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fwl --neon blue--

Click Requests

Click or hit requests, counter gifts.... This is the place for that!

This is section reserved for the requests made by visitors to the site who are a certain number, like 100th or 1000th. They're gifts for the people who visit, and also celebrate getting lots of hits! ^_^

My click request #'s will be: 2500, 5000, 7500, 10000... We won't be getting close to that anytime soon, so those are the first few.

Because this is a Ryvius site, I'll only be doing Ryvius gifts. Fanart and fics are okay (although a fic may take me forever and a half to finish- I'm terribly slow! Besides which, Ryvafics are hard to write....). Umm... Shounen-ai is okay, but I don't think I'm allowed to post hentai, so keep it cute if you want a couple in the pic/fic. Anyways, we'll be talking about the gift when you get it!

To claim a click request, when you see any of the given numbers on the counter on the main page, save the image and email me with it and your idea, and I'll do it up for ya!

Counter Gifts

These are gifts from me to everyone who visits, regardless of hit number or whatever. So, thank you everyone for visiting!!!!!!!

Thank you all for 2000 hits!!! Love Elise and Neya (and Kouzi-plushie!)
