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Episode Synopsis
Sere 15: Nagasareru mama ni, "Swept Away"

(has also been translated as "When We Set Adrift")

Screencaps: Yahoo Photos: 75 images

**I have a tendancy to call the Voricular Drill by its Japanese name, Kaitenshokaku, abbreviated Kaiten. I apologize. "Kaitenshokaku" is ingrained from when I did the adaptations for this page myself. I do it unconsciously and I apologize, but I do find "Kaiten" to be a more... attractive nomenclature for this mech. So I will most likely not be replacing all of the references with "Vorticular Drill."


The Einvalt is in battle with the enemy Vital Guarder and holds it's drill in it's "hands." Neya screams "It hurts!" and the Vorticular Drill breaks out of the Einvalt's grasp.

*Opening theme*

The Impulse retrieves its VG. The Captain (Gita Pentiam) has nothign but contempt for the Ryvius, calling it 'incomplete' and 'just awakened' and plans to ram it with the Kaiten's drill.

41% of the Einvalt's puppet wires are broken and the ops team are contemplating retrieving it. They decide to bring it in with a simple A Block combo suggested by Cullen, even if it is a significant amount of work just on Yuki. Juli goes to inform the sub-room. They use a gravity field to stop the enemy.

Neya echoes the thoughts of the crew even as she lays injured.

The Ryvius cannot contact the Lift-ship and Fuu says to go to Hyperion, Saturn's 16th satellite, because it is where Blue is from and would go. When pressed for details, he says Shut up and Stop asking. Kouji and Faina go for drinks after leaving a channel open for Heigar and Kreis.

Kozue wonders how Ikumi is.

On the Lift-ship, the VG ops request information the sub-room is slow to provide. Juli stands up for them when Blue wants to use force to keep them working. When they get the data, Marco mentions a book he read that said there were giant monsters in the Geduld. Ikumi says Whatever, just be grateful, whatever it is.

On the Impulse, Gita is upset that his Impulse "got kicked" in the battle with the Einvalt (he is referring to the events between the opening scene and the scene immediately following the OP). The scene is a school of Lucson's space-squids (!) coming between the two ships. Gita is also upset that the old ladies on the Dikastia will laugh at him.

On the Ryvius, people are slacking off. Cliff affectionately wakes Kevin when Hyperion is sighted. They still can't directly contact the Lift-ship, but Heigar is getting something he doesn't share....

Although they can't contact the Ryvius, Ikumi has the lines kept open. He asks Blue (referring to him as "the king") if they should seek out the enemy or the Ryvius. Blue says they will go to Hyperion. When Yuki asks if he's abandonning the Ryvius he says "And if I am... what'll you do about it?" with his needlegun pointed.

Kouji tries to contact the Lift-ship again as Heigar listens to them already.

Blue commands the VG ops to go to Hyperion. They are astounded by his hypocracy (having beaten Graham and Son, he now betrays the Ryvius in turn). He uses Juli as leverage, but Cullen detects and change in Hyperions gravity...

...because Gita has destroyed it.

The VG ops read the situation. Juli defends Blue for being upset when Yuki taunts him about his plans. Ikumi is upset at the destruction of people's lives. He says he'll forget what Blue said a moment ago to focus on the enemy Vital Guarder. He has a secret plan, one that depends on Heigar's timing...

Heigar hears and prepares for his part.

Gita uses his VG's drill in a gravitational attack he calls the Absolute Dropping Catapult that sends pieces of the Hyperion at the Ryvius.

The Ryvius braces for the attack, trying to shift their grav field. Heigar detaches the main cannon. The second wave hits the ship. Kouji finally gets through to Ikumi (who tells him to stop yelling). Ikumi has the VG ops prepare for the "pulsar" Heigar dropped to them (meanign the main cannon).

Gita launches the Kaitenshokaku again to destroy the Ryvius's Bratica.

The Einvalt connects with the cannon and they fire. Gita is astounded and focuses on the Ryvius while the Einvalt preps to fire again. Their shot breaks the enemy VG and they rush in and tear it in two. Gita breaks down into hysterical laughter.

The Impulse retreats and the bridge contacts Ryu. Ryu is being attacked by other students, who are coming after the Supervisors. Michelle asks Brian to protect her.

Heigar gives Kreis the word, and he lifts the partitions. Brian pushes Michelle away. Faina tells Fuu and the others to run. Kouji demands to know if the Zwei did something, and Faina slaps him. Hard.

When the angry students show up, the Zwei act relieved to see them. Faina apologizes to Kouji for him "being hurt trying to protect her." Charlie leaves, going after Cliff, whom he still cares for. The students run after them, saying they'll explain later.

Heigar congratulates Kreis on a job well done.

Kouji has no idea what's going on.

Previous- Sere 14: To Be Too Conscious // Next- Sere 16: Distorted World