to Kozue, and promises to protect her without hesitation. Their relationship moves very slowly, but he is genuinely fond of her.
Ikumi can be violent. He tends to grab collars when people upset him. He also does not take criticism well, and can react badly when his plans are refuted. At the same time, he is a charismatic and capable leader of the VG Operations team, getting even Yuki to follow his lead.
His seiyuu is the all-talented Seki Tomokazu, the biggest name seiyuu on the show except for Shimada Bin (Lucson), who's been around forever, and certainly the biggest name with American fans.


Ikumi's sister

Ikumi's deceased older sister. Her name is never given. She bears some resemblance to Kozue.

Johnson Cole
Johnson Cole

He has droopy eyes, bad posture, and stalker-tendancies. He's convinced that the situations aboard the Ryvius are just a test for he and Charlotte's love. Now if only he can convince her of that...

Juli Bahana
Juli Bahana

Birthdate: August 31
Age: 16
Blood Tye: A
Height: 167 cm.
Three Sizes: 95-56-86
Class: Zwei
The girl with auburn hair in the blue and white uniform. Her name has also been spelled "Yuiri", "Jili", and "Yuli", among others, in Japanese source materials. "Juli" is the German word for quot;July", and is pronounced "yulee", which is why I've come to prefer this spelling of her name (it's also the one used in the US version).
She is a second year student in the elite group Zwei, and is their top student and the one who is given command during the Delta evacuation. She is very compassionate, taking Pat under her wing in the beginning.
Although she disagrees with some of Blue's policies, she still feels a connection with him.
Juli has a charisma that makes people want to put her in charge, but she functions best as a second-in-command, rather like Heigar. Although she can quickly take control over isolated incidents, when the circumstances build up too much pressure, she can crack.


Appears in a flashback of Kouji's. She dated Kouji, but switched to Yuki. Shortly afterwards, Yuki and Kouji had their big fight.
Her last name may be pronounced Kamataka, Kamazawa, Yamataka, Yaasazawa... I have no idea. It's never mentioned in series, and I haven't found romaji for it in any books.


A nursing student in episode 4.

Kevin Green
Kevin Green

Age: 17
Class: Zwei
The rather dorky-looking Zwei member with the yellow-lensed glasses. Kevin, like all the Zwei, does not hold Lucson in high regard when he's throwing his weight around, but does not want to lead himself.


The dinosaur mascot on the Leiß Delta and the girl in the Kibure-chan costume. I bet she has a real self-esteem problem, to always be hiding in that dinosaur costume. Even after parts of it are lost, she still wears the arm! Or perhaps she has a lot of pride in being a mascot? Anyway, Kibure-chan is in the background in a whole lot of scenes. Keep an eye out for her!

Kouji Aiba
Kouji Aibi

Birthdate: April 5
Birthplace: Earth
Age: 16
Blood Type: O
Height: 170.5 cm.
ID Number: E328456
Class: Navigation
The boy with the bowl cut and the maroon jacket. His name is also spelled "Kouzi"- z and j are relatively interchangeable in this name. (For example, a member of the now-defunct j-rock band Malice Mizer is called Kouji, but spells it Ko~zi.)
He's Aoi's childhood friend, Yuki's older brother, Ikumi's partner, and Faina's goal. Aoi and Faina both like him, but his brother hates him.
He has what is described in one artbook as a Sunny-Day Personality. He always tries to see the best in people and work things out, but he is still human, and gets annoyed or frightened just as easily as everyone else. His personality seems to draw people to him, even though his skills are mediocre in pretty much all areas.
Kouji does have the ability to fit in with almost any group because of his magnanimous nature. While his brother sees him as opportunistic and fake, that is not the case at all. Kouji tries his best, and even if his best isn't flashy or special, he still gets his job done.
I like Kouji. He's amicable, friendly, and has a devout work ethic. Sure, he may be useless in a fight, but he's a nice guy.

Kozue Izumi
Kozue Izumi

Birthdate: January 17
Birthplace: Moon
Age: 16
Blood Type: B
Height: 158 cm.
Three Sizes: 90-58-89
Class: Flight Attendant
The pig-tailed girl. Kozue is sweet on Ikumi, and is also Aoi's good friend and teammate. She's the cute genki one. She's the only child in her family, and somewhat spoiled.
Kozue wants to feel special, because that's all she knows. As an only child, she got all her parents attention before. So she tends to rely on others and monopolize their attention. She often needs Aoi to comfort her when things get crazy. Ikumi is her first boyfriend, so of course she wants to spend all her time with him. Since she can't be with him all the time, she takes him quite seriously when he says he'll protect her, and has no qualms about letting everyone else know that it's her that Ikumi is fighting for.
Her seiyuu is Tange Sakura (Sakura, Cardcaptor Sakura), which means her voice is really high, sometimes annoying. But her image song "Hitoritatsu, Watashi" (standing by myself) is really nice. I like it.

Kreis Morate
Kreis Morate

Age: 16
Class: Zwei
The sleepy-looking Zwei member. He's a lot sharper than he looks. Kreis is practically a genius with technical things, and designs most of the Solids (piloting programs) the Zwei use himself.

Lilith Frau
Lilith Frau

(ririsshu-furau) Birthplace: Deimos
One of the Ryvius's "love love pair" (rabu rabu peeya). Emerson's girlfriend. Although she's devoted to him, his gambling and using her points do get to her. She's a fiesty girl.

Lucson Houjou
Lucson Houjou

Birthdate: March 3
Age: 17
Blood Type: A
Height: 158 cm.
Class: Zwei
The short, rather square guy. He is the same rank as Juli- both are Zwei students- and seems to like her. He also seems jealous of Pat for the time he spends with her. Actually, he gets put in charge of Pat's care, so they spend alot of time together. Lucson wants to be in command, but... can't. He's a bit bossy and easily flustered.
Lucson is from a long line of pilots, and strives to be worthy of his family name. That's where most of his bluster comes from. He has moments where he forgets he's Lucson Houjou of the famous Houjous, where he just buckles down and does what he's supposed to, but these moments are so few and far between that the rest of the Zwei get quite annoyed with him.
However, he is very devoted to his duties and takes pride in his work, no matter what that work may be. He may be leading the Zwei, taking care of Pat, or cleaning bathrooms, but no matter what it is, he will put his all into it.
Until his next panic attack or breakdown, that is.


Makoto Kutsugi

Berkovich's assistant, a man with dark hair parted to the right. He knows there are children abord the Ryvius, but feels helpless to do anything for them.

Marco Bawl
Marco Bawl

Age: 16
Class: Navigation
The VG Operator in the white hat. He scored fourth on the test to be a VG pilot. 16 years old.


The Geshpenst's Sphix. Has dark hair and wears a white and grey outfit with pink triangle accents. He/she/it seems to be Naya's opposite, appearing superficially male (except for the lipstick) while Neya is obviously female. That, and the Ryvius and Geshpenst fight in the later episodes. Maya never speaks, nor does he make a single sound ever.

Michelle Kei
Michelle Cay

Birthdate: July 14
Age: 14
Blood Type: AB
Three Sizes: 71-53-81 cm.
Class: Nursing
the green-haired girl in red. She's a member of Blue's little in-group, and is often with Cliff, who is her sibling. They're both in the nursing program.
Michelle is sly and energetic. She, like all Team Blue, is devoted to Blue, but this is one girl you don't what to tick off! She believes in giving people what they've got coming to them.


Moriella Sloskof

One of the Guardians under Airs Blue's regime. She has short dark hair and sometimes wears little sunglasses. She seems to enjoy her job, lording it over the other students.

Natalie Sheen
Natalie Sheen

Age: 15
An original character created for the drama CDs. She appears in episodes 15 and 18 of the series, but has no speaking lines. Natalie has short hair and Coke-bottle glasses. She is known for her F-cup breasts and for being at a certain disastrous party mentioned also in the manga.


The white-haired woman in pink. Neya the Ryvius's Sphix, and as such, shares a connection with the ship and especially the Vital Guarder. She awoke when the Liebe Delta students were evacuated onto the Ryvius, and seems to just be learning how to be human. She seems to sense others thoughts and repeat them or respond to them. She doesn't really understand emotions, but reacts unconsciously to them as they are projected from others.


Nicks Chaiplapat

Age: 14
Hright: 158 cm.
Class: Navigation
The little guy with red/brown hair. He wears a red shirt most of the time. He's one of Kouji's roommates and an obnoxious, rude brat. Although we're assured that he's really a good guy underneath (I like Nicks, but he does come off as a brat. Too much energy for such a small package ^_^). Nicks discovers the VG control room in ep. 4-5.

Pat Campbell
Pat Campbell

Birthdate: December 13
Age: 8
Blood Type: O
The little blond boy that is always glomping Juli. Pat looks up to her. He seems to be the only real child in the show. Everyone else is at least fourteen, which is still technically a child but, y'know, they don't like to hear that.
Pat was visiting his father on the Delta when the Dive simulation failed and the ship was taken over. His father died in the operation to disconnect the exterior of the Delta.


Akihiro's friend. He of the towel and red mantle. Radan has puffy dark hair and a bad teenage mustache, and runs around proudly in a somewhat less-than-clothed state.
I haven't verified this, but I heard that Radan is a spoof of an old Japanese TV show, when the main character/contestant had to accumulate all his stuff from nothing, not even any clothes. Hence the towel and mantle.

Radan's Student
Radan's Student

The poor guy with the thick glasses often found working with Radan. He respects his boss, I'm sure, but I also bet he could use a little less booting off the ship.


Faina's ferret. Rafra is the unofficial mascot of the Ryvius.
Rafra may be named after Rahula, the son of Siddhartha Guatama (Buddha), as they would have the same pronunciation in Japanese.

Rally Jegar
Rally Jegar

Age: 16
Class: Navigation
He scored third in the piloting test. He is dark-skinned and haired, and is therefore easy to pick out of the mostly fair cast. One of the Einvalt's four main operators (Rally, Yuki, Marco, and Cullen). Rally was also Yuki's annoyed partner in episode 1.

Ran Luckmolde
Ran Luckmolde

Birthdate: April 23
Age: 17
Blood Type: A
Three Sizes: 85-56-86
Class: Zwei
A cynical Zwei student. She has a short haircut, and looks rather boyish. Although she rooms with her, Ran seems a bit put off by Juli, who gets all the attention but wavers in a pinch. Ran is markedly annoyed by idiots.

Reiko Ichigawa
Reiko Ichikawa

Height: 160 cm.
Three Sizes: 73-55-83
Class: Flight Attendant
The rather plain girl with the brown pageboy haircut. Aoi and Kozue's roommate. Her uncle John gave her several devices of questionable merit, but she believes in them because she trusts her Uncle John.

Ryu Gil
Ryu Gil

Age: 15
Class: Navigation
A member of Team Blue, the one with the thick blue headband. He's very much a lackey type.

Sandy Aren
Sandy Aren

Faina's friend with the dark hair and stars on her face.


Serge Berkovich

The Orbital Secirty Board's vice-minister. A severe brown-haired man who would do anything (and did) to get his hands on the Ryvius. He is the one who had Viscuess initiate Project Vecker.

Son Doppo
Son Doppo

Age: 16
Class: Navigation
One of "Team Blue", the goofy-looking guy with the red headband.

Stein Heigar
Stein Heigar

Birthdate: October 12
Age: 17
Blood Type: B
Class: Zwei
The Zwei student with sallow features and a triangular head. He is kind of cold and logical (Spock Heigar *snicker*). Although Stein is not afraid to put forth ideas and act upon them, he does not want to lead, preferring to remain in the background. He will do whatever he deems necessary to keep things moving the way he thinks they're supposed to.

Yuki Aiba
Yuki Aiba

Birthdate: August 27
Birthplace: Earth
Age: 15
Blood Type: B
Height: 178 cm.
Class: Navigation
The dark-haired boy in the red shirt or the sleeveless turleneck. Yuki is Kouji's younger brother. He came in first in the test scores in episode 4, and therefore became a Vital Guarder operator. Yuki is rebellious and has a massive problem with Kouji. He is extremely cold about everything, to the point where Ikumi and Kouji believe he's selfish and callous towards others' lives. He's the obligatory cranky-pants, in-need-of-an-attitude-adjustment, dark, brooding, bad-haircut bishounen. I bet the fangirls love him.


Yukichi Shimomura

The elected representative of the Orbital Security Bureau. A stern-faced older gentleman, grey haired, in a dark grey suit.

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